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Your attitude affects what you crochet

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Your attitude, what you are feeling while you are crocheting affects what you crochet.

There is no superstition when it comes to infusing love into a piece of art intended for those we love. At the sub atomic level we are beings of energy. Look at the effects of our thoughts on the formation of ice crystals: http://www.life-enthusiast.com/twilight/research_emoto.htm

When you get the chance read, The Secret Life of Plants. You will find that how we feel affects the plants around us.

Rent the movie or get the book, The Secret. It shows you how much power our thoughts and feelings have.

Anything that we create with intentional love will hold the energy of that love within it. Those to touch it will feel it.

Try this experiment; Make something easy, like a scarf, for one of your grandchildren. Wash the yarn before your start. When you place the yarn in the water, ask the water to remove all negative energy from the yarn. This also works with smoke from sage, cedar and other plants. If you use smoke, ask the spirit of the plant to remove all negative influences from the yarn.

As you start to crochet, state your intention, aloud that you will fill each stitch with love and affection for all who touch it. As you crochet imagine love, security, warmth being intertwined with each stitch. Imagine, in your mind's eye, your grandchild feeling so good, so safe, so loved, wearing your scarf. Try to "feel" those things within yourself as you crochet.

When you finish, take it over to your child's house, unwrapped. Give it to your child or child-in-law and tell them that this is a gift for your grandchild and that you would like to have them give it to him/her. Watch their reaction once they hold it. Watch your grandchild.

Before you start, ask your grandchild what her/his favorite color is. If you can, have your grandchild pick the yarn. That would be best.

You might find that crocheting that scarf, or whatever you might be crocheting for your grandchild, puts you into a state of "bliss" while you are crocheting.

Love and Peace


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I like to crochet because I feel it helps me enter into an almost meditative state, and helps me to relax. I have had a lot of extra stress in my life the last few months, mostly because of the death of my father, and resulting family drama, and crochet has really been a haven for me.


A lot of what I make I give to charity, especially blankets for Project Linus. Something my sister does (who until recently was the chapter coordinator for her county's PL chapter), and I've adopted, is to try to think of the child who will get the blanket that I'm working on, and think about the brightness that blanket will bring into their life. I think it's the same thing that you're talking about: putting a little something extra into what I'm working on, infusing it with love and positive energy.

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At Work, we have a guy come in that does accupuncture and accupressure. He gave us copies of the dvd' the secret. I haven't watched it yet though, just got it yesterday.


Also, that works with cooking as well as crocheting. In my culture, we aren't supposed to be cooking or preparing food for others if we are upset or angry or even tired, becuase that feeling goes into the food. And then the ppl eating the food will pick up on that feeling.


I know there's projects i'm working on right now, that I didn't want to touch over the weekend, or last night, because I was upset or frustrated about other life stuff going on right now.

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Mushroom, I could feel the tingly just reading your post. You're very right about infusing every stitch with ourselves. I've had to stop and put things down because my mood was going to ruin them. Not because I was messing up the stitches or whatever, but it was getting 'ugly', and not in a visual sense....

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When I am crocheting something for a gift or even a swap, or comfortghan, I think of that person. When it is for someone I know really well, I sometimes drift into a memory trip of that person.

I agree about the stress relief.

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I totally agree. And it goes both ways.


I don't know how many of you remember the 8 1/2 foot rainbow round ripple I sent my mom for her birthday. I was missing her so much. I told her that she had no idea how much i loved her but she would when she opened her present. She keeps it in her recliner and wraps up in it every night. She says it feels like she's wrapped in a hug!


My neighbor made a baby blanket for her not so favorite stepson when they were having a baby. She was very stressed and left her husband a couple weeks later but wanted to finish the ghan. It's sitting in the back of the neighbors closet. It feels so awful that he refuses to let his grandson be wrapped in it.

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This idea about attitude is probably why prayer shawls bring such comfort.:manyheart When I am working on a shawl, I am praying for and thinking about the person it is intended for. For me it is a very calming, meditative thing. But I have been told by some I've given shawls to that they feel calm and at peace when they wrap the shawl around their shoulders. (One friend was having some health problems and didn't take hers off for almost a week! she said she felt better with it on!)

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Mushroom I loved your message. Crocheting with a positive message, encouragement, support, love, and care is taking our skill to another level, a healing level. I got goose bumps when I re-read this.




When I crochet for Warm Up America, every square that’s put together, I say “someone cares about you”.

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What an interesting article - thanks for posting. I love what you said - so positive. I have not watched "The Secret" - I really didn't have a desire to until now. Thanks for the info.

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I read the book The Secret and thought it was great. (Saw the movie since then as my friend as a copy).

Even if you are crocheting something with love or good thoughts, if you're not feeling that or around you isn't that, then it's hard to make it turn out right. I've had that happen, where others in the house are stressed and I can't crochet. Or if I'm stressed trying to finish a gift, then I can make tons of mistakes. So sometimes then I won't give a crochet gift, I'll find something else that I can give with love. However a lot of times when I'm crocheting something for someone special, it turns out really nice and I'm even surprised!


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Rent the movie or get the book, The Secret. It shows you how much power our thoughts and feelings have.

Anything that we create with intentional love will hold the energy of that love within it. Those to touch it will feel it.

Try this experiment; Make something easy, like a scarf, for one of your grandchildren. Wash the yarn before your start. When you place the yarn in the water, ask the water to remove all negative energy from the yarn. This also works with smoke from sage, cedar and other plants. If you use smoke, ask the spirit of the plant to remove all negative influences from the yarn.

As you start to crochet, state your intention, aloud that you will fill each stitch with love and affection for all who touch it. As you crochet imagine love, security, warmth being intertwined with each stitch. Imagine, in your mind's eye, your grandchild feeling so good, so safe, so loved, wearing your scarf. Try to "feel" those things within yourself as you crochet.

When you finish, take it over to your child's house, unwrapped. Give it to your child or child-in-law and tell them that this is a gift for your grandchild and that you would like to have them give it to him/her. Watch their reaction once they hold it. Watch your grandchild.

Before you start, ask your grandchild what her/his favorite color is. If you can, have your grandchild pick the yarn. That would be best.

You might find that crocheting that scarf, or whatever you might be crocheting for your grandchild, puts you into a state of "bliss" while you are crocheting.

Love and Peace



I must be getting old - this same thing comes back every quarter century or so with a new name - "indian mysticism", "power of postive thinking" "new age movement" - now it's "the secret". I'm not knocking it, just seen it before :-) Some of it is proven science, some of it is just neat sounding psuedo-science, some of it is just outright decorated-up garbage. I won't debate which aspect is which :-) As for the science part, it's pretty interesting stuff :-)


As for the experiment - the process is flawed 1-you've made it in the child's favorite color 2 - you're hand delivering it 3 - there's only one item and 4 - you know it's "special". To make a truely fair experiment you'd need to 1 - make three identical items 2 - wash the yarn for all three, infuse one with "good thoughts", one with "bad thoughts" and one with nothing 3 - make them identical and in a neutral color 4 - mark them in such a way that each can be identified without the child noticing it (a tiny piece of sewing thread in a specific stitch or something) 5 - have someone other than you deliver it who does not know which item is which 6 - allow the child to touch each and choose one of them, if he chooses the "good thoughts one" great. It's not proof, since it's only one trail, but it's a fair test. Do it many times with many different children, it's still not proff (only intresting correlations), but it's all we've got until we can invent some scientific equipment that can actually measure psychic energy that is supposed to be attached to an item :-) I can't wait for that, but I'll probably be dead long before then (bummer).

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Hmmmm. I wonder..... When DH's great aunt died there was a box of odd and ends that she had in the nursing home. We all went through the stuff and chose things. There was an UGLY grey crocheted hat with what was supposed to be a flower, I think. Looks like an eyeball. Any way, I had to have that hat! I put it on and wore it all day. I can't describe the feeling I get when I put it on. DH hates it and thinks I'm nuts. Auntie didn't crochet so it was made by someone else in the home. I keep it nearby-usually in my crochet basket.

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To me, I don't really need the scientific evidence to proove that making something while you're praying for, or thinking about the receiver makes it more special; I just know it does. Thinking positively while making something helps you make it better for lots of reasons 1) you're relaxed, therefore, if you mess up, you will be willing to fix it, and keep going, whereas if you're frustrated, you might get angry and put it down, or whatever 2) When you give the item, the receiver sees that you are smiling, and therefore they look at the item better. Have you ever gotten a new hairdo, and tried something like: Go to one person, and ask in a happy tone of voice, "What do you think of my new hairdo?" then another and say the same thing in a voice like you hate it, and another, like you're unsure about it. You'll get a reaction that mirrors what you put into it. If you seem excited about it, the other person will say they like your hairdo. If you seem unsure, the other person might say it's nice, but needs something changed a little. If you seem like you don't like it, the other person might say they don't think it's "you" or come up with another type excuse for why it doesn't look right.


I think it's fair to say that most of us crochet either 1) when we're upset and need to calm down about life (stress, whatever), or 2) when we're making something for someone we love, and we want it to be something they'll love. Either reason, crochet has a wonderful effect on (most of) us, and I think that might just be part of why crochetville is such a great place! We're all happy when we crochet, so therefore, we're happy to help eachother learn how to crochet, find patterns, charity work, swaps, etc.... :) I love this place!!!


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THe Secret is a good movie that tries to explain what we attract into our lives. In a manner of speaking it discusses the effect that our daily "I am" has one how we feel about ourselves and our lives.

Watch it.



At Work, we have a guy come in that does accupuncture and accupressure. He gave us copies of the dvd' the secret. I haven't watched it yet though, just got it yesterday.


Also, that works with cooking as well as crocheting. In my culture, we aren't supposed to be cooking or preparing food for others if we are upset or angry or even tired, becuase that feeling goes into the food. And then the ppl eating the food will pick up on that feeling.


I know there's projects i'm working on right now, that I didn't want to touch over the weekend, or last night, because I was upset or frustrated about other life stuff going on right now.

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I tend to agree with SaxDragon--this is not a new idea, but hey, if it makes people more feel better and be more caring, I guess there's no harm in it. We humans have the need to make sense of our lives and what happens to us, and sometimes we need help with that, so we have our belief systems. That said, I do think we tend to attract more positive people when we act positive. However, unlike many of the New Age beliefs (and I haven't read the Secret so I don't know), I do NOT believe we are responsible for getting diseases, being in natural disasters, children dying etc. We are responsible for helping our fellow human beings, but I refuse to believe that someone gets cancer because they had bad thoughts. Some things are caused by genetics, environment, germs, or whatever, things we don't know about yet. Anyhow, I'm sure my crocheting does better when I'm relaxed, but sometimes I space out when relaxed because I'm happy and not paying attention!!

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SaxDragon--this is not a new idea,

Yea they mention that in The Secret, that's it's not a new idea and it's been around, but they way they decribe it is different then The Power of Positive Thinking or the others, which I have read.

Bad thoughts can cause stress which has been known to cause disease or illness. And I heard, again, how negative thinking can cause illnesses, such as colds and flu. They did a study where they put people with positive outlooks and poeple with negative outlooks in a room with a virus, and those with positive outlooks were less likely to get sick or didn't even get sick at all.

So I do believe that. I know that for a fact. I don't have much of a positive outlook and I'm always sick (I have maybe 4 hours of sick leave and I've been at my job for over 6 years, I use a lot and when I have the flu the doctor never finds anything:no ). So that's why I like reading these books and posts they help me feel better.


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