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Be careful... it could happen to you!!

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It's been said SO many times on here, but it's worth saying again: Husbands just don't understand.



Amen!!! They don't see the connection between our yarn and thier TOOLS...it's okay (in his mind) to go to the tool department in Wal-mart/Lowe's/Home Depot and buy this nifty gadget that he just has to have!!!

If Wal-mart reduced/eliminated the tool department like they are doing with the fabric department...the guys just MIGHT get it!!!

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My hubby tends to know better than commenting. In fact, one time I found patons brilliant on sale for $2 so I grabbed like 15 of them. When I went to the register they were only $1! Went out to the car where the hubby was waiting (he doesn't like to go in) and made the comment that if I'd known they were only a dollar I would have gotten more. He told me "why don't you just go back in and get more, I'll wait." How could I pass that up? Of course, I handle a lot of the gift giving, especially the females, on his side of the family.

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i am lucky. my hubby is great when it comes to my stash. since i do not drive ( never have) he brings me to to craft stores when our girls are in school and if he sees me looking at yarn or threads on sale and i only get a few he will ask me something like...."will you EVER need more? its on sale so you should get it now." a perfect example is when michaels was clearancing the jaimie baby yarn for 50 cents. i needed 2 more to finish a project. i had a basket so i picked up 3 to be safe. hubby disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a cart and emptied the bins. i looked at hime and all he could say was " you know you'll use it"


now that is understanding!



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My DH doesn't care what I buy, or how much or where I put it (as long as he can see the TV from his chair) LOL I have a hugh stash, mainly Crochet thread (at least it takes up less space) We have a four bedroom house and only the two of us, so lots of room. I don't work so it all comes out of his (well really my money, after all whats his is mine and whats mine is mine...) I buy what I want and when I want......he is a great guy, loves what I make and supports me in whatever I want to do....gotta love a good man. I can't imagine him telling me what to do....he never has and hopefully never will.....after all I cook most of the meals and he likes his cooked right....:yes:eek

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This is something I have never understood: The need one spouse feels( ususally the wife) to "hide" things bought from the other spouse( ususally the husband), like a child doing something naughty and afraid to be caught. Why?? As long as you are not spending money that is earmarked for other uses, and as long as all the bills are paid, there is food on the table, and everyone has clothes to wear, why, oh why is the need felt to "hide" things? If things aren't hidden, then they can't be suddenly "discovered" and they can't cause friction.

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:lol I so know how you feel, as my ole man nailed me on it last weekend. Since then I have been looking for new places to stash all the yarn bodies......:lol (the dog didn't think it was so funny when I tried to stash some under his bed)
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:yes my DH is a real sweetheart--he doesnt mind my stash as long as I keep it in tubs so it doesn't get rolling around everywhere --LOL he's always intrested in what I'm making and for who I'm making it for---we have been married for 26 years and he knows me real well--I always tell him when I want to buy more yarn and he loves when I but yarn on sale even if it is just to stash for a later unknown project----crochet is my one addiction so I guess he figures it could be worse!! LOL :yes
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Wow! I can't even imagine having to deal with this situation :no Well, now, I take that back. If we'd had the money when I was married to my first husband he would've made a stink or dumped it like lowrancer's wife did. We didn't stay married very long :lol


The hubby I have now is a keeper :manyheart Not only does he not say anything about my yarn (all over the place atm too :blush) but he surprised me one night with a wonderful hamper to keep my WIPs in instead of several tote bags, he foots the bill at yarn sales and even asks, "Are you sure that's all you want? Look at this color. This is gorgeous." before we go to checkout. He builds or buys storage for my art/fiber supplies. I must've done something good in a former life I guess :lol


My heart goes out to y'all that have this issue :hug I don't know how you do it :no

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Just noticed Lowrancer is from Killeen, Texas which only about an hour from where I live. Too bad I didn't see that 2 years ago when he posted it. I could've taken him an emergency refill :rofl :rofl

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The need one spouse feels( ususally the wife) to "hide" things bought from the other spouse( ususally the husband), like a child doing something naughty and afraid to be caught. Why?? As long as you are not spending money that is earmarked for other uses, and as long as all the bills are paid, there is food on the table, and everyone has clothes to wear, why, oh why is the need felt to "hide" things? If things aren't hidden, then they can't be suddenly "discovered" and they can't cause friction.

Same here. I don't understand it at all.

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I have yarn stashed in so many places around the house I may never find it all. I have UFP's I don't remember starting, and FO's I don't remember who they were for. I do not hide my purchases, nor do I tolerate demands or ultimatums from my mate. If he wants me to do or not to do something he politely asks and I tell him if he is being reasonable or not. My books or my yarn, if he were to get rid of them without telling me, I would probably pack the kids and leave.


I did suggest on day when we were hard up for money that I could possibly sell some of my books for extra cash. This being said with tears in my eyes, he told me that we would find another way. Same with the yarn. He may never understand my obsessions, but he is willing to overlook them.

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This is something I have never understood: The need one spouse feels( ususally the wife) to "hide" things bought from the other spouse( ususally the husband), like a child doing something naughty and afraid to be caught. Why?? As long as you are not spending money that is earmarked for other uses, and as long as all the bills are paid, there is food on the table, and everyone has clothes to wear, why, oh why is the need felt to "hide" things? If things aren't hidden, then they can't be suddenly "discovered" and they can't cause friction.


I couldn't say it any better. The only thing I've ever 'hidden' from my husband are birthday and Christmas gifts for him! My hubby's the best :manyheart . It would never even occur to me to hide a purchase from him, and vice versa.

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i hear ya sister !!!! i had all my stash all over the place

under our bed, in the spare room, in a seperate cupboard, the the BF decided that we had to clean under the bed and ooopppsss he found all my secret hidy spots, all of them aaahhhhh......so i had to put it all in the psare room and he was like OOOOHHH MMMMYYYYYY you have way to much yarn and for a split second i agreed with him (i said a split second) :lol it wasnt til it was all in the same place that i realised i had a problem........hahahaha NEVER

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I never hide yarn from hubby. But he still has no clue about the amount of yarn I own (what's the acronym? SABLE-Stash Amount Beyond Life Expectancy). He's never cared before 'cause I do work and bring in money.


Unfortunately, my daughter starts college in the fall and all my income will go to that. :( While I am sooooo happy for my daughter, I am going to miss my trips to the yarn store. :(



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I have to say I always feel bad for you Ladies who's hubby's just don't get it or try to forbid you from buying more.

I lucky my hubby doesn't really understand my obsesion either but he never says a thing because his boat,skidloader fishing supply's are always needing something so he leaves my sewing alone.I can do what I want and he never says a thing.Lucky me..!Sorry bragging just a tiny bit..

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Some wivesd don't understand either. I was just reading this am a link someone posted about that poor man on the ville. His wife donated most of his stash (37 containers) to charity without telling him.


I wonder what happened! Is he out on parole yet!




:eek Yikes!!! I would have been so upset.... oh man, I hate to even think about it.... :no


Thing is, you don't always know what you're going to need to make what you're inspired to make, so some stashed is not such a bad thing. And WIP's sometimes have to be set aside in order to finish... a break from them helps you get past the hump and get on wih it at those times....


Ah well, good luck with stash busting!

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