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The "one more row" lie...

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I know why my "one more row" fails:


I'd stop at one more row but you know how that is...my hook could fall out on the end...so I have to do just a little bit on the next row. Oh, but I'm almost halfway through the next one, so may as well finish it too...then not much further to finishing this one...and what? Yes it's 4 AM, but just a few more rows and it'll be done..yawn..must..keep....going..(fall asleep on project).


I wouldn't categorize it as lying, it's just a mistranslation. You see, in English "one more row" means "one more row" and in Crocheter-Speak it means "when I'm too tired to continue, my fingers stop responding to my commands, or all my hooks break (possibly all at once)."

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My hubby laughed his hinney off when we read this. It is so so so true! Nice to know someone else out there is subject to the last row, last stitch and his all time favorite "shhh, I am counting"! (which counting goes on and on and . . . . . . )

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OOOh I am not alone then. My fella is so used to me saying I will just do this last bit or this row, he gives me a bit of warning before he expects us to go out or do something. he says something like "when you finish that bit of your knitting we need to go shopping" Even if I am crocheting I am not going to enlighten him as if he knew I could stop half way and infact I was crocheting he would expect me to be jumping up when he asked. I have offered to teach him just to see him try to get out of it lol.

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:lol :lol :lol :lol Well - I am soooo glad I got a chuckle, grin or wink on this one and I have good company on it!!!!

Sometimes I'll lookup after I have said it and SING in a mischievious way :devil (now some of you will recognize this Lamb Chop song! - only I changed a couple words!)...

Well honey you know ---- "This is the row that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend, well I began crochetin' it not knowin' what it was - but I continue hookin' it forever just because - this is the row that never ends...(repeat numerous times!) LOLOLOL


You know what's sad? I KNOW that song (originally) Lamb chop lives at my place...(honest, I have a Lamb chop puppet...)


I have to remember this...lol

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