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63 Squares Crochet Along


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<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/cheerleader.gif" /> I've got 23 squares finished... but I am going back and re-doing a few... as I am not satisfied with the size.


I love <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/cloud9.gif" /> the idea of the 7" square cardboard... cut one this morning.


I hope to post pictures soon! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/ura1.gif" />

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<<I am not putting the white(ecru) edging on until I am all finished with the squares. >>


I don't know how many afghans you have done in the past, but I recommend not waiting until you are ALL done with the squares and then doing the edging. Boring, boring boring and seems to be where many stall. I have done it, and frankly still do it, but as I take my stuff along to appointments, I don't have to work on them long!


I got stuck at #6, Trinity stitch. I'm struggling along. So, just to stay to one-a-day, I am doing some other squares and will return to the trinity stitch one. It looks like the stitch now, but too loose. Currently working on #11. I kindof like this stitch. Anyway, I hope to post my updated squares by tonight as my sister is going to upgrade the computer and that could mean no uploading for 2 weeks! (ask how I know this :cry ).


Happy stitching all!


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Guest stormync23

I like doing the edging the best, so I am saving it for last! I am weird I guess! The trinity stitch is also a little tricky for me. I just started it last night and I think I am doing it right. but if anyone wants to go into detail about the directions, i would not mind it!

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Okay all you creative people!

I need your opinions...


I have these four colors (all of which I like) and all of which will go nicely in my mom's bedroom. Since the 63 CAL booklet calls for three colors, I can't decide on which three... or if I could use all four colors how would I divide them up that way?

Or, should I use all four colors, but use only the butter (yellow) as the border and the other three as the squares? What do you all think??


Thanks for all your input!


<img border=0 src="http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v171/JPorter718/63_CAL.jpg" />

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Jamie -


Wow, this is tough. They are all nice colors! :bigsmile


White for the border, and the rest ( all 3! ) for the squares! :fluffy

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I like all three for the squares (light green, medium green, and blue), and I think blue for the border. :thinking1 :fluffy


I think it will give a more cohesive look to use one of the square colors as the border color.

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the colors appear to be: yellow, blue, green, and either are really pale green or whitish-

here are my thoughts:

if you use the yellow,blue,white - it will have a more spring/summer look

if you use the blue,green,white - it will be more of a fallish look


i'm with donnal-i think chose just 3

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OK...If you look at the diagram on page 5 of your booklet, you see how the colors are going to be put together. 4 colors really won't work UNLESS you just order them completely different. I also had thought of 4 colors (they do this with the Red Heart 52 stitch a week book), but wanted the same layout as the book. Alternatively, you could use the butter or light green as the bordering yarn and then use the other 3 colors as directed in the regular instructions. Just some ideas to throw around!


Well, I found that a square a day isn't reasonable once you get past the first 5 or so patterns, as I have OTHER hobbies, so I've got 7 of them done and will be putting this away for the weekend in order to get some other stuff done (including my quilting night at the quilt shop tonight!). I guess 2 or 3 squares a week will be the norm for me.


Happy hooking all!



My Crochet Blog

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Stephanie and stormy and anyone else having problems with the trinity stitch, here is a recent post that bramble made about it. Hope it helps! :thinking1

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THANK YOU ALL for the help and opinions you gave <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/hug.gif" />

I've decided to use the blues and green and keep the yellow out... I'll find something else to use that yellow skein for <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/rocking.gif" />

I started this afternoon with square #1 (SC) very easy and I love the look of it so far. I'm a newbie to gauge so it's taking awhile to figure out the right size. As of right now it's about 7 1/4", but I'll still have to put the edging and the border around it; and I'm using an H-hook... hmm, As long as the squares are all about the same size I'm happy <img border=0 src="http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif" />


I'll be using the med. green for the "green",

the light green for the "pink",

and the blue for the "ecru" and the borders.


I can't wait to get more squares completed so I can post pictures... I LOVE PICTURES!


Anyways, thanks again for all your great advice!


Now, off to <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/knit.gif" />

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I LOVE the colors your chose! Very SPRING!!! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/clap.gif" />


I think leaving it to just three colors is the way to go. And you chose the three I would pick too.


Can't wait to see your pictures!

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Thanks Deb,


I finished square 1 and most of square 2 today...

We're leaving for Ft. Lauderdale for the weekend but I think I'll just bring one of my other afghans with me, (since it doesn't take much measuring or anything)


Thanks again and I'll post pictures once I get a few more finished!

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I've been stitching like crazy the last two days and finished 5 new squares. You can see them on my blog and in my gallery. You all inspired me to get back to work on it, thank you so much!! :clap

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So I finally started the 63 squares. Last night I finished my first square, number one. I think that I am going to do them out of order because doing them in order seems so boring to me. I also utilized the cardboard square to check my size, and it is the best thing ever!



<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/clap.gif" />

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Beautiful squares, Julie! :clap

Your comments for each of the squares are helpful. Thank you Julie. :bigsmile


I have made 20 squares, and I am going to work on #21 today.

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Thank you Rebecca!


I just love Nova. I got mine at the 1997:eek Spirit of Cross Stitch Festival in Knoxville.


I don't have any affiliation, but I know that Nordic Needle carries the booklet. I just love how it looks like a watercolor quilt!:thumbsup

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thanks melissa! by the way, have to ask... is that your kitty in the pic? because he doesn't look like a nice fellow at all:wha kinda scary:o maybe it's just the angle of the picture or something....? check out the pets post on off topic... several people have pics of their critters (me included)

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