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Crochet Along...little blankies!


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I hope that it's okay for me to start this thread...if not I trust that the moderators will let me know. Please let me apologize in advance if someone already has one started here somewhere!


my passion is blankets for kids. I love to make all sizes...starting with travel sized comfort blankies all the way up to big kids afghans. I have donated them in the past mostly to pediatric oncology wards but I hope to branch out there. Family and friends and I donated a bunch with books along with them and they were a huge hit with the hospital staff, who even gave them to kids who were having a rough chemo start or IV trouble. One social worker said that as soon as he gave one of our blankets to a child who was having their first chemo that they curled up with it and fell asleep while their mom read them the storybook we sent along with it! That inspired me to keep going.


So, if you want to crochet along little blankies...for animal shelters...for preemies...for kids hospitals, let me know! I will work on a button as soon as I can.




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Ro check out the how bout a charity crochet along post. Look at the 16th reply. Holly outlined in what quarter we make what. I think it goes right along with what you're allready making.


Edited to say I'm not telling you not to do this :) I just thought maybe you hadn't seen the other charity along thread.

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Thank you Alisha!


I like to work on more than one project at a time year round if that's okay...I've administrated crochet groups before but I don't know if there are rules to this 'crochet along' thing as I've never done it this way!:blush


I will definitely check out the other thread and in the meantime leave this one here in case anyone wants to talk about making blankets of all sizes...maybe I can do that and also participate in the other crochet along too? If it'll mess up what is already going on around the forum here I will just keep working on my own on it, I don't want to bug anybody! I don't want to become Crochetville's village idiot LOL :eek2


I'm figuring how things work here as I go along and I will definitely be making more hats and installing the button for the hat-along on my blog soon as I get a second!


Hugs and thanks again



*edited* to add ah, I read the other thread, I see now! You guys plan on doing blankies in the second quarter. That's cool! I'll just keep on doing my thing on my own then in addition to the CAL.

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Hi! I wanted to let you know that a general CAL for blankets is a wonderful idea! Please feel free to start one and I'd love to see a button! :) You can get an idea of how the crochetalongs have been working here by visiting the other threads. Usually, the organizer creates a gallery of the finished projects and keeps up with the thread.


A general blankie thread would be great for an ongoing CAL for anyone who is about to start a little blankie for any reason. That way, one can join the Charityalong and this one if they'd like. :)

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Woo hoo! K, I would love to Tiff!


I have one button but I am working on a couple more too.


This will help me too to keep track of how many I'm making and where they're going cause I've gotten bad about that in the past couple months and I haven't kept track since the 5 blankets I sent to the Cleveland Clinic over Christmas.


Right now...I have a yellow TLC Lustre blankie on my crochenit hook (cable) and I have to get started on another, I just did a couple preemie sized ones and am working on getting some hat patterns up on the web (patterns I wrote a couple years ago) but I will definitely keep up this thread, thanks so much again Tiff! :)


Here's the first button, more to come!






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When I get done with hats and things settle down, I might join in on this one. I love making little baby things but don't know anyone who is having a baby any time in the near future. At least this way I'll be able to play. :))

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I have just started one for a friend and have another to do after that so I'd love to join if it's not strictly for charity.

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I like the idea of keeping it in general, not just for charities, so it would keep this CAL open to everyone to join in making little things. Plus, that way it keeps it separate from the Charity-along. :)

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I think this is a great idea, Ro! :clap I love making little blankies! :)h And I don't think it will in any way detract from the 2nd quarter of the Charity-Along, so roll with it! :cheer2

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It doesn't have to be just for charity...I'm inspired by people making blankies regardless if they're gifts or for charity! Mine will mostly be for charity but I do have a couple baby gifts I really need to get going on!


Thanks yarntomato for the endorsement too, I do not want to interfere with the other charity-along schedule by any means, will be contributing to that too I just love having a special place for blankie discussion!


So join in folks even if your blankies aren't for charity...or if they are and no matter which charity they're for, please! The more the merrier :cloud9





p.s. I'm off to work on buttons now! :):yay

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Glad you got it going and no your not ditracting from the charity along:)) Sorry if I gave the wrong impresion:o Didn't want to tell anyone what to do. I'm terribly sorry if I upset you Ro :hug that's wasn't my intention :oops

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:hug oh Alisha, please don't worry! I wasn't upset, no apologies necessary! :) I'm happy everybody is happy! :grouphug


I got a couple different buttons done! A couple charity versions and regular blanket along versions. Use and enjoy if you're so inclined! :)h please remember to save them to your own webspace before using or linking so Homestead doesn't send Big Guido to come knocking at my door for more money to 'make with the bandwidth' :rollin










the baby is my daughter when she was four days old...she was cramming her fist into her mouth lol you can't quite make that out but I thought the picture was cute even so small. I can't believe she's nine now. whaaaaaaaaa. :faint




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Hi, Ro:


I appreciate your heart for making blankets for charity. :cheer2 I'm the same way--I've made a few quilts for our local crisis pregnancy center. I decided this year that I'd like to always have a quilt and/or crochet blanket project ongoing to donate to charity, and I'd like to donate at least one a month (alread behind!!). :ohdear


I enjoyed reading your blog also--I'm praying for you and your situations.


I wondered if you or others had heard that Saturday February 19 is "National Make a Blanket Day 2005." Here's the link:


This is being sponsored by Project Linus and Janome. Project Linus accepts not just quilts, but also knitted and crocheted blankets for needy children. It might be a fun day for people to get together and work on some blanket projects together. You could donate to a Project Linus in your area, or any charity of your choosing. I'm hoping to get together with my quilting friends, but if that's not possible, I'm still going to dedicate the day to working on a blanket for my local pregnancy clinic.


Anyway, I think your blankie-along is a great idea!


Donna L. :heart




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Hi Donna! :)


I didn't know that about Blankie day!!! Now there is a holiday I can get behind with all my heart :cloud9 It will be fun, hopefully I can get at least one blankie done in honor of that day and perhaps find a Project Linus in my area if there is one to send to!


hope this post makes sense i'm multitasking which is never good for me LOL thanks for your prayers and concern, I'm hanging in there and I appreciate it!


I got soooo many pretty new blankie ideas this weekend from new books I got at Michaels and a couple ideas I have floating around in my head too that I have to try...will keep you all posted and post pictures soon as I can! I finished proofing the hat patterns:garden that I needed to do so i could post them so now in the next couple days I can go back to blankies for awhile!


back soon!







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Today I hope to start on my first blanket for the blankie-along!


Please forgive my brain stalling out (it does that!) I can't remember who it was but somebody here had a beautiful round baby blanket picture in their blog and linked it to this website:


Round Ripple baby blanket


and I am totally inspired to try my first round blanket! It looks so gorgeous. So to the person who posted that, thank you, your work is so gorgeous, thank you!!! Again I apologize I have been checking out so many blogs I can't begin to remember whose it was in.


I will be working on charity blankies at the same time along with this one but if this one turns out it will be a gift. If it doesn't turn out, I'll give it to my cat LOL. I have so many gorgeous new blanket patterns from my trip to Michaels (who had just restocked their crochet books!) that I am just a deer in the headlights, so many gorgeous patterns I don't know which to do first! I can't wait to see what beautiful blankets you all come up with as we go.




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I remember seeing that post, what a great blankie to pick to start off with. Mine is coming along, I'll post pics of it soon. I can't tell if I love it or hate it, lol. It's Homespun baby and I feel like it's sloppy looking but OH it's so soft!

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I like this blanket, its from a pattern book, with a 4 or 5 differnt designs in it, this pic is just one of them. There are puppys, turtles, frogs, kitties, & bears I think.. I'll hafta find it & share it, but they make wonderful warm kids blankies!!




I just put the link, becuz its a big picture.

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I know that pattern, tweeen! :)) It's from Color-Bright Creatures: 8 Awesome Animal Afghans (by Leisure Arts). I've seen that book in several online stores as well as on eBay. :yes

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Oooh! Oooh! I want in! LOL


I made a blankie for my brother's baby (due in May/June) and now I'm working on a pink and purple one since we know that it's a girl now (though I knew all along... bwahaha).


I've got another one that I started too... I like the idea of making them for kids oncology units, especially since my family just went through the whole cancer thing recently.


Back to cruising around... :bounce



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Hi Anne, welcome aboard!


I have to go blog about this in a minute but I just wanted to say that I started the round baby blanket last night at last (thanks Jewels!) and I LOVE IT! No joining, no rows to make uneven, it's like making a ginormous hat and that, I love!!! :)h


I think that I could crank these babies out at quite a rate once I get going. They are just so cool!!!


So happy to have you join us on our blankie adventures, Anne! I am sorry to hear that you had to deal with cancer in your family, we have had to in ours too (not a child but still hard) and have seen with my own eyes and heard time and again from hospital staff that the kids getting chemo are so effected in a positive way by having a blankie with them during treatment. They take them to and from home, hug them during scary tests, take them into surgery with them...

the benefits are endless, just from a little blankie made with lots of love.




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