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Oh sorry, Janet is my partner in crime when it comes to crafts, especially anything involving yarn. She joined the Ville a while back, but really hasn't had much chance to get to know us since she's been taking care of her husband. Ed crochets and knits, too! Wonderful friends and neighbors, hopefully you'll get to know her more in the future.


He got a donor kidney and we're all very grateful it went well. He's due to be released on Saturday.

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Hi, friends:hug

I'm off to see the curmudgeon today...

and I should have a pic of the comfortghan to share tomorrow. I'm doing the border now.

I think I'm going to take it easy for a bit after this push...but I'll have to see if I can make myself do that;)

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Howdy Ladies :waving

I finished 2 scarves last night. They were both going to be for me, but I was describing them to a few of my co-workers today and one of them asked me if I would be willing to sell him one of them for his girlfriend. So I have 1 new scarf. But I am making another one and I hope I can keep this one :lol:lol


Hilly is getting around a little better on her crutches today. She was home by herself while I worked for a few hours. I had her a little area by the couch and by my computer desk for her stuff, so no matter where she was, she had everything she needed close by. She is still in a lot of pain, but that is to be expected for her type of injury.


It has been a long week so far.

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Mel, I'll bet there are times you feel like running away from home:hug


...back to :crocheting for me...



Yep....like today. Even though part of me wanted to stay home and take care of her, the other part of me was glad to go to work.


Time to grab the hook and get something done. She is at Youth Group at church right now. My dad came and got her so I could have a little break. Don't get me wrong, I love Hilly more than anything :manyheart, but she has plum wore me out this week :sigh

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I finally finished something for me:







I used this pattern,


(except for the edging, it just didn't turn out anywhere near as nice for me as the pattern picture shows). Obviously I was doing something wrong. I also ran out of yarn so I couldn't make the edging as wide as I would've liked. This shawl is a really nice shape, kind of a squared off half circle. It comes down to past my waist in the back and covers my arms nearly to the wrists.

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Hi all, feeling tired but better today, thanks for all the well wishes.

Kathy, so glad all turned out good...it is wonderful that he is feeling so well and coming home soon...and he crochets AND knits...what a talented man!!!

Cindy I like the shawl alot...your edging looks very attractive

Mel, you really needed a break, sometimes it is the combination of the physical and mental stress that takes a toll on you...


Just got home from a very good friend's house, it has been so long since we have spent time together, we laughed and had a real nice time. She crochets and knits a little, and we laugh over some of the silly stuff we do when making things and the toll that old age has taken on our minds and bodies. She is a cat lover too, and we enjoy sharing cat tales. She is just learning the internet and I am hoping that once she is more experienced I can get her to join the ville. She is one of those friends who are angels who hold you up when you forget how to fly...

Couldn't sleep last night so was doing a little house cleaning in my den (with a little encouragement from the stash police). I decided if I am not using it, it has to go (no matter how pretty it is or how nice it felt)....I wound up posting over 77 skeins here in the ville (I was up til 3am). By noon today they were all spoken for....:yay, now I can buy some yarn I will really use.

This was a real good day for me!!!! BTW...what I thought was a cold turned out to be a sinus infection...and it is clearing up so back to crocheting for ME

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Cindy, love the shawl. That is on my to-do list.


Carol, I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better.

Wow, 77 skeins of yarn spoken for. That is great. You will have a good score in the stashbusting CAL :clap:clap

I had no idea you were selling yarn until they were all spoken for. I think that was a good thing for me, otherwise I would have probably bought some. I was just looking through my stash and I have a lot of colors I have no idea what I am going to use them for yet. Maybe once I get my scrapie varie wave done I will start a 2 or 3 strand ghan. Speaking of my scrapie, it is halfway done. I just have to decide if I will repeat the pattern and start the colors again like I did from the beginning, or reverse the pattern and do it backwards. I will decide tomorrow when I get home from work.

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Thanks for the nice shawl comments. I'm going to work on finishing my snowflake afghan next. I need only a few more blocks, but I have to sew them all together, and then do the border. I should've joined the blocks as I was crocheting them. I started sewing them together, but didn't get too far.

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Carol Im glad your feeling better and wow you got rid of 77 skeins of yarn, that must have been hard to do or maybe not, if your now eager to buy new stuff.


Julie howdy there, hows it going, its great to see you, take care of yourself.

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Hi all. I am just beginning to feel myself after a bad bout of jetlag and other complaints. I have not even felt up to checking the forum so I am way behind. I noticed many have not been feeling well ... my thoughts go out to you all.:hug The few pages I checked have delighted me with some of the beautiful work I saw and I hope has motivated me. I have vowed to catch up on some UFOs this year and I have many of those both in yarn and thread!

I am due to go for some ultrasounds this week and some blood tests so until then I am not going to worry. I have a foot that puffed up while I was overseas and although I did not let it stop me walking a thousand miles I now have to address it. I also have to have a pelvic ultrasound and see a specialist. What is more of a concern is going for these checks and organising them around a working day. That strangely is what is giving me stress.

Today, I slept most of the day but I have managed to organise the UFOs I will work on right now. I have to go with what is calling me and at the moment the babette is on hold. I will complete a soft wave that is a third way done and a square motif I started last year. I was surprised to see that there is a thread that addresses this one- the drum afghan. I started this one last year and it fits that thread as it is worked in the same way.

However, I will use the ME cal thread to post progress on these although I may give them away, I need to finish them for ME satisfaction.


Cindy I love that shawl and it would be suitable for the climate here. Although it is very hot, I like to have something for my shoulders when I go to the movies or theatre. But I am not going to begin anything new for the moment until I make some progress with my unfinished items.


Almost forgot to say that although I did enter some yarn shops while I was in Europe, I did not buy any. I did see a beautiful lapghan in one vintage/retro little boutique in Venice. I took a photo of it but have not downloaded the photos yet. It was made up of pastel coloured knitted squares in purl stitch and I could buy it for 249 euros... that is around $415 aus or around $365 US. All I can say is WOW!! Needless to say, I resisted the impulse to purchase this little treasure.


Happy crocheting to all.

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Thanks Wendy. I am not concerned as apart from a foot that is killing me I feel great. The pain is wearing me out but physically I feel OK. when I download the photo I will post it although you really cannot see how beautiful it was as I always feel I have to take any shop window photos in a rush as there is some concern with copyrights etc when one snaps these photos. We were in Paris and my daughter saw a gorgeous bridal dress... it was out of this world . Normally, I would take a photo ( realistically one could never duplicate it as one would need more particulars and the access to the specific material etc to do so) but the lady in the shop was watching me so I politely asked her if I could take a photo and she said NO most emphatically.

This rug is very simply made and it was also made in acrylic ... very much like our 8 ply yarn... but it was so gorgeous.

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Ok I have woken up now at 11.30 pm so I feel well rested and ready to start the day:lol. It will take me a while to get my internal clock to match the time zone I am in!!!!

Here is that 249 euro rug that caught my eye. Looking at it now one can see that it is very simple but it did look gorgeous in that window (some of that perception may have been tinged with nostalgia I think). I was also probably suffering some crochet withdrawals. It is not a complicated worked rug and quite scrappy ...in one square the yarn ran out and another was added...but worth quite a bit and I am sure someone will buy it. When I converted in my head how much it was worth in Aussie dollars I was amazed. So ladies some of the work I see on this forum is priceless ... both in sentimental and monetary value.

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Good morning, everyone.

Ines, welcome home! You've been missed. Good luck with all the tests and take care of that foot.

Hi, Valerie. Enjoy your day off. Happy crocheting.

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Ines...that lapghan looks like something we could all do!! Glad you didn't pend your money on it...use some sport weight yarn so it has a light feel to it and you will have a masterpiece! A great stash buster, too:D

I hope all your tests come out okay...sounds like you did something to that foot, though.:hug:hug

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