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Am I addicted?

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To thread? What are the signs? Every time I try and crochet something out of yarn (lately, anyway) I have to force myself to do it! I did make the life-size greyhound, and that was OK since it was for a dear friend whom I knew would love it (and she did!), and I tested Sarita the amigurumi Mexican doll, and that was OK, but recently I can't part with the thread projects! :lol Now that my Pink (really green) Blush Doily is done I am without a project....should I say, without a THREAD project. And I need to remedy that....suggestions welcome! :think

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Embrace your thread addition. I did thread for so many years (partly because I could do 2 doilies for a $2 ball fo thread and it would be 2 gifts--I was low in finances). But I also loved thread.


Now I'm more into yarn. I have a tough time with doilies and thread items.

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Melissa, If my hands would let me, I would be with you in this addiction all the way... ah, um, er... oh yeah you are addicted of course.


The first sign of addiction is joining The Ville... we all know that but we try not to mention it too often ... it is called denial :rofl


I think that you should just make a whole big bunch of thread stuff until you are ready to return to the dark side. (Cara says we have cookies :wlol )

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Yes the addiction goes on and on. I can't shop without looking for thread of any kind to see if I might want to use it. The quilt shops have really neat ones in small sizes. You can either use them alone or as a carry along thread.


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