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Small felted hook cases


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If you do any/much felting, you know that you end up with little bits of leftover wool that don't seem to have much purpose. I had quite a few odds and ends stored up like that, and decided to turn them into these little hook cases:




I used needle felting to embellish a bit, and I sewed on a snap for closure. I think they are nice for carrying just a few hooks, and maybe even a small pair of scissors in your purse or bag. They would also make nice protective cases for more delicate wooden hooks, or a larger style carved hook.


These are all flying away to new homes soon! :ctree

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those are very pretty.

If you do any/much felting, you know that you end up with little bits of leftover wool that don't seem to have much purpose. I had quite a few odds and ends stored up like that, and decided to turn them into these little hook cases:




I used needle felting to embellish a bit, and I sewed on a snap for closure. I think they are nice for carrying just a few hooks, and maybe even a small pair of scissors in your purse or bag. They would also make nice protective cases for more delicate wooden hooks, or a larger style carved hook.


These are all flying away to new homes soon! :ctree

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