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everybody's cookies sound yummy.... anybody willing to share... most of my recipes got burned in a house fire 8 yrs ago and I'm still trying to rebuild my stash... and I always like to try different recipes

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Krystal ,Tab and Judy - I saved your comment for the last --


About the male cookies---- good grief :eek


Krystal- you are getting ornerier than Tab. Never thought it was possible.


Alright, each of you with your nose in the corner .:yes


There is still another corner in this room, if someone wants to have enough fun to have to join us! :lol


everybody's cookies sound yummy.... anybody willing to share... most of my recipes got burned in a house fire 8 yrs ago and I'm still trying to rebuild my stash... and I always like to try different recipes


What are you looking for? Chocolate, nuts, fruity, ????

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Judy-hope you guys dont get too much of that bad storm- i'll have to listen to our weather reports here tonite. They said we MAY just live in a lucky area and miss the BIG ONE by a little bit, or it may hit us directly. Guess we'll find out when we wake up .


That ice is the scariest part-- hate driving in that stuff .


Good luck on your anniversary gift ~~ hope you get what you have your eye on . :)

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Shelly - I've got tons of recipes in a book I inherited from my Momma called the Cookie Bible. What kinda ya looking for? :D


Judy - Oooh new shiny things! I admire my sister's but all I ever wear is my one silver wedding band. Every time I go with her and she buys something new I always exclaim, "Do you know how much yarn I could buy for that?!?" :lol :lol :lol

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Judy - Oooh new shiny things! I admire my sister's but all I ever wear is my one silver wedding band. Every time I go with her and she buys something new I always exclaim, "Do you know how much yarn I could buy for that?!?" :lol :lol :lol

I STILL manage to find ways to get my yarn too:devil

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Ines, that looks great! Do I see a FPDC there;)?

It's a great way to decorate a simple pattern.


I'm shutting down for the night - see y'all tomorrow...

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It has been extremely hot here. I spent most of my day in bed reading in the cool of the airconditioner.


Judy, yes that is a FPDC and it is a simple pattern as I wanted to use up some of my variegated yarn.


Thanks Wendy. The final result will be a surprise for me as I am adding colours as I go along.

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we like just about any cookies... but would like easy recipes (that the grandgirls can help make) bar cookies, any sugar- free cookies (the 10 yr old is diabetic--- that way she can have more than one cookie) I like fruit, chocolate, chips , etc. Thanks in advance for any you can send...


years ago I had some kind of cookie...[made by the little old Italian lady next door--- who spoke very little English] they were shaped like bowties and dipped in honey... I would LOVE to have the recipe for them if anyone knows what they are... I couldn't get the recipe from her as it was in her head and I didn't speak Italian... I used to do odds and ends for her when I was a girl... we did a lot of pantomiming and guessing... I did learn what eat was in Italian though... 'cause everytime anyone would go there she would try to feed them.

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Julie~Yeah, well they tuckered me out. I fell asleep early last evening & slept until this a.m. when my kids got up at 8:30. I slept over 12 hours. :eek I think i'll stay in my own little world for awhile. :yes



I did get a couple more rows done on my ghan before falling asleep. :cheer I'm just vegging out today so I should make good progress on it. :hook



Have a great day everyone! :manyheart

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Ines - Your new ghan is amazing! Love it :clap !


Shelly - Well, I'll have to see what all recipes I've got around here and send ya some :yes


Got the fabric to line my purse yesterday. I'll probably work on that tomorrow. Then I can actually use it! If I don't mess it up :blush

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Phil ouldn't find his scarf this morning, so I pulled out different skeins of yarn and he picked a color..so another scarf is on its way!


I have a few pics to post...

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Phil ouldn't find his scarf this morning, so I pulled out different skeins of yarn and he picked a color..so another scarf is on its way!


I have a few pics to post...


Now if that isn't demonstrating the value of the hook I just don't know what does :hook

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It's this yarn called "Marble". Imported, DK yarn in burgundy with some flecks of other colors...too subtle to be even called a variegated. And soooo soft!

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