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Where to find Crochet Kits?


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I am starting to get "What do you want for Christmas this year" questions and instead of telling people I want anything to support my crochet habit I thought directing them to a website that sold entire kits with a list of what I want would be better! The problem is I can't find any! I know they are out there (the only one I can find is on the Lion Brand Site)... Anyone have any links? THANKS A BUNCH!

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I have an ALWAYS-updated wish list on the Herrschner's site for kits. They seem to be the only ones (other than Mary Maxim and Lion Brand) that have halfway decent crochet kits. I've noticed that the high-end yarn sites tend to have just AWFUL kits for crocheting and much better ones for knitting...


If anyone else knows of good crocheting kits on other sites, do tell!

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Herrschners Kits




Annie's Attic




Maggie's Crochet has lots of kits.




I couldn't find any on Mary Maxim.


Hope this helps.:hook

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While looking for a holiday pattern I stumbled upon this website. www.cuddleup-creations.com I emailed the owner and the outcomes for the kits are absolutely gorgeous! Unfortunately they didn't have the kit i wanted but I'm planning on buying one of the patterns!


Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions! This site has me troubled a bit though. Most of her patterns are liscenced graphs and I cannot imagine Disney letting that happen.


This does give me a starting point though and as soon as I can sift through and find a few kits that I like I can at least let people know I'd like them. Maybe I'll get lucky and get one for Christmas! :hook

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