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Carol, I think that was windwalker pattern from Cara's site.

I'm so happy you made a police report and weren't charged for the stolen package!!quote]


Oh my goodness, the one I am making is nothing like that. I am not doing squares at all. I just found it in Cara's site under crocheted quilts. I originally looked in Afghans. My ghan is one continuous strip 4 & 1/2 inches wide of crocheting a cluster stitch (not a granny stitch), with 9 inches in each color, and then another 4 1/2 inch strip, etc....which will be crocheted together to make an elongated checkered design (like a checkerboard). :whew you all had me going there for awhile. I know my thoughts often wind up in the bunny field, but I just couldn't understand how I would have forgotten something like this.:worried:)

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Thank you Carol & that is Cara's Do-Si-Do pattern. :cheer


Thank you it looks so pretty in the colors you used. I have on my WIM list to eventually do a quilt ghan, that may be my first.

BTW, I thought you ladies were saying the ghan I was making was on Cara's site, :rofl. So sorry for wasting your time with my prattle about my ghan, guess I still am super sensative over all the Holiday let downs. :oops:ohdear:sweat:blink:embar:2blush:sigh

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Carol, your ghan sounds very pretty. I'm glad that you got credit for the stolen items. It isn't a total loss that way, even though you didn't get to give the items as planned.

Judy, your bag turned out very nice.

I'm doing things for me for a while. Just have the Lady of the Lotus quiltghan to finish on John and Kim's Christmas gift. I even pulled out a counted cross stitch pattern that's about 3/4 done. And I'm going to try tatting. (3 flops there so far.):(

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I haven't been working on my shrug lately but I got sent some beautiful Marble yarn from a Christmas elf and there are 2 skeins alike and I am making myself either a poncho or shawl (it changes from a shawl to a ponch by joining ) this yarn is such a dream to work with... well I need to get my feet up so I'll check in later,

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Judy...HELP I found a huge closet 3/4 full of the yarn I'd left behind. I'll be bringing it home if I can stuff it in the van. Any ideas where to hide, er stash the yarn?



:lol :lol What a wonderful problem to have :lol :lol

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Judy...HELP I found a huge closet 3/4 full of the yarn I'd left behind. I'll be bringing it home if I can stuff it in the van. Any ideas where to hide, er stash the yarn?

Wow!! What a gold mine!

I do think your house up here is bursting at the seams...but since the yarn probably has the smell of cigarette smoke in it (you mentioned the smoking earlier) you can always store it on the porch with a gallon of febreeze sprayed on it...:P

...I do have a personal issue with smoking...that was a big part of the reason both my parents passed WAY before they should have...

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I posted this over in sky and I'll put it here too... I was gifted a felted purse kit pink combo... however I'm allergic to wool.... I spoke to the gift giver and she iis more tha happy for me to gift it on to someone who would like to use it... the only thing I'm keeping the circular knitting needle that was enclosed as I wish to try a knitted purse in acrylic yarn... if you would like a kit to felt a purse PM me...

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Judy- the bag is real pretty . What type and color of yarn is that ,or did you already say ?


Kathy -wow a secret hidden treasure of yarn ! Good for you -- strap it to the top of your car on the way home .


Tab- the afghan is beautiful. I love the pink --very pretty !

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Thanks, Julie - the bag looks even better with the drawstrings through it. Need to take another pic...:D

The wool is from my Fall SP in Poland. She even sent me a swatch she felted to show me ow it works up. hThe label seems to look like it's from Checkoslovakia. It's of varying thickness throughout and has a good feel - not at all scratchy. Very unique to work with.

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I have photos to share this week :yay


As you can all see from my sig down below i have made my new years resolution to not start anything new till i finish the projects i have listed down there that i have started and not finished(why is it that the things we start for us never get done??) so this past week i dug them out and put everything else away and this is what i have done this week.


My Wave~10 rows done this week~Only 42 rows left( sorry i couldnt fit it all in the photo)I simply love this blanket,its so warm and cozy!!



Aztic Sun~12 rows done~



Plus my CRW that i put in that CAL...so i really feel like i have accomplished allot and that maybe i can stick to my goal.Tomorrow i will work on sewing squares to my ATW.

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Hi, Jules....missed ya earlier - hope your day goes well....


Cara - how are you holding up with having to bring Miss Tuon to the vet today?? Thinking of you...:hug

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Hi, Jules....missed ya earlier - hope your day goes well....


Cara - how are you holding up with having to bring Miss Tuon to the vet today?? Thinking of you...:hug


Not well I think :( Didn't sleep well at all last night and was up by 6:30. She's just cranky because she can't find the food dish. So far in the past month DH, FIL and my niece have all had surgery. DH had oral surgery, FIL had his gall bladder removed, niece had the C-section. Now my baby! Told Big Daddy last night that no one else is allowed to have surgery for anything until at least February! I can't take it :no

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