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Christmas CAL... anyone interested???


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I have not had time to crochet in a week, so not much progress made. :( Next week should be MUCH better...


But I can't wait to see what everyone else is working on!!!!! Bring on the Friday pictures! :clap :clap :clap

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I have not taken a picture yet today. I am 7.5 rows from being done with the pattern and then I need to do the border. I will post a picture as soon as I am done with it. Then, it will be on to other projects!!!!!

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I will get pictures posted today... at some point...


I've been at work since 9am.... stayed at one job until 5 of 5... now i'm at my other job, fortunatly this one lets me play online during down time, i was having major withdrawls!!


I have finished my Blue and yellow ripple and then I experimented with wash cloths, I also started a Knitted scarf, but I may not have enough yarn to make it as long as i would like... it may end up being frogged, or perhaps a kids scarf, depend how long it actually gets, either way I used it to learn how to cable, which was pretty neat!


Again, will post pictures tonight, Probably not until 11 though:blush

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Nothing crocheted totally finished this week but I DID finish a sock money for one of my boys... I want to crochet it some pants and shirt out of camo since its going to Iraq with my son..


...I am working on crocheted coasters for my mom... I am using Heart's Mystery CAL ( her first one) pattern through round 7 to make a set of 8 for her to use on her bridge tables... I am using #10 thread...

I'll photo when I'm finished...

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I made it! and its not midnight yet!

So heres my progress....



The finished blue and yellow!!!




my experiment with dish/ washclothes... I like them, these are the blocked version! first time i've blocked anything


And if you want to see the scarf I'm working on, its on my blog!

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Okie dokie. I am not a bit further along then this photo, but, this is the photo that I should have had last Friday. I have edged this now. A couple of rows in black and then a couple of rows in Gold. I ended with a row of single chain in gold and then reverse half double chain.


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That looks amazing Diane! Great work!


Here is my completed granny-ghan, It came out pretty well I think:D




So Far I have completed:

- granny ghan

- blue and yellow ripple

- baby set in green

- blue scarf

- some dishclothes


(all have pictures on my blog)

Still have a lot more to go though:eek

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Please count me In. Would love to join a CAL for Christmas. I am working on a couple afghans right now. The big one, the 63 square afghan for my daughter will probably take me till Christmas, LOL. I'll have to come up with a list of things to make for Christmas presents but shouldn't be hard. Have lots of nieces and nephews to make things for. I'll try and post a list within a week or two of the gifts once I figure out how to put things on my page. I'm new here.

Take Care All,:manyheart

Debbie ;-)

PS. Jessica your quilt is beautiful!

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Jessica. Thank you. Hay. You have gotten an awful lot done so far. I need to set down and plan what all else I need to do and then start getting yarn and getting more done.

Debbie. welcome!!!!!!!!

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OH.. I ment to tell you Jessica that I really like this granny afghan you got done. What pattern is it?? Can you direct me to it if it is on line anyplace?



its not a particular pattern, I made it up as I went along, the middle is a cream color, then a slate blue , and then a sage green.


Basically I read how to do a granny square and then did this, Chain 3 and join, then chain 2, 3DC (makes it look like 4dc) chain 3 for the corner, 4dc, around to give 4 groups of 4. then I DC around with the blue, just chaining at the corner to make a square, then DC around with the green, again chaining at the corner to make square, then with the cream again I DC around the edges and then I joined the squares with the cream.


I hope that at least gets the point across.... I made the squares as one of my first crochet projects... like 6 months ago, and just finally got around to joining them. so its not very fresh in my mind... I think there is a closer up picture of the squares on my blog.


Glad you liked it:D


I hope this works, this shows the squares pretty close



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Please, count me in!

I am always coming across patterns I want to make for my family and friends throughout the year, but don't get organized enough about them to get them all done. This is my perfect opportunity!

This week my goal is to start a holiday section in my planner to put all of my ideas in. Mine will include the many close family birthdays landing in the winter. I also want to plan it so I can bust out my stash with gifts, before I have to buy much more yarn. I will post my list when I have it started.

Right now I have limited crochet time, so I want to concentrate on small stuff like bookmarks, dishcloths, dollclothes, and the like.

Right now I have a couple afghans started for dh and dad, a bassinet purse for dd, and I have the yarn and handles for a fbb for mom. I also have the stash to make several hooded scarves for the ladies on my list, hats for my guys, and doll clothes for dd.

Like some others, my problem is going to be holding onto everything until the proper time! Good luck everybody!

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That looks amazing Diane! Great work!


Here is my completed granny-ghan, It came out pretty well I think:D




So Far I have completed:

- granny ghan

- blue and yellow ripple

- baby set in green

- blue scarf

- some dishclothes


(all have pictures on my blog)

Still have a lot more to go though:eek


Jessica, you did a great job! I love the colors you used!!! :clap

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Wow, I chimed in a long time ago to do this and I finally got my list finished. I am going to wait until after my vacation to purchase a lot of the yarns because I am saving for that right now. Without further ado...here's my list...


USC Throw Afghan (Iron Ore/Wheat/Coal - KnitPicks)

OSU Thrown Afghan (Red/Fog/Bare - KnitPicks)

Flannelghan (Rose/Midnight Blue - Caron One Pounders)

Duster (Pewter - Lang Yarns Moon)

Sweater (Mandarin - Austermann Mayfair Color)

Hat Set (Brindle - Laines du Nord Amerino)

Wrap (Baffin Island - Mister Joe Pony)


So, I'll be starting quite soon!!!

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Morning everyone! This is just a quick post to pop in and say Hi...

I have just been so busy lately and the weather outside is so nice that it is hard to keep focused on my crocheting.


I did get some yarn on sale to start on my dishcloths though. Maybe later this week or next I will get started. Haven't decided on what pattern I want to do yet.


I am late for work, so have to run......

Have a good day!

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Just wanted to check in and say that I am sorry that I have not posted any pictures yet. I am working on an afghan for my neice that is in college. I am doing it in her school colors of navy blue and gold. I'll try to get a picture posted tom. on what I have done so far.

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Hi all - stargazingirly, your afghan is beautiful!


I have started, just don't have many pics of what I've done yet. I've done 3 stockings and have one to sew together (just need to figure out how I'm going to embellish them) and several dish and wash cloths completed. I just finished a shawl and Market bag for my SIL for her birthday (which was yesterday) and am working on a knitted tote for my DD for her birthday. I still have several bookmarks to complete for Mother's Day too. So I AM working on my Xmas projects - in between everything else!

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:clap I'll join as I have already started Christmass gifts for the 5 men living in my house ( include: one hubby, 3 sons and one son's best friend) that doesn't include my five cats. Count me in!!!!!:cheer


I have one problem I can't seem to get pics of my work on the net to show. What do I do?

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Thank you.

I have not done anything else. I need to get yarn and that has not been a option lately. I do think I know what I want to make every one. Just not able to get yarn lately.

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Hi Everyone,

Just looked at the threads and all the beautiful work that is done and being done. Still haven't gotten picture posting problem fixed yet. More challenging than crocheting. My hubbies gift is done and starting knitted set for middle son. Gave him several crochet items to choose from and he liked none. Since he has to wear them I wanted to let him choose from some patterns. Gave him mixture to choose from and he chose a knitted beanie type hat which was my favorite and am designing him a scarf. It will be my first original.

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