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I'm Falling For You .......................


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Thanks everybody - of course I can't take too much credit since I just took someone else's design and put it into saltines.


Extra thanks to you, Julie for calling me Slim outside the Smoke Signals CAL. I suddenly feel so slender...:D

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I hope you don't mind- I always was one that likes nicknames, the shorter the better. Everyone I know gets their name shortened if I can find a way to shorten it and they don't care -- Slim is so much faster to type than Barbara-- I keep putting about 7 A's in your name if I type too fast .

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Thanks guys - I really love that little cat design - I just don't think I can bring myself to do all those saltines. Making them is fine and I don't mind assembling them - it's all those ends :ohdear. But I used to hate doing big projects like afghans and these days, that's almost all I'm doing - so I figure I'll just file the catquilt away for when the saltine mood hits me.


Julie - I do the same thing with nicknames - I call almost noone by their actual name - only I don't usually shorten the name - for some reason I make it into something longer - and silly. For example, DD is named Anna. But do I call her Anna - nooooooo. I call her Anna Banana or Mammers or Foo-foo or Lovely McDovely or My Darling of Loveliness, Poopikins...I could go on. And yes, my son has just as many "nicknames" as well. Don't know why I do it, just always have. My friend Robin is "Robinowitz", Mom is "Mamadooblibunz", dear Lord, what is wrong with me...

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Of course, Wendy. Like I said, it's not really my design, but if you, or anyone else, gets inspired to try it before I do - I'd love to see what you come up with.

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Barbara~I love your kitty block. It's definitely on my to do list, someday.....:P Great job, very cute. :cheer



I have no idea what i'm going to do now. I should've never asked Hubby what he liked. He likes Cara's ghan but he doesn't like the corn. He said we ate that this summer so how is that fall. :angry He wants leaves, scarecrow & pumpkins. Now how do I do that? Any ideas? Anyone? Cara? :D


Last time I ask his opinion. :lol

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Dear Slim

Do you like Green Eggs and Ham ?

I do not like them Sam I am .

Do you like them here or there ?

I don't like them anywhere.

Would you like them on a train ?

Would you like them in the rain ?

Would you like them in a tree ?


Now Sam let me be !!!!


* couldn't resist-- I have read that book to Cam 7,218 times .



I also make up funny names for people. Mainly Sam gets it now -- here are just a few-


Twinkie the Kid

Little Dipper

Long Arm of the Law




Buns of Steel

and the other day, I called him HotPants down at the gas station . He was leaving for work,and stopped to get gas,and I had just pulled in to get gas in my car right across from him, so I called him HotPants in front of the gas station lady -

He turned every shade of red you can name. :D:lol:D

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That is picking on someone -- he is pretty "backwards", I guess you'd call it. Very quiet, does not like people to pay much attention to him or stand out in the crowd, so I did it just to see his reaction. It was actually pretty funny.


He told me once that he wishes he was like me, I am more comfortable in front of a crowd than anyplace else. I LOVE it.. an AUDIENCE !!!!


He says that is something he admires about me, so I'm trying to HELP him to be more comfortable in front of a group .

I started him out with a group of ONE- the gas station lady. And she is funnier than heck ,so she got a kick out of it .


He is finally loosening up at our reunion --- he is just amazed when I walk in down there and start gabbing. It is SO much fun. A lot of the people I only see once a year, so it's like a game for me to try to remember as much as I can about each person, names, kids, jobs, hobbies, etc -- I try to remember as much as I can about people. When we get new family members, i hang out with them and ask a LOT of questions so I can file it all away for the next year.


I always call it "working the crowd".


Most fun I have all year .


Sam is actually starting to do better down there-- he does a little bit of working the crowd now himself ,and sometimes even says funny stuff ,so he's doing better. Another 30 years of marriage and he may come out of this bashfulness.

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I also make up funny names for people. Mainly Sam gets it now -- here are just a few-


Twinkie the Kid

Little Dipper

Long Arm of the Law




Buns of Steel

and the other day, I called him HotPants down at the gas station . :D:lol:D


Gee - I bet if we asked Sam which are his favorites, he'd say

Long Arm of the Law and

Buns of Steel


Am I right? - Wait, maybe you shouldn't answer that ;)

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Barbara~I love your kitty block. It's definitely on my to do list, someday.....:P Great job, very cute. :cheer



I have no idea what i'm going to do now. I should've never asked Hubby what he liked. He likes Cara's ghan but he doesn't like the corn. He said we ate that this summer so how is that fall. :angry He wants leaves, scarecrow & pumpkins. Now how do I do that? Any ideas? Anyone? Cara? :D


Last time I ask his opinion. :lol


Tabby - an idea - (and Cara, I hope this isn't too presumptuous of me) couldn't you replace the corn in Cara's design with a taller pumpkin, or maybe you could get Cara to whip up an oak leaf or something to put in there.

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Well, I don't know if he has any favorites-- I keep coming up with new ones all the time to throw him off guard, so each morning when I wake up, I have a new one for him, then he tries to come up with one for me, so it's like a BRAIN GAME we play in the mornings-- I figure it might fend off Alzheimer's a little longer if we keep our brains thinking .:lol

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Tabby - an idea - (and Cara, I hope this isn't too presumptuous of me) couldn't you replace the corn in Cara's design with a taller pumpkin, or maybe you could get Cara to whip up an oak leaf or something to put in there.



I was kinda hoping Cara would step in here for me. :D

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Julie~I'm more like Sam & Doa is ALOT like you. :yes Any chance he gets to pick on me he does. Not so much with nicknames or anything but we'll be walking in the grocery store and all of a sudden i'll get pinched (if ya know what I mean). I hate that, i'm very old fashioned when it comes to public affection. But he just does it because he knows it makes me center of attention & I hate that. His other favorite is passing gas in the store & then running leaving it by me. What a child he is but that's what kinda stuff he does to "pick on me".

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Julie, I'm married to a shy guy, too - I embarrass him to no end when I talk to strangers in the stores,etc!

He can't say he didn't know what he was getting when he asked me to marry him!:lol

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Doa is bad at that too. He talks & waves to EVERYONE! We can be in the van & he'll honk & wave to every stranger we see, saying hello. He says "i'm suppose to be nice". Yeah, yeah, whatever. :lol


Didn't your Moms ever teach you not to talk to strangers? :no I'm more the type of person that is scared of strangers, ecspecially if i'm alone. Don't trust anyone. :no PARANOID? A bit, I guess.....but you can never be too safe. :no

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Tab- you have me chuckling here about Shenandoah's tricks.


He sounds like somebody pretty funny to hang out with. We'd probably pester the life out of each other. :lol


Sam isn't afraid of strangers, he's just very RESERVED . He'll speak if someone speaks to him, but he doesn't usually initiate a conversation .


I stand there trying to THINK of one if I see someone I don't know.


In fact, a lot of people probably think I'm trying to make a move on them -- and I'm NOT .

Not interested, thank you very much, just like to YAK . :yes


I've gone up to men and complimented their shirts, hair ,eyes, you name it .


My parents had a big yard sale last year before they moved and I told one man he had the prettiest hair I've ever seen in my life. (WHITE,and looked like a PIRATE ,which I told him ). :lol


My mom looked like she wanted to take a switch to my rearend. My dad just laughed- he does that stuff all the time too, so he sees nothing wrong with it .



Then another young guy stopped with a dark tan and long black hair in a ponytail. I told him if I was 20 years younger, I'd go home with you.

He RAN down the driveway to get away. :lol

My dad was a little PEEVED about that one since I ran off a customer.


I do the same to ladies-- I'll compliment their hairdos-- and ask them if I can TOUCH it ....

I love to compliment old ladies about their PEARLS, BROACHES and DRAWN ON Melanie Griffith Lipstick .

Makes them grin ear to ear-- (pretty interesting to WATCH the lipstick when they do that. )


I should work for one of them Candid Camera Shows-- I'll talk to pretty much anybody about pretty much anything .


Judy- yea, I can't say Sam didn't know what he was getting into. We met when we were 13, so he knew me well long before we walked down the aisle .


He always says opposites attract.


We couldnt be more opposite if he was a Martian with Beady little eyes and I was a professional ice skater from the North Pole .

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You guys have me laughing. My husband and I are both clowns... we could get into some serious trouble if it weren't for our kids.


Julie - I'd LOVE to see your yakkety yak in action. Sounds like I should bring popcorn!


Tab - just hope Doa doesn't come into your store while you're working and GOOSE you then! LOL!

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Krystal-that's good that you are married to someone who likes to do the same thing .

You'd be more than welcome to come watch me in action.


I know this sounds stupid, but I am honestly UNCOMFORTABLE if I am in a store ,restaurant or any other public place with other people and am not TALKING to someone.


I feel like I'm from another country, and in MY country, it is RUDE if you don't TALK to everyone as soon as you see them .


Tab- yea, old Shenandoah will eat about 4 burritos, come in right by your register, GAS IT, then walk out--

Hope it doesn't get you fired . :lol :lol :lol

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