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Traveling hook II..Hooking for cure, and nana will receive the hook


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It was meant as a compliment and yes, I will change it.
Oh, Bonnie, I'm so sorry, I didn't word that quite right. I was not offended in any way at all and thought it was so cute. :hug


For those who missed it, they won't know what we're talking about...if I remember correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong, I think it said "Traveling Hook II...Hooking for Cure, Napping with loopy1", because I was so tired when the hook arrived.

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No holes in my carpeting yet, but I may have worn the shine off my hardwood floors :lol. I am ready and waiting, and waiting and waiting.....let me re-phrase that; pacing and pacing and pacing. I've waited a long time for THEE hook to come my way. I'm prepared :devil.

Loopy1, sorry you are under the weather. I hope you will feel better now that the hook is in your hands.....maybe it was the anxiety that was getting the better of you. Hang in there and you will forget about how you feel while you are :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting up a storm. Take good care of yourself! :hug

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I'm soo happy that the hook arrived in MI, not only did my computer have a large amount of viruses but I was a lucky recepitant of my DH flu.....when I read that loopy was ill I right away thought that the flu bug was sent in the box.....but then I read what you had from Arby's. There is no way you would even think to have that any type of food. I am feeling better, however, once the headache goes for good I will be back at 100%

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Now I have a question


Who made the wonderful pine tree square for Jimbo's thank you ghan? I fell in love with the pattern and would love to be able to find it.



EDIT ; Jimbo has the square shown on his blog right NOW!!!!. I fell in love with this square

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Angelfire, I took your advice.....so now that my floors are shined up, bring on that hook! :lol

Loopy1 must be busy as a bee. I don't think we will see her on for a few days.....she's got busy fingers happening....and the hook! I'm just waiting to hear when she is willing to pass it on my way, so I can look like -> :crocheting:hook too.

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I'm lurking :lurk about! Bwahahahaha :devil


Kelly, told you in the Card CAL but I'll tell you again...so glad you're feeling better!


It won't be long Daisy...the hook should be in your hands by the weekend! :clap So, get ready!


Bonnie, there's a tree square in the 200 Crochet Blocks book by Jan Eaton. This one has a small rectangle to represent the base/stand/container and then a triangle shape for the tree. It's called "Tannenbaum". Does that describe the square? It's done in all sc.

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Jeanne, no, but thank you for asking. I just really loved the square, It warmed my heart. We are lucky to have such talent.

I want to acknowledge the wonderful way that everyone comes together to help find answers when we need help.:manyheart

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Jeanne, no, but thank you for asking. I just really loved the square, It warmed my heart. We are lucky to have such talent.

I want to acknowledge the wonderful way that everyone comes together to help find answers when we need help.:manyheart

Sorry that wasn't the square. I hope you can find the pattern or hear from the one who made it.


I, too, am so appreciative of and touched by the way members go out of their way to help find answers to other's questions. I know how much I appreciate it when someone finds something I've been looking for or helps me with a pattern. And when I can help, I get such a big blessing!


Crochetville is a Giving Place...to so many charities and people in need.

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Daisy, get yourself prepared! Gonna send out the hook in tomorrow's mail! And this is how I feel:

:(:cry:thumbdown:badidea:faint:reyes:bang:yell:grumpy :grump :sigh

But, it's your turn now and this is how you'll be feeling: :mail

:D:cheer:clap:applause:c9:yay:jumpyay:woo :2hug :dance:tup

I know you'll have a marvelous time making squares with it.



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Loopy1, I bet the time just flew by while you had the hook. Shall I send you some kleenex to help wipe away the tears? You look so dog gone sad! Here's a hug to make you feel better :hug. I'm sorry it has to leave you now, but.....then....Yippieeeeee, it's gonna be MY turn. You certainly colored me right with the smilies :lol I can't wait for you to post pictures of your squares and post in the journal. If you mail it tomorrow, I may get it on Friday or Saturday....depending on the weather. We've got a winter storm watch going for Friday, so we will have to see what happens. I'll let you know when the hookie arrives....safe and sound.

I'm Ready, I'm so ready, I'm so very ready!.....now bring on the Hook and let the squares begin!

I have everything in place....I just need the hook! :hook:crocheting

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The Sonny Hook has been mailed and is on its way to DAISY :hug !!!




Oh, Daisy, I'm a praying you get it tomorrow although 1-day delivery?

Well, let's just say that I know God can get it there :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes .


It's a good thing we didn't decide to drive half way to meet each other, huh?

Definitely not yesterday :no :no :no and definitely not today :no :no :no .


Robert took the package to the post office a little over an hour ago and then he had to take DS and girlfriend both to two different dr appts. Both their cars need repairs and DS HAD to go TODAY to have a broken wrist set and the cast put on. At least the dr's are close together.


So, Bonnie, I won't have the del conf # until Robert gets back. I will pm it to you then. Thank you so much for your care and concern. I really appreciate it. Thankfully, our city's trucks do a great job taking care of the roads.

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Loopy1, If I get the hook tomorrow, it would be a miracle and a half! I will be keeping an eye out for my mail carrier, but with my luck, it won't come until Monday.....but that's okay, cause I'm a bit sore from shoveling the snow (twice) today. I'm a very patient lady, like angelfire said, so when it comes, I'll get started....till then, I've got a gazillion other things I can do in the meantime. My hands never stay idle. I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better! That Gatorade must pack some kind of punch! LOL! I'll let you know when the hook arrives. I am curious to see what it looks like and how it feels. I may just pet it for a while, before I start to crochet with it :lol.

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YAY! I got the hook and it is beautiful! Thanks Jimbo! :hug Thank you Jeannie! :hug

It's my turn now, and I will keep this short as I want to go pet the hook and "caress" it for a few minutes, and pray over it, before I start my squares. Once I start crocheting, there will be no end, until I am finished. I have been ready for this, for awhile now. My yarns are laid out and so is my pattern(s). I just have to get my fingers busy after I write this message.

Wildthing, pretty soon it will come your way! Be ready!

Owlstitcher, you are next! I will let you know when I am finished and ready to mail the hook to you! Make sure you have your yarn and patterns ready, so you can crank out the squares for this cause.

Buh-bye everyone, I'm off to the production line to crank out my squares!

Wish me luck! I won't be back until I have made some good progress!

Take care everyone!

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You all have no idea how glad I am that Daisy received the hook yesterday. Now I can confess my sins. I was gonna mail it out on Thursday but Robert and I were both sick with a 24-hour bug or something. So on Friday, neither one of us still not feeling 100%, he had to go out and took the pkg to the p.o. for me and mailed it first class:eek!!! I forgot to remind him it needed delivery confirmation. And he knew it did. I wanted to be so mad at him and blame him but it was my fault. Even so, I asked him, "Didn't the clerk asked you how you wanted it sent?" Of course he said yes. Then I told him, "Well, that should have been a clue, Honey!" :P He felt so bad and I felt lower than a fuzz ball on the carpet. I had to pm Bonnie :hug, God bless her, and fess up. And she was so encouraging saying that it is small but we have God watching out for it.


So Praise God! I mailed the hook out on Friday, first class, and Daisy received it on Monday! Of course it only had to go less than a couple of hours east of me but with USPS, you just never know. It could've taken over a week but God watched out for it.


But let me say this to the rest of you. Don't forget the delivery confirmation...don't try this at home! Don't tempt God!!! :lol


p.s. I wasn't really angry with Robert and I did not fault him, but for just a little while I had to take it out on him for which I quickly apologized.


Daisy, I know you're having a blessed time making squares with The Sonny Hook.:hug ~ Jeannie

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I just had to take a break now, as this is me since Monday afternoon :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting . I'm cranking out squares like a production line :lol....and enjoying every moment of it, with thee hook :devil . I've only got 2 and 1/2 days left with the hook :eek and then I will have to pass it on :cry.

This is quite a humbling experience, as I make a square for each of my loved ones that have been touched by the big C. I will not divulge anything now. I will save that for the journal.

Owlstitcher, your time with the "Sonny" hook, is coming soon!

Okay, now I'm off to make more squares.....it's funny how fast you can whip up a square, when you have made so many of the same..... and have the pattern memorized :devil .

Take care ya'll!

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Now I have a question


Who made the wonderful pine tree square for Jimbo's thank you ghan? I fell in love with the pattern and would love to be able to find it.



EDIT ; Jimbo has the square shown on his blog right NOW!!!!. I fell in love with this square

please someone help me fnd it

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Now I have a question


Who made the wonderful pine tree square for Jimbo's thank you ghan? I fell in love with the pattern and would love to be able to find it.



EDIT ; Jimbo has the square shown on his blog right NOW!!!!. I fell in love with this square


please someone help me fnd it
Yeah, that is gorgeous! I noticed he's been using that square as a background and wondered if it was part of his ghan. Does he know who made it? I assume the tags were on the squares when he got it but I imagine they've been removed.
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No, I'm AWFUL sorry that i don't know who made that square. Its one of two in the afgan you kind and talented people made for me but the origin of the squares is lost!! So.. I'm hoping that the artist will raise her/his hand and let us know who they are!


All of the squares in these amazing afgans (there are TWO of them!) did such incredible jobs. It warms me inside and out just to look at them and I do ALL the time..... and I'm STILL so grateful for you guy's. Its really a shame that the paper showing the folks who did this kindness is lost. But whoever you are, guys I'm here thanking you again.


And i'm looking forward to getting the traveling hook III made. Its been just next to impossible to get out to the lathe with the weather the way it is. As it is, the hooks in my blog are the last of my reserves.


The weather is supposed to be turning warmer and just as soon as my fingers will stand it, i'll be out making another traveling hook. And with the everso kind help of the ANGEL, it'll be off it's own quest, through the hands of you incredible people, to do its part to find a cure or treatment for Friedreich's Ataxia!


Oh i'm such a lucky guy but sad that i can't help out with that incredible square's origin.

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Don't worry Jimbo, I think I found the pattern to that wonderful square in question and sent the message on.

Okay, now I've got a few more squares to work on...gotta run! :crocheting:hook:crocheting

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Don't worry Jimbo, I think I found the pattern to that wonderful square in question and sent the message on.

Okay, now I've got a few more squares to work on...gotta run! :crocheting:hook:crocheting

So, Daisy, you came up for some air? I wanna know where the pine tree square is, too!

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Sorry I haven't been paying attention, but I'm the tree lady. I'll look it up and let you know which book I got it from.

Here it is, its from Afghans for All Seasons (leisure Arts) and its called Christmas Trees (whoda thunk?).


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