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Freecycle spoiled me!

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I posted on freecycle and I got two responses... and look at what that added to my stash!!!




this first bunch came from a lady who spins and dyes her own wool! These spools are cotton and she doesn't use cotton. She also gave me those two crochet books.




This second bunch... wow! The lady said she'd put a bag together but I never imagined! She said she has 6 tubs full of yarn! I have a girlfriend who also crochets, and she has 4 kids so I asked her to stop by next time she's in the area and I'd gladly share to help her out as well. I hope others are as lucky with freecycle as I have been!

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thanks secretstasher! The spools she gave me are actually cotton, but it's a rougher cotton and I thought it would be great for throw rugs. If you like wool tho you'd go nuts in her shop! She has a trailer all packed up to go to a show and I was going crazy over all of the stuff she had for sale... man she gets a lot of money for her hand dyed yarn, and there's not much to the skien! I hope she does well tho, I'm going there again tomorrow.

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I was sent 3 rolls of the pretty yarn that is on the left hand end of your second pic from a friend in the usa! I think it was called monet or watercolour.....I made a poncho for my kids with it! wow thats one great score from freecycle! I asked for yarn a year ago and was given 3 bin bags full! lol so it just goes to show its always worth asking isnt it! :)

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cool :D congrats! totally jealous on the cotton front, it's pretty much all i use :lol

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I have gotten a box full of yarn, older yarn but still good and today I am going to meet a lady to pick up a bag of yarn for my charity work. Freecycle is definately awsome!!! I also got some yarn by posting on craigslist for free or cheap yarn for charity. The lady from craigslist had a whole garbage bag full and most of it was whole skeins just wound into balls.

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Congrats on your yarn haul!!


Be careful about what you're asking for. **LOL** ;) I put a "shout out" for free yarn for my daughter's knitting club and our crochet ministry at the church. Once the yarn started coming it really came in...:D I had to start looking for alternate storage and the yarn seemed to be coming in faster than I could handle it.


Just goes to show that if you really want to crochet, you'll always find the yarn....:yes



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thanks! I still can't believe all that yarn!!! I will definitely share from those big cones, if anyone is interested don't be afraid to pm me!

The yarn is still piled on the table and I can just hear all those afghans and rugs and totes just calling out to me! *learn our stitches! let us out!* haha!

Yes, I definitely encourage anyone to ask on freecycle, just look what it can produce!

Now, where am I going to PUT all of this yarn! Time to get another tub! :hook

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to list items that would be put out to the curb and is open to all who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. This will save our landfills from overage and give new life to items that are no longer needed. Or maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself! Nonprofit groups are also welcome to participate too! Non-profit organizations also benefit from the Freecycle Network. Post the item or items you want to give away and a local organization can help you get it to someone in need.


One constraint: everything posted must be free. This network is brought to you by The Freecycle Network, a nonprofit organization and a movement of people interested in keeping good stuff out of landfills. Check out http://www.freecycle.org for other cities and info on the movement!


As far as I know you need a Yahoo! account, but that's free, and then you can join your local freecycle group!

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