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Christmas CAL... anyone interested???


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Hi Everyone :waving


Right now I am busy getting some items crocheted that I want to enter in the local fairs that are coming up soon. The first fair entries are due June 10, so I want to try and get them completed. I am hoping to enter items that I can use as Christmas gifts later.


I am almost finished crocheting a Panda Bear bib for the bib class. :hook Not sure who I will be giving it to yet. Also I have started a sweater that I am hoping to complete in time. Next I want to crochet a pair of slippers for the fair that I will give to my daughter for Christmas. :yarn


One of the kids has seemed to misplace the digital camera, :thinking so I haven't been able to take any pics lately. I am hoping it will show up over the weekend while I am cleaning.


Off to work now, hope everyone has a beautiful day!

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Rox: That scarf looks super cozy!! Looks great!:cheer


I'm home in maine on dial up.... which i'm not used to coming from a techy school and all:eek and this computer so old it doesn't have a USB port on it at all... oh well!


I've got one baby sweater going, and another baby ripple in pale green, cream and a varigated going, it looks great! I'll be in maine another week or so, but by the photo friday after next I should have a picture or two to post!


Dilyca2006: I hope you get to buy more yarn soon!:hook


Good luck to you all of you on your projects! I hope you get lots of crochet time!!!:manyheart

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I am so impressed with how busy everyone has been! As for me, I haven't picked up a crochet hook in over TWO WEEKS!!!! :(


I've got one more final exam tomorrow night and then I am DONE... well, at least for two weeks until the summer session starts, but I plan on really putting a dent in some of my projects while I can. Boo on exams! :no


Keep the pictures coming ladies, I love looking at everyone's work!!!

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Is it too late to join this CAL? It'll be my first if not. I just started an 8' afghan from Leisure Arts Book 2 called "Stunning." It's for my son for Christmas. :ctree:2snowman Our summers are extremely busy and spent camping and boating so I figured I best get a start on it now. :lol

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OK, I'm in for this one. I was actually just starting to design my own pattern of a reading shawl. Big pockets - snuggly for reading - more pockets for the misc stuff you need when you are reading (i.e. bookmark pocket w/bookmark). When I get a pattern and the initial one done - it'll be posted. I'll even give an xmas gift here and share the pattern =)

Don't know how many I'll need - that will be posted later too...oh what a to-do list!

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I think this sounds like a good idea because I always have great intentions and then splat.......it's Christmas eve and I have maybe two of the hundred gifts I wanted to make done. :lol

I am currently making a scarf for my sister in law, and plan to make a hat and mitt set for my nieces, stuffed animal for nephew and son, an afghan for my hubby and baby daughter then a scarf for my daughter and her various friends. I am sure the list will grow!

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I've made some dishcloths, so far. I'm still working on my babyshower gifts, but when that's done, I'll be able to concentrate more on christmas things. (I can't wait!!). I also have a craft sale this weekend--I sew things for the sales................Lise

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Alright, I have my list planned. Next will be the pattern for my reading shawl. This is a laundry list..ready??

Black: 3

Blue: 2

Off white: 2

Green: 1

Lime Green: 1

Tan: 1

Maroon: 1


That is 11 total! Whew - pattern will be made tonight hopefully!

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crochChecking in. I have finished a hat and scarf for husband and working on knitted hat for one of my sons. How do I get my pictures on for people to see?
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crochChecking in. I have finished a hat and scarf for husband and working on knitted hat for one of my sons. How do I get my pictures on for people to see?


you have to upload your pictures to a photo hosting site like photobucket then you can click on the button above that looks like mountains with a yellow background, then paste the link in there. Don't forget to resize the photos first!


I hope that helps, im not that great at explaining...



My christmas stuff isn't going that fast, there have been a few new babies on the way so i've been working on baby stuff for now.


I'll keep you all posted when I get stuff done!

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Hey everyone! How are your XMas CAL projects progressing? I was away for awhile for final exams and distracted by a new niece coming in July who's going to be getting lots of crocheted goodies from Aunt Lori, so I must admit I've hit a plateau on my Xmas things. But this is why we started early, right??? :blush


Also, I've got my first 3 Xmas ghans started and I hate to start another one with those WIPs hanging over my head, but I also can't seem to get motivated to finish them. Someone help! Do you ever feel like you need to get some things done before you start a new project, but you're so sick of the things you're working on you don't want to do them??? I'm afraid I'm going to end up at Thanksgiving with 8 half-finished blankets and no way to get them all done in time!!! :no

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Congrats on the new neice. I'm sure she will be spoilt w/ tons of loving.


There's another CAL that might help you finish those afghans. It's "look up in the sky..." It helps to organize your wips to different days of work so that you may can finish them up w/o being so bored w/ them.



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Checking in & finished the Breast Cancer Afghan, now am working on more then 6 dozen Breast Cancer pins for my mother in laws Walk America benefit auction in August where we will also be walking for 24 hrs straight to raise money for cancer research. My mom in law is fighting breast cancer.

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Checking in & finished the Breast Cancer Afghan, now am working on more then 6 dozen Breast Cancer pins for my mother in laws Walk America benefit auction in August where we will also be walking for 24 hrs straight to raise money for cancer research. My mom in law is fighting breast cancer.


Congrats on finished the Breast Cancer Afghan, and good luck with all those pins. Give my best to your mother in law, too many people have to deal with the cancer battle. Good luck with the walk and keep us posted!

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Well, my husband discovered my stash over the weekend. I'd been hiding it in the guest bedroom closet. He told me no more yarn until I get some projects done. Which is good, I guess, because it motivates me to get going on some of these Xmas projects!!!


I'm almost done with my niece's baby afghan, so as soon as that's finished, I'll pick up the Xmas afghan again... the green ripple is just so slow-going! I'm going to be doing the rest of my Xmas afghans with a bigger hook!!!

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