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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I went to the site and the join link worked, i saw that people joined in recently and thought this would be a great thing to work on during those times when I don't know what else to do....learning new stitches and patterns is always fun, so I don't promise to be fast, but I wanna give it a go!
Welcome Ada! There is no need to worry about not being fast....I started 2 months ago and have finished 4 squares in that time! To many other pots on the fire I guess!
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I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. It's coming out completely wrong. Looking at the diagram it looks like you make the second puff st in the skipped sc by going front to back. Ummm...that makes no sense to me. Then when I try to do it from back to front, in front of the prev puff st made, it is WAY too tight and does't look ANYTHING like the picture. I think I'm gonna make some random square for this one and skip it unless some can help me out.


It doesn't help that it's soooooo humid I can't concentrate. I just moved on to the next square in the pattern.


I have all my blue squares done (white on the pattern) now I am working on my white squares (green in the pattern). I'm doing them in diagonal rows from top to bottom. Gives more variety and switches it around.




still wondering about the joining methods....anyone? whipstitch or sc....I just don't know.

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I have 11 squares finished for this. I'm having trouble with getting the guage right on some of these. Some of them seem bigger than others but when I measure them, they are 7"....It's really strange. I hope it looks alright when I get it all put together!


Pictures are here...



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ARGH!!!!!!!! :bang :bang :bang


Okay, I thought that I was doing good on this project and had a nice start going - I knew that I had two squares finished and one almost done. My goal this weekend was to finish at least three more....Well, I've finished two new ones and thats all of the squares that I have!

I was looking at my two newly finished squares and then at the other three and something looked a little bit...ummm...fishy! Well, two of them were about 6 inches...including the edging, and the other was squeaking in at 7.25 inches! I must have made a slight mathematical error when converting the inches into centimeters! My old tape measure was a metric measure, so I had to convert everything. I brought back a US measure 3 weeks ago, and can now properly measure everything - which is nice, but I am no further ahead with this project...argh!!!

Sorry - just had to rant about this a little bit! *sigh* I guess I am off to frog and re-work the three squares!

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Kimberly, make a cardboard cutout to the proper square size, then you won't have to measure each time and can check each square against the cardboard. NOT that I did that, mind you, but I always thought about doing it and it seemed like a good idea. :P

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Kimberly, make a cardboard cutout to the proper square size, then you won't have to measure each time and can check each square against the cardboard. NOT that I did that, mind you, but I always thought about doing it and it seemed like a good idea. :P
Thanks for the tip Julie! I was getting sick of measuring over and over again! Now to find some cardboard... :)
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Kimberly, make a cardboard cutout to the proper square size, then you won't have to measure each time and can check each square against the cardboard. NOT that I did that, mind you, but I always thought about doing it and it seemed like a good idea. :P

that's a wicked idea julie!!! my chevron relief came out smaller than the others i have done too.

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You're welcome Kimberly and Jana. I can't take credit for it, it's buried back in a bazillion posts somewhere in this CAL thread. I don't remember who suggested it but I always liked the idea. (At least I'm honest.) :lol

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to "check in" and say that after I finish the square I am working on....I will have 1/3 of the blocks complete!:cheer:cheer:cheer


I am working all of the Ecru colored squares first, and I have to say that the last one- the one with 4 cables, is NOT all that I had hoped it would be:(. I had been looking forward to that one, but it just looks like a big nasty mess! Actually, my crocheting has been really "off" this week- it seems like every time I pick up a hook- the yarn/thread just won't cooperate:think.


Well, I suppose I just needed to 'vent', I'm gonna go frog that square now- and show it who's boss!:blush

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I went back on Sunday night and finished another square that I had frogged due to the sizing issue!


Here is a link to my 63 Squares Post - I will be updating this post as I make progress - I decided that was easier than constantly posting about what square I finished etc!


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The 'join form' doesn't allow me to however, I figured I would just post and let you all know that I am in!!!! Bought my book & yarn last night and already finished my first square. Will keep you posted w/progress.

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Ada and Divaborn - :)

I've decided to take my cue from you and jump into this CAL :hook even though I have not been able to join this successfully either. (This is my first ever CAL!:yay ) I already have about 15 squares done. I'm using a lot of my leftover stash so I can justify buying some new yarn eventually. Mainly blue, burgandy, gold, green, etc. I started doing the squares in order of number, but now, since I don't like joining, I am doing a strip at a time so I can do the joining as I go. Anybody else doing this, or is it a bad idea:think


I am happy to be joining you all!

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I don't see anything wrong with anyway you want to do your afghan. I think joining rows at a time would be easier myself cause it's tedious putting the squares together, plus I think it makes it seem like your getting someplace faster to see it start to develop. I need to get going on mine, been doing so much between gardening, Christmas items, & all the grandchildren & animals!:blush:hook

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Diane, I think your method of joining as you go is pretty smart...wish I'd thought of doing that myself.:cheer


I also realized recently that I should have been leaving pretty long ecru (my edging/joining color) tails on my squares, for sewing together later on. Like a good girl, I've been merrily weaving them in as I've been going along. :blush Either way is fine, I know, but it seems it would save a lot of time.

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Hi Shea,


I only have one row sewn together, and as I did it, I realized that I should have left long enough yarn tails to do the sewing with. I don't like weaving in tails, so I tend to do it right after I finish each piece to get it over with.


I did begin to leave tails on the last couple of squares, but found that you not only have to leave a tail, you have to have it on the correct side for sewing!:think I have a lot of rows to go to get it right, though. I have 3 right now to do the edging for , so I'm going to see what I can do.:hook

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Hi Molly,


You have probably already figured this out, but I'll try to explain anyway. I am left handed, so I was stumped for a moment on this one. (For left handers, the last 2 loops on the left side of the star just made are actually the last 2 loops on the right side of the star.)


Anyway, when you finish your first star stitch for the row by doing the ch 1, the next stitch begins by pulling a loop through the ch 1 stitch. Right below that, and before the single crochet on the pervious row, there is a loop that is the side of the first star stitch you made. That is the front of the stitch they want you to pull the next loop through. It looks like a chain stitch sitting on its side. Does this make sense? Hope this is helpful! Let me know!

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Count me in! Count me in! :c9 This was the first pattern I bought when I decided to learn to crochet a couple months ago. Today I decided it was time to give it a try and went to the store to get the yarn (off white, pale green, and soft sage). This will be my first big project and CAL ever. I'm so excited :yay!!! Even though the Join Form didn't work I guess I'll keep posting my progress too.

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:clap I'll join this, since one of my WIP's is about 5 squares for this blanket! This way I'll get it done!!! I'm doing it with random colors, so it will be nice and tackey! lol:yay
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sure there are more than six completed - mine is on the last page of my 63 Squares Gallery. I know Donna has been really busy lately with everything but I'll whisper in her ear about it too. :U

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Count me in too guys! I picked the book up the last week at Walmart and I am excited to get this blanket going too. I started my squares for my pillowaghan and I was having so much fun I decided to start getting supplies for this beautiful blanket too. I think I will do similar colors to the ones pictured in the book.




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Hurrayyy ! I got my book today and I am already started on the # 1 block.I hope I can do this...I've never done blocks before ,but since I know all the basics, I know I can do this!Have fun everyone...

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