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A couple of weeks ago I posted about my dilemma of needing a pattern of an angel to make for my friend for her birthday in November and Christmas. I ended up purchasing this pattern Xmas/Filet/Decor-Thread Crochet Pattern- "Herald Angel" - (eBay item 220165593569 end time Nov-04-07 12:08:42 PST) to make a banner for her to hang on her wall. For the price I couldn't pass it up! :lol


Now... my new dilemma is this...

What color should I use? My own opinion is that it would look best in either white or natural, HOWEVER, we both have apartments here at the hotel (she is the other live-in co-manager), and according to the rules here, we are not allowed to paint our walls any color other than, you guessed it, white or off-white. I'm afraid that if I use either one of these colors, there won't be enough of a difference between the filet piece and the wall to be able to appreciate the detail in the piece! However, it's obviously a Christmas piece, so I don't think it would look good in, say, pink or blue or another color, and I think that all red or all green might not look good either.


My first thought was to try to do it like an actual picture - to do the sky part blue, the tree in green, etc. I have a #10 thread in white with a very fine gold shiny thread running in it that would be pretty for the angel's dress, but then I didn't know if THAT would look good, either! I am in a quandary, and I have a LOT to do to get ready for the holidays, so I've got to decide what to do and start doing it, otherwise I'm not going to get done all the pieces that I need to get done on time. So, does anyone have any ideas? Help! :lol



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One thing you could consider if this would work for you is to go ahead and do it in white and make it a hanging to be hung in a window...I have some filet pieces that I've done that with.


I've also done filets in other colors and and that would be good for the wall...like all red, all royal blue or emerald green because since it would be hanging up on a white wall, the detail would show.


I do like sail's suggestion of using colored felt or fabric...framed would be nice, but not necessary. I like things like that unframed myself.

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What I have done is work the peice in white, and then use colored felt backing, sewing tabs on the felt, and then crochet loops into the last row of your crochet peice and hang ffom a wooden dowel. I WISH I had my camera, hubby took it to work long story... but I have done MANY peice like this and all are great, good luck, and I KNOW it will be beautiful no matter how you do it.

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I agree with the others who suggest backing the piece with a solid color. Since it's for Christmas, you could back it in either red or green.


Please post a picture when it's finished... it looks like it will be lovely.



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It would be nice if you could find an Ice Blue colour. Against the white walls, it could be very effective.


I would also put a dowel through the bottom row to straighten it out a bit.


Can you work this with a 4 DC block and with EDC?

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If you wish to use a color, then that is fine.....though I have never seen filet crochet done in more than one color.....maybe it would look great, but I would try with something smaller before attempting to do a whole banner like that. I agree with darski.....light blue .......and the dowel in the bottom is a great tip!

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I was thinking along Sail149's thought with regards to a frame. My first thought would be to open frame it. Just a frame, no glass or covering and I would use a mat or foam board or something equally sturdy covered in like a star print craft paper, even wrapping paper. A nice rich background for a snowy white angel. Just my thought with no regard to how big this project will be when it's finished. Good luck to you!



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I think blue would be pretty other colors I would like are peach, lt green. Does she have any other colors in her drapes ,furniture,floor anything that matches would be nice. It really doesn't matter she will love it and that you thought enough of her to make her something so beautiful.

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Thank you to EVERYONE for all of your suggestions! Going with the majority of you, I am going to do the banner in white, and then I'm going to SOMEHOW (I haven't decided how yet) back it so that the filet shows up against the white walls. Because it's a Christmas piece, I want it to be special, so instead of doing it in plain white Cro Sheen, I'm going to do it in the white with the gold thread running around it. I think that will be enough to really dress it up for the holidays. And who knows? Maybe with the white with the gold thread, the piece will stand out enough that a backing won't be all that necessary? One thing I most definitely AM going to do, though, is to, as Darski suggested, run a dowel through the bottom as well as the top to keep it hanging straight. That's a great idea, Darski! Also, JeanL, thanks for the heads up on backing it with felt. It would be a shame to take all the time it's going to take to make this piece only to have the color from the felt bleed into it and ruin it. And, once again, thanks to ALL for your help in working out my dilemma! Happy Holidays to everyone!



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I did a name in filet, and wrapped a piece of foam core board (the other stiff stuff at $ stores that's not poster board :lol) in a solid cotton fabric. I did have a frame made for it. (FIL has lots of wood stuff, otherwise that would have cost too much, and I'd have skipped it) But even with just the foam core it looked good. Otherwise, I think the fabric with a hanging loop type casing at top and bottom would be good...dowel in each to help it hang straight. That would look really nice!

I've hot-glued filet in place, and it didn't show...you could also pin and hand tack it into place, which would make it easier if your fabric of choice were to fade and want replacing.

just my :2c

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