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Finally came to my senses!

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:eekI have been unfaithful to crochet! :blush

I have always LOVED to crochet - :manyheart but my knitting/crochet group friends somehow talked me into learning to knit. I have said from the beginning....."knitting s----" but tried to do it. I managed scarves and the like and felt pretty darn proud of myself! :clap


But then, the latest project has been a knit-along SHAWL - following a graph. :c9 Was up to row 23, and then last night made boo-boo after boo-boo. :blush While trying to fix it all, I got so frustrated :devil that I just ripped the circular needle out of my work and tossed it across the room! :angry


OK, I got my crochet hooks back out :hook , found a beautiful shawl on line, and have spent the past 3 hours happily

:manyheartcrocheting away! Boy, did I miss my crochet hooks!


:yayBack to Normal for a while!

yes, i'll keep my knitting needles and make some things knitted, but for now, I'm back to happily crocheting!!!!


Next time I say the "K" word, someone slap me, please! :yes

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I'll knit the ribbing on a wearable but don't ever threaten my hook!!!!! (knitting is great for when you need a break, but just need a fiber arts fix - I really appreciate my hook more after knitting something)

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It's about time you came back to the light!;) I am the same way with knitting, we just don't click!:think

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Hey, don't diss knitting! I like both and will continue to do both! There is room in this world for crocheters and knitters! :D I'm sorry you had a hard time with knitting, Jozzie. Perhaps after you rest a while with crochet you might like to try something knitted again. I made a ton of washcloths before moving on in knitting and there are still lots of things I've never tried, since it's only been a year ago I really learned to knit. Besides, you can be a "real" knitter and limit yourself to very simple things, if you so choose!

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:clap Spent a delightful evening crocheting! :c9


I think my frustration comes from I did NOT crochet anything since October when I learned to knit! I'm sure I'll play with the needles again, but for now, :hook .... lol.....


...and I'll continue to be the "Lone Crocheter" at my club! :yay

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I do both, but if you put me on a desert island and told me I could have all the yarn I wanted but only knitting needles or a crochet hook -- I'd definitely go with the crochet hook.:lol I tend to like to alternate between the two.


Don't feel bad. It took me a LONG time to get somewhat proficient at knitting, and even then, I get a lot more compliments on my crocheted wearables vs. my knitted wearables...

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:clapTook my crocheting today to my Fridays "whatever" group (lots of kids from Monday's knit group) and told my story to those who weren't on line for the group page..... :hook:hug the only reaction i got was "life is too short to do that which you don't enjoy very much!" :manyheart great way to look at things and I spent the morning (and part of the afternoon) crocheting - very very happily!


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I actually learned to knit:knit before I learned to crochet:hook. But I loved :bheartcrochet so much more that I have nearly forgotten HOW to knit....But there are soooo many CUTE KNITTING patterns out there that I recently bought some new needles and started to practice knitting again......but, it is no use:shrug........Crochet is my first love! I will NEVER be a knitter:blush , but I can live with that:lol! I will just have to figure out how to convert the knitting patterns into crochet:devil

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