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I'm working on the 'Stylish Sweater Coat' from the current issue of Crochet Today. I think it's the current issue, anyway, it's Nov/Dec 2007. I actually am not that far into it, I'm working on the back, maybe about 15-20 rows into the whole thing. I'm actually making the 8-Pocket tote so I have something to put it in, so I probably won't do a whole lot more work on it until that's finished. I'm hoping to take it to camp in January. It's supposed to be in Off White RH Soft Yarn, but I'm using the dark brown (I think it's called Chocolate) Soft.

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I'm working on the 'Stylish Sweater Coat' from the current issue of Crochet Today. I think it's the current issue, anyway, it's Nov/Dec 2007. I actually am not that far into it, I'm working on the back, maybe about 15-20 rows into the whole thing. I'm actually making the 8-Pocket tote so I have something to put it in, so I probably won't do a whole lot more work on it until that's finished. I'm hoping to take it to camp in January. It's supposed to be in Off White RH Soft Yarn, but I'm using the dark brown (I think it's called Chocolate) Soft.


Oh I should have that pattern then! Oh wait is it that one that's on the cover that looks like it's lined with wool? My sister about died with joy when she saw that and "hinted" she would like that very much :yes But I have news for her. The new Crochet World has a drop dead gorgeous dress in it that would look fabulous on her 6' tall thin frame (how the heck did I end up 5'3" and 193 lbs? :think:lol). It will be the most challenging project I've ever done :yes

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Cara, is that the red dress? It wouldn't look good on my short waisted, bosomy self, either!


That's the one :yes My sister is built like the gal in the photo so it should look great on her. I, on the other hand, would look like a bag of those onions you get in those mesh bags :rofl :rofl

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Cara, we are both such wise women to know our limitations:lol:lol



I finished the scarf I started yesterday, but that is the first FO I've had in a while. I used the star stitch pattern from The Crochet Stitch Bible, and since the yarn was pretty bulky, I only did two pattern repeats per row, so it went really fast.


Welcome Laviiniia. I'm looking forward to seeing your project.

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I finished the scarf I started yesterday, but that is the first FO I've had in a while. I used the star stitch pattern from The Crochet Stitch Bible, and since the yarn was pretty bulky, I only did two pattern repeats per row, so it went really fast.

That's great! Small projects are so gratifying!

My felted bag is coming along, in between cookie making:D...I also have the leftover Vanna purples from GF's scarves to make one of my own:)

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i have a lot of homeworks and presentation for tomorrow so it is disturbing the crochet time :(

i`ll try to go back to the me projects after finishing all my school work

Darn...don't you hate that, when life interrupts crochet time?:lol:lol

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i spent all the time talking to mom and sis so didn`t do anything in homework :P

i better get some things done then sleep for little bit

DH at work they have emergency and i`m so worreid about him :(

when he mention emergency i think about explosions :cry i want him to come back home so i can hug him and know that he is ok with me and safe :(

i better get some work done

Merry Christmas and happy holiday to everyone although it isn`t my holiday :)

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Thanks, Athba! I'm sure hubby will be fine...I lived with similar worries for a lot of years...it's more peaceful now. What does he do, exactly?


Take care...and say Hi to the baby for me when you talk to her/him....:manyheart

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Cara- that was pretty cute, a bag of onions ! :lol


Something tells me we have several of them people in our group who might fit into that category, including yours truly .


That's ok, though, there are lots more important things in the world than LOOKS .


BRAINS, for one, and you have an abundance of them . :yes


My sister is the same, looks like a model .


I've always told her she got the looks but i got the brains and she agrees .


( Shows she might be a little bit "slow" agreeing to THAT without a second thought .)


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he works in the petroliom feild where he must deal with huge machines that are able to explode any minute

and climd high towers to start a flame

he is in the gas section eek


and the baby say`s hi too ;)

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Oops forgot to post my finished ME shawl here. It's my first "big" knit project. I think it's quite unattractive. :lol I think these prayer shawls are better suited to Homespun or heathers. But it's cushy and warm and it'll serve its purpose :D And I can only find about 4 mistakes in it that I was actually able to figure out how to fudge :yes



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I did forget to ever take pics. of my ME ghan finished. I'm so pooped tonight & there is no light left anyways. I haven't used it yet so i'll take pics. tomorrow & post. I'm going to lay down hopefully if no one calls Mommy. Oh, hold on I think someone is paging me now........ :eek

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