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You've GOT to be kidding me!

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Ok. Not sure where to put this but I just needed to rant a second.

I've finally worked up the currage to make me a real wearable (i.e. not a poncho, hat, scarf or shawl...). I found a very nice tank top pattern, which only neede a few adjustments to fit my rounder than average person.

The back went well. (There are a few issues, like the fact I really should have gone up another hook size and made the straps a few inches longer, but nothing that can't be fixed when doing the front.)

Saturday I started the front. I'm mostly following the pattern, but using one of my own tank tops that fits me well as a guide for when to do the shaping and how much. I put in about 2 or 3 hours and got about 14 of the 16 or so inches done before I have to do the shaping. (I was also helping/watching my landlady's husband put our air conditioners back in, don't ask...)

Tonight I pull it out again figuring I'll put another hour or so in because DH is out playing Warhammer with the boys and I have the place to myself. I get a few more rows done and realize something's wrong. The row isn't working out quite right, I'm not ending the pattern at the same place it starts. This isn't a major deal really, except that I look down and about 5 inches in, the whole thing does a slight shift decrease on one end....

(I'd already pulled out a few rows thinking I'd messed up in front of the TV.)

So now I have to decide if I'm actualy going to frog the next 10 inches or just live with it and see if I can't get it back on track. Part of me says forget it, just leave it the way it is, but part of me feels that the 1/4" or so that it decreased will really be needed for a nice fit and to not make the side seam do wierd things....

I'm just going to put it down for the night and walk away...

Why, oh why, does this happen 3/4 the way through a project??

Ok, enough ranting.

Back to your normally scheduled program... beeeeeeeepppppppp :D

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Ok. Not sure where to put this but I just needed to rant a second.

I've finally worked up the currage to make me a real wearable (i.e. not a poncho, hat, scarf or shawl...). I found a very nice tank top pattern, which only neede a few adjustments to fit my rounder than average person.

The back went well. (There are a few issues, like the fact I really should have gone up another hook size and made the straps a few inches longer, but nothing that can't be fixed when doing the front.)

Saturday I started the front. I'm mostly following the pattern, but using one of my own tank tops that fits me well as a guide for when to do the shaping and how much. I put in about 2 or 3 hours and got about 14 of the 16 or so inches done before I have to do the shaping. (I was also helping/watching my landlady's husband put our air conditioners back in, don't ask...)

Tonight I pull it out again figuring I'll put another hour or so in because DH is out playing Warhammer with the boys and I have the place to myself. I get a few more rows done and realize something's wrong. The row isn't working out quite right, I'm not ending the pattern at the same place it starts. This isn't a major deal really, except that I look down and about 5 inches in, the whole thing does a slight shift decrease on one end....

(I'd already pulled out a few rows thinking I'd messed up in front of the TV.)

So now I have to decide if I'm actualy going to frog the next 10 inches or just live with it and see if I can't get it back on track. Part of me says forget it, just leave it the way it is, but part of me feels that the 1/4" or so that it decreased will really be needed for a nice fit and to not make the side seam do wierd things....

I'm just going to put it down for the night and walk away...

Why, oh why, does this happen 3/4 the way through a project??

Ok, enough ranting.

Back to your normally scheduled program... beeeeeeeepppppppp :D

I love your rant and can totally relate. I made my granddaughter a dress recently and had to frog back to the waistline because I did the first stitch in a series wrong...I don't know how I flubbed the pattern but I had to take out four days of work.

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i know how you feel, i end up with this a lot since most of my wearables are patterns i make up as i go along and end up frogging MANY times before i finally get it right. i say do what you feel better about, if you are worried it wont fit it is better to rip it than fnish it and hve it sit in the closet upworn because it was wasnt *quite* right, know what i mean?

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I can relate to your rant. I have an afghan pattern I know by heart and can usually do it in the dark. I guess I should of looked at it once in a while during the commercials. I had turned in the middle of the row and didn't realize until I was ready to set it aside for the night. I was not a happy camper.



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I think we all can relate to this one! I don't know how many times I have discovered I am missing a stitch and just added one. That works great in some things but not so good in others. Specially wearables that you want to have a specific fit.


I always end up tossing it aside for a while and then go back and frog it. I have a doily right now stuffed in my drawer that I left out a very important stitch. I am so slow with thread that it just irritates me when I find a mistake. Oh well I will be frogging shortly!

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oh no! i just made my first wearable from a pattern today and boy was it a nightmare, even for a simple pattern! i am much better at just making it up as i go along. well.. until i need to do the same thing for a second side or something lol cos i don't write it i never get it exact. i am trying knitting a bit more though and after the decreases it says "work in pattern stich for x inches" which would be fine except the pattern doesn't line up! so i have frogged it at least 6 times and finally someone told me how I should be able to get it to work but i am pretty much over the whole thing now! just wanna scream at it or something. i need to finish it as Jess loves it and can't wait for it to be done but i just don't wanna!!

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I know just what you mean. You crochet away happily for hours and all is fine and right with the world until you really look down at what you are doing and find that you messed up. :(


My husband will even say "Uh oh, you gotta "frog" that one huh?" now when he sees me yanking away at the yarn.:lol

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oh no! i just made my first wearable from a pattern today and boy was it a nightmare, even for a simple pattern! i am much better at just making it up as i go along. well.. until i need to do the same thing for a second side or something lol cos i don't write it i never get it exact. i am trying knitting a bit more though and after the decreases it says "work in pattern stich for x inches" which would be fine except the pattern doesn't line up! so i have frogged it at least 6 times and finally someone told me how I should be able to get it to work but i am pretty much over the whole thing now! just wanna scream at it or something. i need to finish it as Jess loves it and can't wait for it to be done but i just don't wanna!!


That was my problem Shell... the stitch I'm using is what I'm calling a W stitch (Think V stitch with an extra ch 1, dc) and a sc in the top of the next W. (The pattern calls them shells, but they're Ws IMO.) Somewhere, i did a sc in the last sc of a row instead of a V. (The rows alternate between both ends being an sc and being a V.) So now one end is a V the other an sc. So.... I think I'll be frogging. I decided if I'd done it on both sides and it sorta matched, I'd leave it be, but one side is nice and square and the other has a nice big dent. I'm sure no one else would notice, but I do and I'm the one wearing it, so it's got to go. :sigh and I so wanted it to be done this weekend.... Oh well.....

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I hate when that happens. You could always sc down the side to fill in the 1/4 " space and give yourself the extra st needed for the pattern repeat.


Yes, I suppose I could do this, but the perfectionist in me won't let me. Because I'll know it isn't right. Stupid I know. Maybe if it was the back pannel, it would be OK, but this is the front pannel... so it's got to be spot on. That's OK. It'll give me something to work on while I'm at the laundry mat on Saturday and next week on the plane. I'll just have to push back Mom's shawl another few days and pack it for my return flight on Friday. :shrug Just more frustrated at myself than anything. Everything will get done eventually....

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Any chance you could get away with a well placed floral motif at that point?:rose that is always my first choice :wlol


Nope, it's on the side where I messed up, right along the seam... It is just above where I was going to leave side vents, or whatever they're called. (I know the right name, but can't come up with it...) so it would look a little awkward. Oh well... In a way I don't mind. It's a simple enough pattern and goes quickly. I'm enjoying it and can't wait to finish :)

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