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crochet and jury duty?

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Well, I have been called to jury duty for the first time (next tuesday) From what I've heard, often it is a day spent just waiting in a room to possibly get called. As boring as it sounds, I am looking forward to having time to bring a WIP. Here's my question, I know there are a lot of things you can't bring with, has anyone brought crochet hooks/ projects with them? Do I need a wooden hook, or will they allow metal one?

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Hmmm... I've not done jury duty in recent years, and don't think if I got called I'd think about wood vs metal hooks, VERY smart of you! Definitly call and find out, I'd hate for you to bring something and then not be able to actually do it... the potentially long hours would seriously drag w/out a WIP!

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You're probably going to have better luck getting crocheting in there, rather than knitting, seeing as crochet hooks are sharp and pointy like knitting needles.

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Oh good for you, I wouldn't have thought of that! I would imagine a plastic hook would be ok, as long as if goes throught the metal detector! I took plastic knitting needles to the airport and went through with no problem post 9/11, and nobody stopped me once on the plane either.

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Most courthouses do have metal detectors and guards at every entrance. The reason I would call and see if crochet is allowed is that you may get a guard who doesn't know and will convescate your hooks and scissors.


Also, like going to the airport, have a self addressed envelope and mail the "taboo items" to yourself if they do get taken away.


I would bring plastic or wood over metal and hope for the best. You can crochet in the "jury pool" but not if you get put into a courtroom.


I haven't gone in years. I bet it would be fun to be actually part of a case.



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As everyone has suggested, call ahead so you won't be disappointed.


I was called for jury duty several years ago. I forgot I had a miniature metal toy gun in my purse that I bought at a toy show over the weekend. Well the alarms went off and they did confiscate the gun. :lol I was allowed to pick it up when I left the courthouse.

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Even in a tiny town like I live in, there is a metal detector and 2 Sheriff's deputies at all times just inside the front door of the Courthouse Building. It's comical in a way, because this town has the sum total of 2 traffic lights ~ that's how small it is. But they do scan your purse and whatever you have with you and use the wand scanner up and down your body.


Here, they probably wouldn't have a problem with you bring in a crochet hook, especially if you brought a plastic one, because it IS really boring while you are waiting to see if you are picked for jury duty.


If you are chosen for jury duty, you can't crochet then. You can't bring anything in with you at all.


Best of luck.

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I've done jury duty a few times. I take a small project, a plastic hook and a nail clipper or round yarn cutter. You should also take a book, 2 (3?) cheap decks of cards (people say "why didn't I think of that"), nothing you'd hate to lose. If they won't let you crochet, you can always find someone who'll play cards or learn solitaire before you go.

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