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Nordstrom's bag


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I had to try this bag. I read all of the posts in the CAL. I think I read the pattern about 3 times before I started it. But once I started I couldn't stop. I really liked the way it truned out. Thank you for the great pattern.






Thank you for looking

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Love it!! I love mine, too, but I'm so regretting the yarn I used...it's gone all fuzzy and dirty-looking. What yarn did you use?

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Thank you!!

I don't know what kind of yarn I used I was in a bag of yarn I picked up at a yard sale. I just liked the color and I had a bunch of it.

By the way I picked up the handle at a Goodwill store. I just looked for a handle that I like and bought the purse for a $1.00 and cut the handle off and used it. I have to say I didn't spend a whole lot on making the bag. I think the ribbon was the most I spent on the whole bag.

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Love you bag. You did a great job! How clever to get your handle from an old purse. I so very much want to make one of these. Maybe soon.:yes

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