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Having Fun & Getting It Done CAL/KAL 4th Quarter!

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Great rug:clap


Thanks :hug


Love the rug! I thought about making one of those too....do you like the way it turned out with the Suede?


I love the way it turned out. Hubby says it is nice underfoot when he drags himself out of bed. I'm making one for me next :yay


Awesome Rug!:clap


I was given some of this yarn from my swap partner... I had no idea what to make with it, now I have an idea!!! How much yarn did you use to make it?

And I love that stitch too, I have also seen it called the up-down stitch.... and it's been in patterns I've used but never called out as anything


I used two full skeins for this (started with chain 37 and used a 6mm hook). It is about 50 rows long.

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Well, after much pulling of hair and going cross eyed, I finally got smart and went to www.knittinghelp.com. :lol After watching the dpn tutorial about 4 times, I finally got it! Yay!!!! You guys have NO idea how happy I am with myself right about now.


Here are the results so far... forgive the fact that I'm using tan yarn with bamboo needles. :knit




The k1p1 cuff is complete and now I'm on the k2p2 rest of it. Happy dancing is going on here, trust me. :clap


Edit to add: I'm using KnitPicks Gloss in Sahara for this project. It feels soooo yummy. It's a wool/silk blend.

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Well, after much pulling of hair and going cross eyed, I finally got smart and went to www.knittinghelp.com. :lol After watching the dpn tutorial about 4 times, I finally got it! Yay!!!! You guys have NO idea how happy I am with myself right about now.


Here are the results so far... forgive the fact that I'm using tan yarn with bamboo needles. :knit




The k1p1 cuff is complete and now I'm on the k2p2 rest of it. Happy dancing is going on here, trust me. :clap


Edit to add: I'm using KnitPicks Gloss in Sahara for this project. It feels soooo yummy. It's a wool/silk blend.



It's look great and I love that yarn...what a gorgeous color!!:cheer

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Well, after much pulling of hair and going cross eyed, I finally got smart and went to www.knittinghelp.com. :lol After watching the dpn tutorial about 4 times, I finally got it! Yay!!!! You guys have NO idea how happy I am with myself right about now.


Here are the results so far... forgive the fact that I'm using tan yarn with bamboo needles. :knit




The k1p1 cuff is complete and now I'm on the k2p2 rest of it. Happy dancing is going on here, trust me. :clap


Edit to add: I'm using KnitPicks Gloss in Sahara for this project. It feels soooo yummy. It's a wool/silk blend.


That's looking awesome! :yay I knew you could get it. :D That yarn looks so soft, I bet you can't wait to put it on your feet.


I've got the crocheting done for the front of the pillow. It's looking really awesome. I tried some embroidery around the letters in white (to match how it looks on the uniforms) but it looked kind of odd and I undid it. I'll probably leave it off if I can't get it to look right. I'll get a picture of it up soon. As it is, my brother is home and it would be a bad idea to lay it out in the floor for a pic...lol

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I love the rug! I have some of that yarn in my stash too, somewhere.....


I've had a little trouble putting together a list for this quarter. Apparently planning ahead isn't my strong suit. I've started a little baby blanket with some stash yarn--I may keep it or give it to the next baby due at work.


I'm getting the bug to dye some yarn. So I think I'm going to buy some Kool-Aid and give it a shot! Anyone here have any tips? (I'll go check in the dyeing section, too.)


I've mapped out a few things I want to send to my friend. Subject to change of course. I avoided putting "hat and scarf" because I have given her some before--I may make one sometime anyway, but I want to try some new things I haven't done before.

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I know, planning ahead isn't my strong point either...lol Having things you actually need to finish helps though ;)



I managed to get a picture! :D



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I know, planning ahead isn't my strong point either...lol Having things you actually need to finish helps though ;)



I managed to get a picture! :D




Looks great!!! :clap

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Grrr. Frustrating day here. Got the pieces of the Lacy Fans Poncho done and pinned together. Then neck opening is too big!!! I even checked the gauge! Now I remember why I like my afghans. grrrr. but, on a lighter note, I put it away and started the Scallop Shawl. I think I did as much frogging as crocheting at first, but like how it's coming.



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Looks great!!! :clap


Thanks so much!



Grrr. Frustrating day here. Got the pieces of the Lacy Fans Poncho done and pinned together. Then neck opening is too big!!! I even checked the gauge! Now I remember why I like my afghans. grrrr. but, on a lighter note, I put it away and started the Scallop Shawl. I think I did as much frogging as crocheting at first, but like how it's coming.




Your shawl is looking great! I really love that stitch pattern. Too bad about the poncho, but maybe you can do some minor adjustments to the neck to make it fit?

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Thanks for all the compliments on my little rug :hug I did some work on one of the baby shells blanket I have on my list (eight rows). I won't get any work done today - plans for the whole day and into the evening...

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Wow! There are so many people on this thread now! Everyone's projects look great!


My BF and I are visiting my parents this weekend so that gives me 6 hours of crocheting while he drives! I am going to work on my bed spread, the second fingerless glove and the sweet pea shawl (maybe, haven't completely decided that I am going to make it).


I have finished 24 of the 30 squares for the ABC II Blanket. I havent been able to find Caron Simply Soft in Soft Yellow for the last six squares at the Michael's here, so I have to stop by one near my dad's house. But once I find it, only six more squares and then I have to figure out how I am going to attach the squares and then the border. So I figure I'm about 80% done!


Ok guys I have to go finish laundry and packing for this weekend! Catch up with yall on Monday! Have a great weekend!

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Your shawl is looking great! I really love that stitch pattern. Too bad about the poncho, but maybe you can do some minor adjustments to the neck to make it fit?



Thanks, Nila. Yeah. Haven't decided whether I want to try to add in some neck or take off some of the length of each panel. adding would probably be easier, frogging would probably look better and give me enough yarn to actually use fringe. But I don't feel like tackling that atm.


So new plan. I haven't received my subscriptions to either of the magazines I subscribed to yet and three of my projects are in them. :lol So will add the Scallops Shawl and then go back and finish the Lacy Fans. Right now I think I just need to finish SOMETHING!

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I had to take off a lot of my WIP off my list. :( I work too slow with all my health issues, and wanted to feel more successful than my body allows me to crochet. :angry The border around the afghan is finished as of last night. I'll post a pic when my hubby gets off duty to do this for me. :photo All I'm going to concentrate on now is, getting the seraphina done for my Mom, getting scarves done for the 9 people I want to give them to, and 12" squares for the 2 charities I donate them to. :yay So, there!! :P Not much, but I'll feel better about what I do rather than what I still need to do!! :danceMake sense? :think And hopefully soon, I can add back the projects I really want to work on! :bowThanks for letting me share! :hug

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I had to take off a lot of my WIP off my list. :( I work too slow with all my health issues, and wanted to feel more successful than my body allows me to crochet. :angry The border around the afghan is finished as of last night. I'll post a pic when my hubby gets off duty to do this for me. :photo All I'm going to concentrate on now is, getting the seraphina done for my Mom, getting scarves done for the 9 people I want to give them to, and 12" squares for the 2 charities I donate them to. :yay So, there!! :P Not much, but I'll feel better about what I do rather than what I still need to do!! :danceMake sense? :think And hopefully soon, I can add back the projects I really want to work on! :bowThanks for letting me share! :hug


That's exactly what this CAL/KAL is about: knowing our limitations and being proud of what we can accomplish. The cheering and complimenting is just a bonus as we are all super nice people who love to drool over other people's projects. :D


I am very proud that you have trimmed your list to make it more doable for you. :hug

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I had to take off a lot of my WIP off my list. :( I work too slow with all my health issues, and wanted to feel more successful than my body allows me to crochet. :angry The border around the afghan is finished as of last night. I'll post a pic when my hubby gets off duty to do this for me. :photo All I'm going to concentrate on now is, getting the seraphina done for my Mom, getting scarves done for the 9 people I want to give them to, and 12" squares for the 2 charities I donate them to. :yay So, there!! :P Not much, but I'll feel better about what I do rather than what I still need to do!! :danceMake sense? :think And hopefully soon, I can add back the projects I really want to work on! :bowThanks for letting me share! :hug


That sounds like a good plan.


Susan - I love that stitch on your newest shawl. Good luck with the mags.

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I haven't gotten too much done on my yoga socks so far this weekend. DH and I spent most of yesterday doing massive retail therapy (for the house). It wore me out. :lol I have an inner tight-wad that has a stroke every time it thinks too much $$ is going out the door. I will be working on them more today as I can. Right now I'm trying to debate if I want them to be crew height like the pattern or ankle height like I tend to prefer. :think

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I haven't gotten too much done on my yoga socks so far this weekend. DH and I spent most of yesterday doing massive retail therapy (for the house). It wore me out. :lol I have an inner tight-wad that has a stroke every time it thinks too much $$ is going out the door. I will be working on them more today as I can. Right now I'm trying to debate if I want them to be crew height like the pattern or ankle height like I tend to prefer. :think


Hmm... with summer coming up I would vote for ankle height. But that is also what I prefer. I always feel the need to repent after spending a lot of money. :blush

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I also like to make my list of WIP's and then after I've had time to think about it, I trim away what I thought I might want to make from what I really, really want to make. It really helps me narrow my choices to the ones I really care about!

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Hi all, back for a brief visit. Just got back from dinner at DDs house. This has been a long week. I have been doing some crocheting, but not as much as usual. I made one more towel topper and some baby sun bonnets, and have a small blanket and a doll sweater on hooks. The hardest part was going into the tub to find yarn I wanted and seeing the leftover skein from the prayer shawl I made her. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and good wishes. I will be sharing some pics once I get some umph back in me, it is amazing how drained emotional stress can make one feel. I have been back reading all the posts, the color on the rug is so pretty, and the beginnings of the shawl is beautiful. Have you thought about a drawstring or something like that for the poncho? It's nice to be back thinking about everyone's projects.

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Thanks everyone for being so supportive of my pitifully small list of projects. :D

I didn't even crochet today. Too tired, too much pain. :( I live vicariously through y'alls projects and pics! :yes So keep 'em coming! :cheer

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Updating my list:

Care Bear Afghan ~ Care Bear CAL ~ I have 54 row's to crochet before cross-stitching begin's ~ I had to Frog 30, yes 30 row's. URGH!!!

Rectangle Granny Afghan ~ Completed

Baby Blanket ~ 0%

Prayer Shawl for neice ~ 10%

Prayer Shawl for self ~ 0%

Just thought I would take time to update my list. I hope to get more done in the week's to come and I hope to add to the list.



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Hi all, back for a brief visit. Just got back from dinner at DDs house. This has been a long week. I have been doing some crocheting, but not as much as usual. I made one more towel topper and some baby sun bonnets, and have a small blanket and a doll sweater on hooks. The hardest part was going into the tub to find yarn I wanted and seeing the leftover skein from the prayer shawl I made her. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and good wishes. I will be sharing some pics once I get some umph back in me, it is amazing how drained emotional stress can make one feel. I have been back reading all the posts, the color on the rug is so pretty, and the beginnings of the shawl is beautiful. Have you thought about a drawstring or something like that for the poncho? It's nice to be back thinking about everyone's projects.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you are back again and hope you take things easy until you feel a little better. I hope you know my thoughts and prayers are with you!:manyheart:hug

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Hi all, back for a brief visit. Just got back from dinner at DDs house. This has been a long week. I have been doing some crocheting, but not as much as usual. I made one more towel topper and some baby sun bonnets, and have a small blanket and a doll sweater on hooks. The hardest part was going into the tub to find yarn I wanted and seeing the leftover skein from the prayer shawl I made her. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and good wishes. I will be sharing some pics once I get some umph back in me, it is amazing how drained emotional stress can make one feel. I have been back reading all the posts, the color on the rug is so pretty, and the beginnings of the shawl is beautiful. Have you thought about a drawstring or something like that for the poncho? It's nice to be back thinking about everyone's projects.


Hi Carol, Glad to see you're back! Isn't is it amazing to find how much crochet has become a part of our lives in so many ways?


I'm thinking of you!

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I'm done with the embroidery for the front of the pillow! Well, there's some minor touch up (blue specks in the red and vice versa) but I'm saving that for right before I sew it together. No pics yet because I'm at school...lol Turns out I messed up the graph for the back, accidentally made it 82 stitches wide instead of 65. No idea how I did that. Fortunately I was only a few rows in when I noticed. I'm going to have to redo the chart before I can get anywhere else, unless I change my mind and decide to make the back solid colored.

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