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Black and White??

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I have wanted to make an afghan in Black and white but I am in need of suggestions for what pattern to use in B&W.


...I do not want to do a ripple... that I know.


...I have the pattern for Cats in Black and White ... I could go with that but not ready to commit to it yet.


...I am not good with long projects so that might be a concern.


So do y'all have suggestions for freebie afghan patterns that could be stunning in black and white/

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Try the Bubbles Afghan pattern on CPC. Here is the link.




I've made one (adult-sized) and it's an easy pattern to get the hang of, and it's good when you're using 2 contrasting colors. It really looks striking when it's finished!

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Try the Bubbles Afghan pattern on CPC. Here is the link.




I've made one (adult-sized) and it's an easy pattern to get the hang of, and it's good when you're using 2 contrasting colors. It really looks striking when it's finished!


I like that one and may try it for something else but I was kinda wanting something that plays up the graphic nature of Black and White.


I did consider making a Lumberjack flannelghan but again... well.

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I'm wondering why you didn't post this in seeking patterns. :lol


I recommend the Diagonal Box Stitch. You can stripe it up any which way you want. I've done a lot of them and no two are the same. Plus it's hard to get bored with this stitch/pattern.




Something like this with big squares might look neat in black and white:




Or these circles:




How about a large granny:




Big and small grannies:




You could get brave and do this diamond quilt one:




I wonder how a black and white log cabin would look:




How about panels:




A black and white star. It calls for four colors but you could do it in two:




Feel up to motifs? How about a black and white flowery type thing:




Wouldn't this square really look Victorian, like shadow portraits, if done in black and white:




The Friendship Jewel would look awesome. I've tried squares with white center and midnight blue on the outside.




How about a spiral, it's done in three colors, but you could try two:





So that is a start from me. I can go throught CPC some more if you need. LOL

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Thank you Empress. I didn't post in seeking patterns because I always thought it was for people who knew what they wanted and needed help to find it. i don't know what I want so I am just looking for ideas.


I like the black and white "quilt' type - diamonds i think it was. it has that graphic quality I was looking for. I'll be ruminating on that one for a bit. it has the quality I want and I have the yarn :wlol


Thank you for all your efforts. I appreciate it so much. :hug

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But you did know what you wanted and needed help with: a black and white afghan.

I've seen far stranger and vaguer requests there. ;)


It's funny you picked that one because after seeing it I was wondering if you might like to try one of the other quilt ones and black and white one.

I've got a pattern or two from years ago that I keep thinking I want to two or three color them, rather than all the colors they say.




Anyway it's a thought for you. :)


Can't wait to see your finished afghan.

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But you did know what you wanted and needed help with: a black and white afghan.

I've seen far stranger and vaguer requests there. ;)


It's funny you picked that one because after seeing it I was wondering if you might like to try one of the other quilt ones and black and white one.

I've got a pattern or two from years ago that I keep thinking I want to two or three color them, rather than all the colors they say.




Anyway it's a thought for you. :)


Can't wait to see your finished afghan.


Thanks... I have some time to think on it yet...


Cara and I have discussed her insane need to make infinitesimal squares and that it is an insanity I do not share. I just love what she does but have not intentions of doing it :rofl

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I did the Lumberjack Flannelghan in black and Cream (you could easily use white instead of the cream). I love the way it came out... it's VERY warm! YOu only need to sew together the five strips. Here's a picture of mine:




I have just gotten back to using the slip stitch to put my strips together for my two blues flannelghan. I really don't want to use my B & W for one of those. Love them but not what I want here.


BTW, yours is lovely. I like those colours.

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I just finished an afghan for my boyfriend's birthday in b & w. He has a tendency towards the color black, as well as optical illusions (and in order to save my eyes from using the black yarn), I put the 2 threads together (1 strand black held w/ 1 strand white) and used an "M" hook. Then I did 5 rows of double crochet, followed by 1 row of sc. Repeating it. I used canon 1 pounders, and it took 6 skeins to get the size i was wanting. Was quite "plushy" and warm.


his sister now wants me to make her 1 in her choice of colors, and his mom was liking the effect also (her comment was, "that will be WARM come winter"). so no large numbers of itty bitty squares, :) .



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how about something like this I am making a blanket for my little sister inspired by this pic might be worth a try.



I love that and would love to see how you make out with it.


However.... I know from the Happy Yellow House stuff that it would take more than 1000 of those itsy bitsy little squares to make that and then they have to be sewn together. That would never happen even if I had 100,000,000 years to do it. by the 30th itty bitty square, I would be out in the street kicking puppies and little old ladies. :rofl


I do want to see your version of this though. it will be wonderful.

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I've never done one, but would the black and white one above work as a graph-ghan?


It could be done of course but you wouldn't get the nice sure edges that squares would provide.


Now, far be it from me to say how it will be done but it would be squares for me. ...And some tricky squares at that. those nine patches are intriguing

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I am going to make it to show you all now. I will work on it over the next few months yes I would make squares. But since the last blanket I have learned to sew up as you go. lol. you never know if I start kicking old grannies i will let you know lol.

hope you find some inspiration soon. you will get there sian xxxx

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I know I have a pattern for a black and white 'bow ties' MAM. Looks really neat. I'll post a pic if you like. :)

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I was going to suggest the afghan remake in an issue of Crochet Today...it's squares of aran and black with pink in the middle. Beautiful afghan! I started on it in Dec 06....make 138 squares...yeah. I've got, um, 40 something done! So, I hereby take back my suggestion. We certainly can't have you in the streets kicking puppies! :no:D


Miss Busy Bee- WOW! You sure are resourceful!:yes

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Mizduk, I have been tempted to try the black and white and one (or so) great colours but I still want the purity of B & W.


Could I get an opinion...


I Made this to answer a Help question and it has really been playing with my mind since I did it... which is why I started this thinking thread here...




It is the Trellis Rose afghan pattern.


I need some honesty at this point so... What would you think about me making this and just making the rest of the rows of the square in the white?


it would be white flowers and black leaves on a white ground...


The flowers could get lost I guess but perhaps not


With this pattern, I could use sc to put the squares together (puppies and little old ladies would like that part) and it would go fairly quickly as they would be goodly sized squares.


Have at it folks/ Good idea :yes Bad idea:yes

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So now I know why I don't like to make afghans (subconsciously I must be protecting those puppies and little old ladies:rofl )!


I like the idea of reversing the motif also.

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