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Barbie Doll Blues

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My boss saw the beautiful crocheted Barbie gowns I've been ordering and commissioned me to make the Antebellum Bride Doll for her daughter's birthday in August. Her daughter is a collector of Bride Dolls and she thought it would make a perfect gift. So did I at the time until remembering they changed Barbie so she was more realistic. I picked up all the materials ahead of time and did a practice run on the bodice to make sure it wouldn't be too difficult for me. I tried the bodice on one of my DD's Barbie dolls and there is no way it is going to fit even though the gauge was identical to that in the book.


So my DH thought he'd do something nice and he bought me the Beach Glam Barbie. It fit her even worse. He was devestated until our youngest DD claimed the Barbie as one of her own now. So after dropping Kelsey off at Cadets, we hit the local Walmart to find a new Barbie that would fit the dress. The only two there that would fit the bride gown were the collectable dolls, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and the Tooth Fairy. Again, my DH was upset that I couldn't find what I was looking for.


Why did they have to go and change Barbie? If they hadn't, I would be happily whipping out these dresses I've been wanting to make since forever. Just needed to rant to get rid of my Barbie Doll Blues since I never really understood Mattel's need to give her a wider waist and smaller breasts. I'll just have to keep hunting for a properly sized doll.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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That is annoying. it's all about the bucks! Always has been, always will be.


I am sorry that you have to deal with this.:hug Can you just change the pattern?:think

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Do what I do. Go up a hook, do a enough of the rows to make it over the bossoms and then try it on the doll.

It has annoyed me that they changed the doll. I have also go as far as sew the top onto the doll after the dress is completely done.

Stay away from the beach ones. The feet are to big for even the Barbie shoes let alone the ones you make.

If you think it is tough getting the cloths to fit Barbie, try Ken. Talk about adjusting.

Keep going up a hook till you get one that works.

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I never really understood Mattel's need to give her a wider waist and smaller breasts.


Probably Mattel recognized that many parents were becoming more actively concerned about their daughters' body images, and have protested (with their money) against the fantasy proportions of the older-style Barbie. Hence smaller breasts and wider waist.


Also remember that Barbie isn't the only hot doll on the block. Those Bratz are extremely popular with girls in the same age group. Mattel probably has been feeling the competition and needed something to show that Barbie is still relevant.


Not that any of that helps you with your crocheting plans! I hope you're able to get a dress and Barbie that are a perfect match for each other.


~ Joy

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I didn't know they changed Barbie's shape...what an eye opener for anyone looking to make clothes for the new ones.

I found many of the regular old ones at my local thrift shop. I think that's the way to go with finding a barbie. They need new homes since they are almost always naked ;)

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Probably Mattel recongized that many parents were becoming more actively concerned about their daughters' body images, and have protested (with their money) against the fantasy proportions of the older-style Barbie. Hence smaller breasts and wider waist.

Exactly, too many parents complaining about the Barbie 'look'.


Also remember that Barbie isn't the only hot doll on the block. Those Bratz are extremely popular with girls in the same age group. Mattel probably has been feeling the competition and needed something to show that Barbie is still relevant.

My Scene Barbie is their answr to Bratz. ;)


I too suggest going to thrift stores, hobby or doll stores, and yard sales. You can probably find some online at a lot of places. And don't forget eBay, if you eBay.

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One of our kind members has a daughter who's willing to send me one of her old Barbies. I'm just waiting to hear back from her.


Also remember that Barbie isn't the only hot doll on the block. Those Bratz are extremely popular with girls in the same age group. Mattel probably has been feeling the competition and needed something to show that Barbie is still relevant.


To be honest, I think those Bratz dolls are worse then our old Barbies. They're always dressed as if they're going out to a night club and wearing far more make-up then I was ever allowed to as a teenager. Even with Barbie's unrealistic curves, she always had beautiful clothes and looked elegant. To quote my 4yr old DD "I don't want those dolls Mom, they look icky to me" and this was when we were buying a doll for her friend's birthday party.


Normally, a thrift shop and garage sales are my first stop when looking for something needed but rarely found. However, many out here are used as a dumping ground. Matted hair, drawn on, one was even missing an arm. If I worked at Salvation Army or Value Village, those are the kinds that would hit the garbage can instead of the shelves.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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To be honest, I think those Bratz dolls are worse then our old Barbies. They're always dressed as if they're going out to a night club and wearing far more make-up then I was ever allowed to as a teenager.


Oh, I'm with you on that. I despise the Bratz dolls, and I never played with Barbies as a kid (although my sister was a big fan). I could buy Barbies for my future daughters if they asked for them, especially the international ones or the ones that focus on a "career" instead of just on fashion, but I think I wouldn't allow any Bratz dolls.


Here's a link to an article which really hit home for me about Bratz dolls.

http://www.commercialfreechildhood.org/news/bratztoosexy.htm In addition to all that, they promote bad spelling. "Bratz" indeed. Who needs to glorify brattiness?


I brought up the Bratz dolls because Mattel has more competition than it has had in a long time, and that might be one of the factors they considered when they redesigned Barbie's figure.


~ Joy

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Oh, I'm with you on that. I despise the Bratz dolls, and I never played with Barbies as a kid (although my sister was a big fan). I could buy Barbies for my future daughters if they asked for them, especially the international ones or the ones that focus on a "career" instead of just on fashion, but I think I wouldn't allow any Bratz dolls.


Here's a link to an article which really hit home for me about Bratz dolls.

http://www.commercialfreechildhood.org/news/bratztoosexy.htm In addition to all that, they promote bad spelling. "Bratz" indeed. Who needs to glorify brattiness?


I brought up the Bratz dolls because Mattel has more competition than it has had in a long time, and that might be one of the factors they considered when they redesigned Barbie's figure.


~ Joy


I have to agree with you on this too. I am amazed when parents think it is "so cute" when kids have "attitude" Well how funny will it be when the attitude includes drinking the new strawberry quick that has killed 21 kids already. (it is a heroine product). What looks so cute at 4 is not so funny at 14. Near nakked dolls lead to near nakked kids as we have been seeing in recent years. Kids are born with the ability to rebel, why encourage it?


good article by the way.


sorry to highjack this post.

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Okay, I might not want to know this but exactly where did they make Ken bigger or smaller???:think



Ok what they have done to Ken is make him like a sometime weight lifter. Larger chest, arms, hips and thighs. I made a pair of pants with beads attached (Indian Chief) and I couldn't get them past his knees. (Sounds like me with levies) lol:rofl So I had to increase the size of the pants and the top.:hook

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That article was a very good read and had a lot of good points in it. I don't think I ever saw Barbie wear clothes as revealing as the Bratz dolls except for the beach type Barbies and even those were tasteful. When I asked my eldest daughter(14) what she thought of the clothes the Bratz wore, she told me straight out that she'd rather be dead then caught wearing stuff like that and she's one of those girls that loves clothes.


Ok what they have done to Ken is make him like a sometime weight lifter. Larger chest, arms, hips and thighs. I made a pair of pants with beads attached (Indian Chief) and I couldn't get them past his knees. (Sounds like me with levies) lol:rofl So I had to increase the size of the pants and the top.:hook


Great, they made Barbie more realistic and put Ken on steroids :lol. That's the laugh I needed to fix my day up after dealing with a hot and cranky 4yr old.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Ok what they have done to Ken is make him like a sometime weight lifter. Larger chest, arms, hips and thighs.


That IS funny. My brother was part of the original 1970s Star Wars action figure craze. When I compare his old action figures to the same characters' current action figures, I want to die. I think an original Darth Vader (folded in half) could probably fit inside the chest of a current Darth Vader, they've enlarged the muscles so much.


~ Joy

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