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Babelfish - bringing crochet together...

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I just had the MOST awesome experience! I know it's not much for some of you, but I'm pretty psyched!


With my daisy, on my blog it says to email me for the pattern. Well, I have received patterns from other countries, sometimes in "english" from a foreigner (great, because I can't speak any other language but to ask for a restroom, por favor sil vous play).


But this request was completely in a different language! Thank goodness the sender put the word "Daisy" into the subject or I certainly would have marked it as SPAM. Problem was, it wasn't any language *I* recognized! So, I went to the person's blog (oh, what beautiful work she does!) where she listed her country - Brazil!


On to Babelfish, where I put in her text, translated from Portuguese (thank goodness I'm not a complete cultural dolt)... and here was a request!


So, I typed my response to her, Babelfish away - and sent it back. I sure do hope that it translated my response close enough that she can understand what I wrote!


But how awesome is it that now language isn't really a barrier anymore? We can carry on simple crochet conversations from around the world!


This was TOTALLY AWESOME for me!

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Unfortunately, translators tend to be terrible, because you can't teach a computer all the variations on different forms of language. It really messes up French, and French and English are very similar languages, so I wouldn't trust it for anything more complex than what you were doing.

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That is awesome! It is also pretty exciting to think about just how far around the globe our posts and patterns go, and the number of lives they touch.:manyheart We certainly do live in an incredilble time.

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I get emails in other languages, too! Spanish I understand (studied it in school) the rest...nope.


Babelfish gives you the very rough translation, but it is definitely less than perfect.


Filet crochet is sirloin crochet.


Filet...sirloin...get it? :)

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Oh, I KNOW babelfish messes things up, I read how it translated her words. But it certainly gives you the gist of what you're trying to say, which is much better than if I had written Portuguese! I suppose I could have written it in Spanish, which is halfway between Portuguese and English, but I still trust Babelfish better than I do my spanish! :lol

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