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I still haven't worked any more on the coat yet, but my 8-pocket tote that I'm going to keep it in is almost done.

The tote is so pretty...but, I don't know about you, I was a little bored with the repetitive pattern. I loved the finished product, though!


We'll be here till the cows come home...:lol...so just pop in and visit when you're in the mood.

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Mel, that rug is so pretty - and girly;)

Really nice job:clap


..and my 2 yo shepherd is a tank at 105 lbs. Don't get in his path when he takes it in his head to catapult himself around the yard!!

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Good Morning Ladies


Thanks everyone for the kind words on the rug.

It was done with 2 strands. That last round was a killer on my wrist. It wouldn't have been so bad if I was using a bigger hook, but she wanted it thick with minimal holes.


I had trouble sleeping last night so I whipped up another scarf. When I first made it I was going to keep it, but when I was taking pictures of it this morning, I decided it was going to my friend that is fighting cancer. I think she could use it a little more than me right now. Plus it has her favorite colors in it. I have never used this yarn before (Bernat Berella "4"). I bought it a Michael's this week. I will be getting more of it after work today if they have any left.



click for details

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I still haven't worked any more on the coat yet, but my 8-pocket tote that I'm going to keep it in is almost done.

Sounds like you are making really good progress. Way to go!

I've almost finished the 3rd block for my BB afghan. It's red and black striped.

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Mel, that's a pretty scarf! And you were meant to give it to your friend:c9

Berella is really great yarn, isn't it?

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Cindy, thanks for the kind words.

Mel, that's a pretty scarf! And you were meant to give it to your friend:c9

Berella is really great yarn, isn't it?


Thanks Judy. Yep, it was meant for her.


I had never used Berella before. I really like it. I like it so much that I bought 4 more skeins of it today. I made the mistake of going to work today (I went back too soon and had to leave early, still not feeling all that great), and when I left I had to go rescue the yarn at Michael's that was calling my name :yes:yes

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Cindy, thanks for the kind words.



Thanks Judy. Yep, it was meant for her.


I had never used Berella before. I really like it. I like it so much that I bought 4 more skeins of it today. I made the mistake of going to work today (I went back too soon and had to leave early, still not feeling all that great), and when I left I had to go rescue the yarn at Michael's that was calling my name :yes:yes


You're such a kind, gentle, giving, thoughtful person :manyheart

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Thank you Cara and Wendy.


I am putting together a package for her and will be sending it off to her soon...she lives in Canada and I'm sure she can use some warm things. So far I have 2 scarves done, her shawl is 3/4 done. I am trying to make her a hat, but they have too many holes, so I may have to just buy her a few. If I buy them, I'll crochet some flowers and put them on it for her.

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(I went back too soon and had to leave early, still not feeling all that great), and when I left I had to go rescue the yarn at Michael's that was calling my name :yes:yes


Hope you feel good soon, fibro is a duzzy, and reeks havoc on your whole body.


Went to eye Dr today, in same center as ollie's and heard a voice calling me too, so wound up buying 15 skeins, but 4 are going to DD, as she loves Mainstay and it was 1.99 a skein, so I could make her day a little brighter.

The others at 99 cents were multi color and hombre (I got 4) and 4 of the Red Heart Symphony, and 3 of the Red Heart craft yarn to make a tote.


Did get some more of my comfort shawl done, but not alot.

At least the Dr did say that the diabetes hasn't damaged my eyes, and the cataract hasn't grown any, although the vision in my left eye has gotten worse. I wear coke bottle glasses now, :lol, wonder how thick they will be this time.....


Gotta go make dinner, and don't really feel up to it, but the food police has his siren on.....

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Thanks...I've tried making hats before and always felt like an imbecile when they didn't come out right. NOW I know I have to make it MAN's size for my Polish head:lol:lol:lol

That Wool Ease is so nice....:c9


:rofl, is that why I have so much trouble making hats for Me?:lol

I think it is nice, and the color is too...

and Wool Ease is very nice....


Linda, Luv the squares, can I ask what stitch that is? It looks like a waffle stitch, but my eyes are not that reliable when it comes to pictures.

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Hi, Carol. It's Cara's pattern, Becky's Blocks. The stitch has a name, but I don't remember what it's called. The pattern is on the home page of Happy Yellow House.

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Hi, Carol. It's Cara's pattern, Becky's Blocks. The stitch has a name, but I don't remember what it's called. The pattern is on the home page of Happy Yellow House.


I've always seen it called a Sedge Stitch. But I'm learning that each stitch seems to have various names depending on who you talk to :lol

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My rug is finished. Well, at least it is finished for now. I am out of RHSS 'Fall' yarn. I will use it the size it is right now, and if I decide it needs to be bigger, I'll buy another skein of 'Fall'. It measures 26W x 44 L. It is so thick and soft. I don't have enough light to get a good pic tonight, so I'll try tomorrow.


I wonder what other color variegated I have that will look good with black :think:think

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Hi, Carol. It's Cara's pattern, Becky's Blocks. The stitch has a name, but I don't remember what it's called. The pattern is on the home page of Happy Yellow House.


Nope not a waffle stitch, but sure is pretty....:yes

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My rug is finished. Well, at least it is finished for now. I am out of RHSS 'Fall' yarn. I will use it the size it is right now, and if I decide it needs to be bigger, I'll buy another skein of 'Fall'. It measures 26W x 44 L. It is so thick and soft. I don't have enough light to get a good pic tonight, so I'll try tomorrow.


I wonder what other color variegated I have that will look good with black :think:think

Any of the deeper shades should do good...Can't wait to see the next one,:hug

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Yup, love that black yarn!!

Looks like everyone is busy...I haven;t done a ME project today, but will soon...I'm feeling the urge to make myself another hat:lol...or a scarf...ir...well, anything that can be finished fast will work for me these days.


I went into my closet today to declutter...well, you know those HUGE black trash bags? I don't mean the puny 39 gallon ones, either...anyway I had that sucker packed up 3/4ths full. Phil saw me with it over my shoulder and he said I looked like Santa:lol:lol:lol

I was tossing things out of the closet and across the room from my knees...:lol

It's so freeing...:c9

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Got a round of the granny rectangle ghan worked on :crocheting in the truck going from errand to errand today. First dd and I took 2 of the cats to a free FIV/FeLV screening, then it was errand time. He-Man was having an attitude :grumpso we left him home to sulk ; and dd and future sil did all the running. Paid his tv rental bill (what a waste), then stopped at auto parts store for a little thingy that might fix the heat problem; and also got my van new wiper blades :clap got subs and dd put in an application at Jersey Mikes. The the shopping began: discount bread store for whole wheat bread, hotdog & burger buns, etc; then on to petstore for SarahJanes food, and found a purple leash and collar on sale for her! Purple is the color of the Brain Injury recovery group Rebound, so it's perfect for her to wear on her visits to Hartwyck and fancy with rhinestones!


By the time we hit Lowes for door hinge return and heat duct repair materials, dd and I were so pooped Andy pushed us to the car on the dolly he was using! Recovered slightly, we hit the food store :shop that had meat and chicken on sale, but despite a cart loaded to overflowing we need to go back Monday as they were out of a couple things we were looking for like the sale on frozen chicken tenders and diet sodas.


Home at last, we got it all put away, and now we're exhausted and ready to :sleep

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