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Anyone else feel like this :sigh I have things to crochet that I should get done but I'm bored with them. It seems lately if it's just following a pattern I can't get interested. I seem to be at my best & happiest when I being totally creative like making something up as I go along or using a pattern & adding my own touch.

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Alisha, I totally know what you mean. I will burn myself out from time to time. That is when I will pick up something else for a week. I am also experenncing what you are feeling. So I am taking a week or two off from my crochet even though I have tons of crochet projects with the yarn in hand to do and 2 WIP's. I will paint for a while and then go back to crocheting.

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I know exactly what you mean. I'm working on two afghans, and they're both really simple so I've been getting so bored of them. So, I found a pattern for a top that has a really interesting pattern and started that, and I've been using that as a filler for when I don't want to work on the afghans. I'm not on much of a time line for them, so I can take time to work on a third.

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:sigh That's exactly how I have been feeling today!!! I have so many wip's going on right now, that I don't know where to start. So, I thought I would try to clean(:lol :lol ) my craft room. While I was moving things around I found more wip's:eek :eek . I don't know if it's because the weather here is getting:hot or what???
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i know just what ya all mean,. right now am putting together 2 comfortghans and also have several swaps i am doing and right now all i want to do is quilt, i have several ideas running around in my head and i swear that if i don't get some of them done i am going to go nuts. right now the most pressing of course is the comfortghans and those are coming together nice. my swaps are on time, and since hubby is sleeping can't sew anyways so decided to just sit and visit with ya all anyways


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I know what you mean. It seems like lately I've gotten ADD when it comes to crochet projects. I just can't seem to finish anything that takes more than a few hours. So I've been using scraps to crochet plain ole double crocheted squares that take little time in hopes of putting them together later on. That way I get to work fast and use different colors to keep my interest.

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I got in a slump about 3 weeks ago - just sort of going through the motions (because I absolutely can not just sit and watch TV or chat - I HAVE to have something in my hands to calm my mind). I put all of my projects down and picked up a few books of squares, my "scrap yarn box" and just made squares. 6" squares, 7" squares, 12" squares. Made my own interpretation of squares, then I picked up my k**ting N**dles and made a bolero for my lovely DIL. When I finally got that done, I was DYING to pick up my hook again and work on the Broncos blanket I've been promising my DS forever!


Sometimes you just gotta take a break.

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That's probably why I go through phases with my crochet. I will get really into projects and then stop for a while. My last crochet pause lasted for a year. Of course I had a baby, 2 surgeries, and moved during that time. My husband teases me about my "projects." I do bounce around a bit, but always have something going on.

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Yeah, I get that way! I have a wedding afghan I started in October. It's sitting in a bag, 1/3 done! I have a boy doll that I started about 4 years ago. Think his head and torso are done...not sure where he is now...


What I find even worse is when I'm trying to come up with an idea and just hit a wall. Thankfully, it's only a couple times a year, but when I've committed to come up with 4 new patterns each month, that wall just isn't pretty, and certainly isn't welcome! At those times, I find a pattern and work from it. The last one was a dragonfruit (pitahaya) pattern that I bought from a seller on Etsy.



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Well at least I'm in good company ;) The last few days I haven't had much time to spare to think about it. Trying to get hubby ready for a 10 day trip for work. Now I have those 10 days to make some stuff & read I'm reading Wicked & I got Son of a Witch yesterday.

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