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Motivation slump- Help!

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:badidea How do you get motivated? I am having the hardest time even picking up a hook, there's a couple of things I want to do, ideas that I have for things, but man alive! I just can't seem to get things going. What do you do when you're having days/weeks/months like this? Help get me out of this funk!
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When i have a crochet slump which isn`t often I go look at my stash and then look on the free crochet pattern websites for inspiration. then I make something totaly different to what i have seen. Have a rest for a few days from crocheting and have a think about what you would like to make. I usualy make granny squares if i am waiting for inspiration to slap me. I went a whole week without crocheting this week and was getting twitchy towards friday and ratty. Now I am back on it. give it time it will get you. have a look at your wool and have a think. don`t feel bad that you aren`t crocheting. It will get to a point where you will want to pick them up. spend some time researching crochet patterns instead. good luck Sian xxx

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My best remedy for that is to go hunting down a pattern that I just HAVE to have!!! It's addicting ... looking for patterns! And now, I just want to

make up my own and forget looking!!! Etsy, ebay, free crochet sites ... AND OF COURSE HERE!!!! are all good places to start your hunt! It works for me!

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Who says you HAVE to crochet? It's a hobby, not a job.


If you don't feel like it, don't. I have several hobbies - I mostly crochet, but I also am learning to knit (my never ending scarf is a great "idiot" project; it's rather freeform and includes dropped stitches in my design, so I can't screw it up. So, when I'm having a creative block, I just go knit on my scarf.). I also sew; not often, as sewing tends to get too complicated, fussy and has too many steps to hold my attention, but it can be a nice change of pace, especially an easy project like a sundress or a tote bag.


I also cook, so when I'm bored, I'll plan the week's menus.


Actually, I find whenever I'm in a slump with anything, making a list is a great way to bring back my interest. Whether it's a list of my supplies (yarn, food, fabric), or of recipes, patterns or ideas, sometimes making a list is just a great way to get focused without the pressure of having a project.


I also (man, I say also alot) have more than one project going at a time, so when the one that is my main project drives me bananas, I can work on other stuff. Dishcloths are great, quick projects, and you can learn a ton of new stitches, too. Plus, they make doing dishes a tiny bit more fun.

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Sometimes you just have to take a break! :lol


I just went through that... then I made 5 doilies in 2 weeks! :eek


Now I'm back at the 'what will I make next' place, but I'm not letting it worry me. I may take some time to arrange my thread stash; it's a bit unruly now that I've been digging in it. :rofl


Sometimes I even [gasp!] pick up a book and READ! :eek


I have also found a couple places online that have books you can read, and I'm thinking of catching up with some 'classics' I have missed reading.


The one thing I say that I will ALWAYS do is start cleaning out some of the crud I accumulate on my 'puter... that hasn't happened yet... :rofl


And the LAST thing I do is housework. :blush


But I do enjoy the 'down time' and try to remind myself that it's good to give my hands a rest every once in a while. :D





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There have been times when I've put my hooks away and not even touched them for years. YEARS! :eek


But the urge always comes back. It never fails, it just sometimes takes longer than others.


If you're in the mood to do something crochet-related, do what some of the others said and start browsing crochet pattern sites or blogs. You might find something to inspire you.:hook

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When you look at lovely pictures of what others have made ( crocheted) you get that stirring deep inside ( warning bells eh? ) that you MUST, simply must make that one too. If you dont feel anything, then it simply means that you're not ready to (re) start crocheting.


Just stay on at Crochetville and keep in touch with current trends. Suddenly one day the urge to crochet will seize you and then - yep and then there's no looking back.


Like someone else said, its not a chore, its a hobby - sthg that gives you pleasure - so I'd say dont force the pace .

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I'm with you--I crocheted and knitted like a madwoman for year, and now I've burned out. I'm hoping hanging out here will restart my fire. My problem is crochet ADD--I don't do well with long projects and don't know if I ever will. I think I'm going to make some dishcloths and caps. Also, I'm continuing to make squares for my cro-hook afghan--each square is portable and short-term. Now when I'm done with squares, the finishing will be hard to get motivated to do!


Maybe try some small projects to get your feet wet again?

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I think we all go thru these crochet slumps. Everytime I finish a large project, I have to take a few days off. My passion are afghans. When I hit a slump, I check my stash and start to work on a scrap afghan. Then I can buy more yarn. The Ville' helps a lot. Seeing all the beautiful things everyone has made, gets me motivated.

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I totally agree with what all of you are saying, I know it's a hobby, and I really enjoy it a ton. I think another thing that is keeping me from getting started is that I have an idea that I want to execute- I want to try to write a pattern, and little things about what I want to do and even the design of the actual pattern itself are bugging me, I mean actually keeping me up at night! Another thing is that I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old and the only time I get to work on things is after they're asleep, and then there are a gazillion other things to do, the boring mundane housewifery type things that I don't mind doing, they just take up insane amounts of time, you know?

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I always experience a moment of panic between projects. Nothing seems to please me. I hate that in between time! I have a million patterns and don't like any of them! Or if I find something, I don't have the right yarn, or the right needles, or something is missing. Then, something will take hold, and I'm at it again. Don't fret. Something will strike you when you least expect it. Maybe this is a good reason to have several WIP's going at once. I usually have one thing going and do it until it's finished. If I kept something on stand by, I might not have the in between panic!

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Maybe you could just try making some six inch squares out of scrap yarn. Or look up charity projects you could donate to. That's what I do at least.

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Looks like you have a lot on your plate - with 2 little ones, you're probably pretty tired by the end of the day!


I put the hooks down for a few months(too much on my plate), but jumped back on the bandwagon when I read a thread on here about starting Christmas gifts. I've got a room full of yarn, and I want to use up some of this stash. Scrap afghans, here we come!


When you do have time for yourself(I know, a rare commodity!), maybe, as someone suggested, browse the board for ideas - also, write down your own

thoughts for the pattern you're working on - sometimes just putting your ideas on paper will clarify your design process for you(plus, you can refer to it, and make changes as needed).



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I am in a slump too. After I finished my baby blanket for a friend I started making squares for the alzheimers blanket and I can't get the darn things square. Since that isn't a rush job I shoved it aside, but I am feeling guilty so I haven't even worked on some of my other projects, including 2/3 along mile a minute ghan that is beautiful. I am giong to pull the stuff into sight tonight so maybe I can be remotivated.


Usually I switch to another craft when I am in a slump, but none of them are appealing to me right now. Maybe you could try something different, such as knitting or sewing.


All the best!

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It seems a lot of people do. We are all so busy with life. If you have two little ones, you are busy!


It's ok not to crochet for a while. Maybe take a break. Find something else to do. Remember, like with children's stages, this too, will pass.


When my kids were young, I used crochet as a way to save my sanity. And there are days I still need to crochet!:lol And they are 14 and 16!


Take a break. You will come back when you are ready. And don't stress out about it. When you have little ones, that's enough stress!



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Yep, i'm just getting out of one of those. I was doing great, and had really decided to do some serious stash busting! lol the thing is that my son wanted to learn to crochet...........ugh.........i love him.........but he's got adhd..........yeah. it was just frustrating for both of us. I was making him an alien, from the annie's attic, hug a buddies thing..........yep........so i went for a week or so without making anything. now i've done a butterfly wing shawl, and making some little flower friends. they're cute. 3 lil flowers, with smiley faces, in a basket that can be also a drawstring bag. i've done 2 or 3 so far.......not a great stash buster, but it's something.

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