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Hello all,


Just got done cleaning my house. Phew it is amazing how much clutter gets made in just a few days of kids being sick.:eek You would think they are sick how much of a mess can they make. But a mess they still make. Hope everyone is having a good day so far. I have to say though now I can sit down and crochet and not feel guilty. :hook

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I cant wait to see photos of yours either...it will be so cool seeing what we each come up with.



I will have to look for those becouse i love the susan bates hook and that was all i used till the clovers came out.



My lips are sealed,quiet as a :mouse,i will not say another word about how much fun this wave pattern is or how watching the colors come together is cool...really i wont open my mouth about it to you again,i can do this :sweattrust me :devil really :D.



Cant wait to see your ripple with the cables....should be very pretty.



It always seems worse when they are sick becouse they stay inside more,glad their better.

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Krystal~ I wonder how that would work also. Does someone know?


I saw those bamboo handled crochet hooks and didn't even know it last time I was at hobby lobby. I'll have to learn to look more closely at things. I would have boughten one if I had known they were there.

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you probably mean the hooks made totally of bamboo, these are regular aluminum hooks with bamboo handles .


Here's a photo-



Julie, I saw those hooks while we were on vacation. Have you tried it?

The only problems I really have with ordinary aluminum hooks is that after a while my hands get numb and I have to stop crocheting for a while. I've been thinking that a larger handle would help that.


I managed to make my too tight self-designed cardigan fit by crocheting a wide border on the both front edges. DD (age 19) the fashionista, says it actually looks even better with the border. My thought? If I ever loose some weight it'll be easy to make that cardigan a little smaller by pulling a few rows of the border off. I'm not sure I'd ever do that, but it makes me feel good to think that I can.


Actually I'm thinking that I will make it look like part of the design by adding one more design row along the bottom edge so that the border will look like a deliberate part of the design, instead of an "oops, this is a little tight, I'd better add something" thing.

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Hi, I am feeling better and up and around more today. Wow, about 14 pages of posts since I got sick. I did read them all and admired all the pictures. What beautiful work, and such professional crocheters. I am up to about row 60 on my ME project, but I think I may have to frog some of it, boy I was really not seeing straight these past few days, :lol. Worked on a few squares for a charity project, but didn't do much else (some laundry) today. May not do pictures tonight, but promise to try in the AM. I am already day dreaming about the next thing. It is a toss-up between messenger bag, poncho or wavy tote. I probably should do the poncho since I need it the most with these cold days biting into my bones.

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Hi, Carol - it's good to "see" you again:hug


Take it easy, and relax...just visit with us if you don't want to do any hooking yet.


Your 3 choices though - any of them would be great to make!

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Cindy - You know the reason your hands go numb with the metal hooks could be because they wick all the heat out of your hands. I used have a horrible problem with that. The ones I use now have a plastic grip and it's not a problem anymore :D


Carol - Sure hope you're feeling better :hug

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Hi Carol:hi

It's good to see you back and feeling better.

Take it easy and don't overdo it.


When I got home from work today, I wanted to work on my RR. But I had to wait so I could finish my Mom's shawl. I wanted to give it to her tonight. She has medical problems and doesn't get to come to my place much. My Mom and Dad stopped by to pick up my DD after Mom's Doctor's appt, so I decided to surprise her with it. I walked out to the car wearing it (she was too tired to walk in to the apt.) and she said how pretty it was and that it looked like it would keep me real warm. I told her thank you, it does keep me warm, but that it was for her. I took it off, folded it up and put it in her lap. I think I made her day :D. Purple is her favorite color.

But with all the shawl talk, I forgot to ask her how her Doctor appt. went..oops :blush


Here are 2 pictures of it. I was in a rush to get the pictures taken, so I didn't have time to get better pics of it.






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Mel, that shawl is gorgeous!:clap I would have loved to have seen the look on your mom's face when you took it off and gave it to her:manyheart

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Mel, the first one!? Did you follow a pattern or just use a stitich you liked?


Yep, first rectangle shawl :)

I couldn't find a pattern I liked that wasn't too frilly (Mom's not a frilly kinda gal), so I just used the Griddle Stitch (at least that is what my stitch book calls it). I did modify it a little though....had to put my own touch on it :D

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Mel, that shawl is gorgeous!:clap I would have loved to have seen the look on your mom's face when you took it off and gave it to her:manyheart


I would to see the look on her face also. :hug

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Where can I find an easy round ripple pattern. I have been loving all the one I have seen and would like to make myself one also after I am finish with my ripple afghan. :hook

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I have made great progress on my ME ripple ghan today. I got 5 rows done last night before bed & 10 done today. I still plan on working on it tonight. It's working up so quickly & I must say I really like the cables. It's my first time ever doing them but I really do like them. The cables do leave spaces on each side but I don't mind "holey" blankets & it's not too bad.


Look at me talking ya'lls ears off about nothing. :lol Can ya tell no one hears me here? :P

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Where can I find an easy round ripple pattern. I have been loving all the one I have seen and would like to make myself one also after I am finish with my ripple afghan. :hook


Here is the pattern I use:



There is an error in row 3. Here is a post with the correction, along with some great tips and tricks:


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I have made great progress on my ME ripple ghan today. I got 5 rows done last night before bed & 10 done today. I still plan on working on it tonight. It's working up so quickly & I must say I really like the cables. It's my first time ever doing them but I really do like them. The cables do leave spaces on each side but I don't mind "holey" blankets & it's not too bad.


Look at me talking ya'lls ears off about nothing. :lol Can ya tell no one hears me here? :P


WOW! I'd say you have made great progress. :clap:clap

Talk all you want about something or nothing. I find myself talking about nothing here too :blush It is just me and my daughter here, and she doesn't listen to me either. She just stands there, shifts from foot to foot, and waits for me to get done talking so she can go to her room. Gotta love a 16 year old :lol

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Mel~Atleast she's 16 although I doubt that she listens well either, most 16 yr. olds don't. I use to talk to my 5 yr. old before he started kindergarten this year. Pretty sad when your best friend is 5. :lol Now that i'm alone all day I find myself pacing & not knowing what to do with myself. I hate to admit it but i'm lonely. Not lonely enough to have another kid though. :no:eek

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Mel - Lovely job on the shawl! :clap And what a neat way to present it to Mom :manyheart


Tabby - I can sympathize with being lonely during the day. Why do you think I have all these cats? :lol

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Pretty sad when your best friend is 5. :lol Now that i'm alone all day I find myself pacing & not knowing what to do with myself. I hate to admit it but i'm lonely. Not lonely enough to have another kid though. :no:eek


Hmmm. Well, my 4YO and I DO talk more than anybody else. Except for my 10YO. So, Tab - ALL of your kids are in school? Wow, what's that feel like? I'm already planning school for ME for next year - I don't think I could sit home either. I am absolutely NOT staying home to "keep house". I can't even do it now, what makes you think I'd do it later? :lol With at least one of them being homeschooled, though - I never will be home alone for quite a while.


Tabby - I can sympathize with being lonely during the day. Why do you think I have all these cats? :lol



Poor Cara - you sad, sad soul... NOTHING to do around the house but sit and work with pattern, hook and yarn anytime you want. Oh, sigh... that is such a horrible thing - how DO you do it? :rofl Well, someone must sacrifice for the good of the rest, right? :rofl

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