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yup i beleive it

but the baby loves it`s dady and my momy so it keeps kicking and swim around it self when they come near or even talk to me :lol


for the ladeis asked about the due: it is between 14-20 of March

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Athba, some women here don't believe in getting anything for the baby till it's born - bad luck or some such thing - is it like that in your country?

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as you said some women only

but for me not at all :no

even mom started buying baby stuff for a baby girl :lol she is sooo intrested in haveing granddaughter cause she have only grandsons and the youngests is 8yrs old so she want a new baby:lol

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Husbands bearing gifts? Mine tries... He did bring me home some yarn that he found at the TV station once. The station was moving to new locations and it was destined to be thrown. I presume it was a prop for some show they recorded and I have not used it yet as it is circa 1970 vintage and I want to keep it.


I have been busy completing Christmas gift and sending them on time. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo so I will eventually ask them to send me a photo for my record. I also decided I wanted a shawl for overseas and played around until I came up with something I like. I have another 2o motifs to join and do the lace edge but I am running out of steam.:( I will NOT stress... if I finish, I will take it with me otherwise I will go without the shawl. I know when I hit the danger zone because I find another project that HAS to be done. Today, I decided I wanted to decorate a 12 inch tree that has been in this family since we married (26 years ago) I made miniature stockings decorations and as I has just completed these I have attached photo even though the colour is not the best taken at night time.



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Judy, I have a friend who is Jewish, and she said that is a Jewish tradition. There is nothing for the baby in the baby's new home before it is born. Translate this to read that EVERYTHING got taken to grandma's house! Even the shower was after it was born, which I have to tell you was absolutely wonderful. You knew the gender AND the baby got to be the guest of honor!

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Judy, I have a friend who is Jewish, and she said that is a Jewish tradition. There is nothing for the baby in the baby's new home before it is born. Translate this to read that EVERYTHING got taken to grandma's house! Even the shower was after it was born, which I have to tell you was absolutely wonderful. You knew the gender AND the baby got to be the guest of honor!


Yep that's right :yes I actually hate getting gifts before hand. I also think it's bad luck. But evidently it worked this time because my niece had her baby last night :yay 7 lbs 1 oz delivered by emergency c-section though but everyone's fine now :manyheart A beautiful new grandson named Peyton Matthew for my sister :manyheart I'm so jealous :lol


Heading out to San Antonio to see the inlaws today. Gonna take my shawl with me since it's my most portable current project.


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Ines, cute little stockings on the tree!! Have a safe and fun trip...:hug


Athba, I hope your mom doesn't have to save the girlie blanket for NEXT time!:lol As long as it;s healthy, though, she won't care:c9


K - thanks for the info....I didn't know if it was just taboos you were raised with or a cultural thing. Now, from Cara's answer, I know it's both.


Cara, have a safe and fun trip - and maybe you can take a pic of the yarn BIL came up with for you!?

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Ines, those are lovely! As is everything in your Christmas album. I couldn't resist peeking at the rest of the photos. The angels are lovely! They are a favorite of mine to crochet in thread for the holidays. Great work! :hug

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Here is an update photo of my 3SURR. I should have more time for it now. I finished my Mr. Rooster quiltghan last night. Only have one remaining Christmas gift to finish and it will be done after Christmas. 13 skeins in it so far. 2 skeins of burgundy, 2 skeins of Dazzle Aire ombre, the rest all different.


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i made sonar month ago but it isn`t the one shows the baby sex it isn`t clear but it shows if the baby healthy , but the doctor said it is 90% girl and showd momy thats why she is buying girly things :manyheart



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Wow, Linda- you have 13 skeins in the rr that is pictured or the other project you are working on ?

Skeins or partial skeins, as the case may be. I'm just using what is in the stash, but I think they are close to full skeins so far. The bright red didn't look nearly as big as the rest of them. I think most of them are like 4 or 5 ounce skeins. Using 3 strands uses a lot more yarn than when using just 2.:lol

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Thanks all for the lovely comments. Linda I am admiring that RR ... the colours are just so "delicious" ... very attractive to the eye.


The miniature stockings which measure 2 inches X 1 and half inches are the only decorations I made for myself this year. I did make a few angels that I gave to friends. The works in this folder are mainly from last year and the year below. The navitiy scene is a handsewn one one I made for my mum several years ago

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They are really cute...great work!!



Jim(DH) has never just picked out yarn before either without me telling him color or brand thats why i was so shocked....He got Sandy Print for the main color and Cafe for the small Hexs and then Black and White for the other...I started making the center and i think it might look good....Like you with your PS i have started and stopped this CW so many times trying different colors and i just never could find the right combo so now i guess i have to do it.I stopped into the CAL for it the other day and thats what got me stuck on it again and why he did it.I think im just going to stay in here and do it as a"ME" project thow becouse that thread is kind of dead.



I love it...bet that was hard on the fingers??



Cant wait to see photos :yay

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