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is there a support group for yarn-buying addicts?

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ok, so i wrote that topic on the yarn board about going on a yarn binge? guys, i wasn't kidding, and i did NOT mean to get this bad.


i've got 3 different orders from ebay coming and i just bid on another one that i'll probably get tonight (they were all discontinued colors).


i made a $40 order on joann.com last night.


yesterday my fiance took me to ac moore and i bought about $60 worth of yarn there.


friday, my aunt and i are going yarn shopping.


i still haven't taken advantage of the sugar n cream for $1 sale at michael's. i so want to.


i don't know why i suddenly got into this "must have ALL YARN" thing, it might be because i know i got a raise at work and i just got a bunch of birthday money buuut i need to STOP!!!!


so what do they prescribe for people like me?

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I know what you mean. I've been buying alot of yarn lately. But it doesn't seem to be enough and I just keep buying more. I have been seriously thinking of taking my credit card down to the bank and putting it in our safety deposit box. That way I wouldn't buy anything more over the internet. It actually scares me a little. I don't won't to go completely out of control.

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that wouldnt work for me....i've memorized the card number!

LMAO!!!!! I've almost gotten to that point!!! Yesterday at Best Buy, the girl had to type the number in because it wouldn't read in the slider thing, and she had to type in that 3 digit number on the back but she couldn't read it, and I just told her what it said!


You know what I'm thinking my problem is... I may try to buy for projects brewing in my head, but afterwards I'll see some better yarn that I'll want to use instead, but i have the thought that you can ALWAYS use ANY yarn for SOMETHING, even if it's just a stashbusting blanket. so i never feel like i'm wasting money buying yarn. i know i'll eventually use it or i'll just appreciate it.


and i did try the stashbusting game, but i must tell you, it was just like a diet. it just made me want more. is there a yarn-jenny craig? LOL.

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I totally get the yarn binge. But do you have projects in mind for all the yarn you bought? I do this two steps forward, one step back mental game with myself.


When I realize I've bought yarn on impulse and won't be using it in the next six months, if it's from a chain brick and mortar store I can easily return the yarn. Then I mentally "credit" that against my next yarn purchase. Kind of lame in some ways, but it does cut down my total yarn spending and keeps the stash from getting ridiculously out of control. Right now it's just "a little" out of control. :devil


Also, I noticed that I spend much less time and money shopping for clothes these days--I'm too busy crocheting and knitting, and all my free cash goes towards craft supplies. So it evens out, I tell myself.

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I know what you mean, except I don't have as much money to spend. My problem is, I buy yarn for a project, then give up or forget about it. I'm hoping to do some major stashbusting this spring/summer/fall, with the blankets and such I'll be making for birthday and Christmas gifts, but I can't guarantee anything *lol* I'll be going out Friday to buy a bunch of Bernat Cotton yarn that's on sale at Michael's this week... it's on sale! Cheap!

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i officially can't fit any more yarn in my "cotton yarn" bin. it's overflowing. and i'm getting more!!!! LOL.


you guys are more like my enablers LOL. you encourage me to binge haha! but it's a good binge. =)


i love my yarn, i don't care if i'll eventually have to make a bed out of it because i won't beable to find my real one LOL.

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:yes Yes, that support group is called....."Crochetville.":D


:rofl I think this is hillarious! The funniest part is that I am cleaning out for a rummage sale this summer and had boxes all over my basement and didn't even know what was in some of them. Last night I cleaned out the entire basement, sorted, emptied, the whole 9 yards and when all was said and done I had a stash!!!! I went from 1 huge rubbermaid container to 2 and 4 smaller ones! How did this happen?!:lol


What was all your first reactions when you realized you had a stash?

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I just found out that it runs in families. I was at my parents and I found my mom's stash. She used to weave a lot (still has an awesome loom actually), but can't really anymore because of her MS.


And my own stash is set to expand next week, because for my b-day dh is taking me on a field trip to the Mary Maxim store & the nearby Hobby Lobby (we don't have one close to us). I'm SO excited and most people just think I'm nuts. My dh doesn't totally get it, but he still supports my addiction. :hook



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My reaction when I first realized I had a stash was the same as Midds! How did this happen?!? Not that I'm bummed about it, just a little suprised. It kinda sneaks up on ya, then....WHAM! Out of control stash.:lol

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Well I find that my stash stays the same size IF and ONLY WHEN I stay out of the stores that sell yarn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:devil



i work at michael's. that's like telling a fat kid not to eat cake that's sitting in his fridge.


i can't stay out of the stores!! i admit, i seek them out even when i shouldn't be buying any yarn at all (which is usually all the time). i can't stop!!

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I love yarn, to look, touch and feel the weight. I have had to cut down and and have only bought two scarfs worth of projects since the new year. I find sharing my complustion helps curb it!

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forgot to mention... 3 of my packages came today, all at once... i totally didn't realize how much i ordered LOL. 10 skeins of moda dea tutu in pear green, a pound of this unknown fiber yarn but it was pink and brown so i HAD to have it haha and its soo soft!!!!, 7 skeins of tlc cotton plus in tan (to go with the 7 skeins each of cream and light pink, of course), 2 skeins of j&p coats crochet nylon, 3 skeins of bernat pink camo yarn, and 6 skeins of lion cotton in a discontinued lime color.


i think (i HOPE) all i'm waiting for is this really cute fabric i ordered to line my fat bottom bag. i don't think i ordered anything else... i'm in trouble if i did, LOL.


....even though i'm already eyeing up some nylon. =X

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i work at michael's. that's like telling a fat kid not to eat cake that's sitting in his fridge.


OUCH that could be a PROBLEM!!! If that was me I think I would Owe THEM at the end of my pay period. So glad that isn't where I work :yay

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Tell me about it. I know exactly what you are going through. I have 6 boxes in the garage and another 8 bags in my bedroom closet. The boxes of yarn I got at Super Yarn Mart in the 80's, boy was I in my element when in that place. Cantaloup, mint green, eggplant and tangerine just to name a few.

You talk about a person who cried when the place up and closed. now it's a gymnastics gymboree. But I have curbed my yarn purchasing Thank goodness. I think it was a momentary thing or phase and will happen occaissionaly

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Funny, I just went out last night with my daughter and bought $70 worth of yarn myself. While in line I was reminiscing about how my grandmother would go out and buy tons of yarn on sale and come home and hide them behind the spare couch against the wall so her husband wouldn't know!;)

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