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I think the thing that bothers me about giving gift cards is that it feels like I didn't put enough work or thought into them. However, I've found that they are generally very well received. After all it means you can go shopping with someone else's money. We used to get VISA gift cards from work as a bonus for doing extra things. I loved those things, good nearly everywhere and they felt like free money.

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I think the thing that bothers me about giving gift cards is that it feels like I didn't put enough work or thought into them. However, I've found that they are generally very well received. After all it means you can go shopping with someone else's money. We used to get VISA gift cards from work as a bonus for doing extra things. I loved those things, good nearly everywhere and they felt like free money.


I'm going for the "free money" vibe myself...

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Thanks for the link, Carol. I bookmarked it. I've got two big (24"x18"x18") boxes of gifts ready to send to family this weekend. I've got two more packages to get ready to send and then two RRs to wrap and then it's just the two quiltghans to finish and I'll be all set. I hope! At least that covers everyone on my current list. Our tree is up and partially decorated. Still need to add more ornaments. Just 11 days to go. :eek

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Good morning ladies :flower


I'm actually gonna have to go against the majority here. I like gift cards. Especially for the teenagers and young adults on our list. They just change their minds too much for me to keep up :lol I asked for yarn this year (big surprise, huh?) and after the questions my SIL asked about yarn I really hope they just opt for a gift card or I'll end up with a crate of eyelash yarn :lol


Linda - You've certainly lived up to your screen name lately. You've definitely been a busy bee! :yes


You know, the more I look at that hooded scarf pattern the more I like it. Think I might have to try to sneak that in before next weekend :yes Of course I do have this afghan to finish and my niece's b-day is in less than a week :eek Fly fingers! Fly! :lol

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Even little kids love to shop these days! I think gift cards are the way to go if you have to ship, if you aren't sure what they really want, or if you just plain don't have time to schlep from store to store. Especially in this LOVELY weather the US is having.

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Even little kids love to shop these days! I think gift cards are the way to go if you have to ship, if you aren't sure what they really want, or if you just plain don't have time to schlep from store to store. Especially in this LOVELY weather the US is having.

Lovely weather . . . . :rofl:rofl:rofl

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It (the hooded scarf) has been working up pretty fast. I am using Caron's Simply Soft Shadows, it is sooooo soft and works up nice, looks like a shaded tweed. The color I am using is Opal Twist. Have any of you tried it yet?

I had to put it aside to get some faster little stuff out of the way, 2 ties, 2 watch caps, and a third one 1/2 done. Then I can get back to the scarf.

I am making it for the pastor's wife, she power walks every morning, no matter what the weather, and I thought it would be a good thing for her.

The temptation is definitely there Julie, but with the meds I am on, no one would get their presents til Spring, :lol. And then no one would know what the gifts were supposed to be :shrug. :rofl.

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The temptation is definitely there Julie, but with the meds I am on, no one would get their presents til Spring, :lol. And then no one would know what the gifts were supposed to be :shrug. :rofl.


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Krystal, glad you are feeling a little better. There is no shame in gift card giving, cuts down on the number of returns after the Holidays :lol. I like it for out of state gifts. Shipping prices have gotten so out of control lately. I try to save my hand mades for those who really appreciate it. For those folks, money is no object when it comes to shipping.

Don't let the stress get to you, it is supposed to be a season of good will and joy. If you aren't feeling it, then it is time to sit down, kick off your shoes and stick those gift cards in envelopes. Those who love you will understand, and those who don't, it doesn't matter anyway. :hug:hug:hug

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I think this is the best advice I've heard given in a LOOOOONG time.. :rofl

I think Carol is a DR. Suess fan, as I am: "Be who you are and say what you mean, because thise who care don't matter and those who matter don't care" - I think I got his quote right....


BTW - I missed you ladies!!:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

And thanks, Cara....:hug:manyheart

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Hi, all...Hey Kathy - I walked (translated: shopped) so much I stayed within my WW range!!!


Food was great, Bellagio's dancing fountains were right outside our window...I had my crochet bag for down times...saw a live pker tournament taking place and saw some name players...and LOVED Phantom of the Opera and the Danny Gans show. So neat going backstage at Ph.and meeting the star, etc....nicest guy...as was everyone we met. I have to upload my pics eventually. Laundry is going non stop right now.


Hey - I made a Golden Snitch potholder/hotpad for a friend who is a HP fan.

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Welcome back Judy, hope you are well rested. Things have been hopping around here.

But we have been good, right ladies?

And lot's of lovely things have been created.

Did you win????

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Welcome back Judy, hope you are well rested. Things have been hopping around here.

But we have been good, right ladies?

And lot's of lovely things have been created.

Did you win????

No winning allowed....might interfere with all of the massive building going on there!:lol


I missed everyone here a lot...did I hear from a little birdie that there was a discussion of the merits od Kielbasa over something else....Krystal?:devil

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Moi? Kielbasa.... merits? I know not of which you speak... :no


What we WERE talking about was a nickname for my DH... I'm desperately seeking a good one for him, and Julie got a little carried away with some of them - perhaps she knows something about this kielbasa business. :angel

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Moi? Kielbasa.... merits? I know not of which you speak... :no


What we WERE talking about was a nickname for my DH... I'm desperately seeking a good one for him, and Julie got a little carried away with some of them - perhaps she knows something about this kielbasa business. :angel

Sounds like I missed out on some fun...:devil


Well, I'm beat, so I'll close for now, and veg out before going to bed. Have a great night everyone...and may you all make something fun for yourselves sometime soon if you haven;t already...


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Krystal- there you go again, you little ornery pot .


I did NOT start the keilbasa statement, you did, if anyone has time to go leaf through 187 posts, it's in there someplace, the actual proof online for your viewing pleasure or displeasure .


I would never make lewd remarks like that.


All mine are G- rated.


I grew up in the Walt Disney generation, and I was a Good-Doobie and still to this day follow those guidelines .


So, Miss Judy ... who ya gonna believe ?


Me or her ??????



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