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Christmas CAL... anyone interested???


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Update for me

Faceclothes - 4 fiinished

Cradle purse for DD - Finished, need to work out what to do about doll for it

Fit-to-be-tied bag for SID - Need to line and finish

FBB - Finish body of 1 (needs lining and handles), have started body of second.


Still to do

Aside from finish the bags above


1Fit-to-be-tied bag

2 mini airplanes

1 ami dog


Di (who needs to update her sig)

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This is great I have plans on making round ripples for christmas and what ever else I can get done. This cal will help me to get it in gear. Here is the first round ripple that I did as a christmas gift.just completed it on Sunday. It is 90" from point to point it is on a queen size bed. Thanks again for the CAL.th_HPIM0665.jpg



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OK.. I'm in. I have a couple of other things to do first then I want to start Christmas early this year. Didn't get all done last year.



Didn't get started as early as I wanted to!LOL I right now have just a couple of things done and many more to go. I need to go through and see pix of all who have joined and actually done something since I was last here.

As of right now I have done. A Snow White graphghan that is not going to the orgional receipent. The baby's momma broke up with my son so the ghan is going to our great neice.

I am almost done with a Batman Graphghan. I can't wait to show pix of this on.

I need to tuck in ends on the shawl I made my MIL and tuck in ends of the Relaxed cardi I made my mother. She is getting this one early. Will need something else for her for Christmas.

the rest of my list goes like this... Some I have yarn for others I don't


Spiderman graph ghan for oldest son.

Superman graph ghan for next oldest son.

Matt Kensith (sp) graph ghan for youngest son.

Shawl for a secret santa gift.

a brightly colored afghan for my best friend.

Several scarves if I get to them for various nephews.

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It's been a while for me too. I made a list and promised myself I would stick to it. Well life doesn't allow for that does it. A couple of people on my list had to get scratched...So I thought well good I have less to do. NOT! Well I have a few things done...WIPs....


Here is the 1st pic of my DHs graphghan


th_P1000255.jpg I have gotten alittle more done. Right now all the gold is done. I have maybe 20-25 more rows and the border.

th_P1000543.jpgThis was not planned. I liked ~ I made. It came out smaller than planned, so I am going to give to my DD.


th_P1000148.jpgHere is a purse for DD. I was going to make a little coin purse for it but I think I will make matching hair things, jewelry or something like that.


I have a monkey to finish for DS but I keep forgetting the tan I need for the face. And I found a pattern for another dragon for him. I am going to make it the same color as the one he has already.


So far this is my update. Hope everyone else is coming along fine.

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Here they are guys and girls. I got a new laptop and it will support my camera. sooooo here are the two afghans that I finished for my two sisters and now all i have left is the afghan for my mom which is going to be six and a half feet long!




Here is a close up




Here is the second one, it took me so long cause the stitches were so time consuming




and here is a close up of that one



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Well, I finished a hat for a friend's son. I'll try to get a pic soon. And I've started an afghan for my mom with my sister. We've never worked on a project together before so this should be interesting. :) I still haven't picked a project for a prezzie for my daughter. I know, I gotta get started!!!

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There's gonna be some very happy people on Christmas Day when they open the gifts that have been made for them. Everyone's work is so beautiful - I'd be glad to receive any of them.


Now, here's an update on my progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's my original list and very little progress:

  • Scarves for my friends (maybe MIL and Nan too???) Still gotta buy some pretty wool for these, didn't like the one I started.
  • RR for my Mum - when she finally makes a decision what colours she wants :think (very likely she won't get this til after Chrimbo!!!!) I was right, she hasn't picked any colours!!
  • "Jennifers Ark" - my SIL has asked me if I could make little animals for my niece. I might make her a Stocking to give her all the animals in. I've done a pig and a mouse!
  • I was also thinking about making Jennifer a super snuggly winter cardigan with matching hat etc. Think I've decided on the pattern now - I kept changing my mind!
  • Little mobile phone cozies/mini bags I prob won't have time for these :no but they won't take long if I get everything else done!
  • New! Baby hat and mitten set.
  • New! Hat and scarf set for my Dad - looking for a manly pattern!

Now I have finished the other big project that was taking most of my time I should be able to crack on with this list - and hopefully not add on any more things!!

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Here they are guys and girls. I got a new laptop and it will support my camera. sooooo here are the two afghans that I finished for my two sisters and now all i have left is the afghan for my mom which is going to be six and a half feet long!




Here is a close up




Here is the second one, it took me so long cause the stitches were so time consuming




and here is a close up of that one




Amanda. I am in love!! I have to know where you got the patterns for these afghans. I have to have them to add to the stash of patterns that I will never possibly get to in this lifetime.


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Amanda- Those are beautiful!


I am done with 2 1/2 pairs of socks.

I have about 20 dishcloths/towels done in cotton.

I have a purse done for niece.

I have 3/4 of a toy for nephew done.


I now have designs in my mind for niece, still have toys for other nephews to do....oh nevermind...the list is barely scratched!!

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I'm so impressed with everyone's work and so jealous with how fast you guys are!

I've made the typical beginner's mistake in thinking I could make

a gizzillion gifts for everyone including the postman :ohdear

Reality has smacked me in the face so now I have toned down my list to something more manageable.

I did finish two pairs of slippers and at this stage I'm just focusing on finishing my 2 sons lapghans and a couple of ornaments for a swap.


But I bow to all you crochet queens:bow

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Ann. I am not going to get all I want done!! I was going to start in January and didn't!!!LOL

I will get a good deal of things done and the other folks will get an IOU card!!LOL


I do the same thing! I always intend to start really early in the year...but it just never happens. Besides I never know what new thing I'm going to learn over the next year and of course that's the one thing I want to do for everyone!

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Yep. I find things along the year that I would like to do for others also. I get involved in crochet a longs. Stuff like that and get myself bogged down.

My husband is a bit upset with me. I have 2 afghans started, a relaxed cardi done except for tucking in ends. A shalw done except for tucking in ends and a shawl 4 rows and ends away from being done. Yarn for numerous afghans. He keeps telling me he wishes that I would just get something completed. He does not understand the need to have multiples going at a time!LOL

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I choose not to make any xmas gifts this year. I still have one more commitment, a queen size afghan for a friend as Nov. birthday gift. Luckily, he said no rush on it. I decide to take a break and buy few gifts for relatives this year.

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Amanda. I am in love!! I have to know where you got the patterns for these afghans. I have to have them to add to the stash of patterns that I will never possibly get to in this lifetime.



Ok here goes


The green one is called country casual afghan and it was in annie's favorite crochet mag december 2006 pg 14


The purple one is called violet rings and it was in hooked on crochet mag february 2007 pg38


If you go to the websites I think you can contact them and request the patterns. I hope this helps everyone I love sharing my projects with everyone.

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Hi Everyone :) ! Sorry I haven't been around lately, but just got caught up in life. Right now I am working 2 jobs and being taxi for 2 teenagers (luckily one has his permit - can't wait until he gets his license!). Anyway I haven't had the time to crochet that I would like. I try to do some when I sit down to watch TV at night, but I always seem to end off falling asleep :out.


So I have had to cut back on my big plans to make everyone on my list something fantastic for Christmas. Instead, my grandkids are each getting gift cards from their favorite stores and I am crocheting something to put them in. I found a pattern in an old Crochet World magazine of a snowman tree ornament with a pocket in front to put money in and I am making several to put the gift cards in. I have also started a couple of crocheted treasure chests that I will put the gift cards in, along with some foil covered chocolate coins for the boys. I have one crocheted purse for my oldest grandson's girlfriend - she love's purses! I will get some items from the dollar store to put into it.


I will try and get some pictures taken as soon as I finish them so you can see what they look like. I love looking at the pictures of what everyone here has made so far :tup. There is just so many fantastic crochet patterns and so little time :confused!



Ann. I am not going to get all I want done!! I was going to start in January and didn't!!!LOL

I will get a good deal of things done and the other folks will get an IOU card!!LOL

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Deep breath... OK, I'm going to join this CAL and hope it spurs me on to finish some of my UFOs.


Up first: a bathroom rug made of kitchen cotton for my grandchildren. I am working on it today. This will entail an out-of-town trip for more blue Peaches & Creme.


Then: finish those (knitted) sweaters for three (3!!!) granddaughters. I know, I know — this isn't crocheting but I've got to them done. This will be the only time I mention my projects which aren't crocheted in this thread.


And: finish that crocheted afghan for another granddaughter. Unfortunately I've got to play around with the pattern and hooks since (duh!) I didn't leave the hook or a note about the size hook with the half of an afghan I have already done. Stupid, stupid.


Also: knit a scarf for my sweet husband.


And then: crochet some hotpad sets for our daughters. :hook


Miscellaneous: be sure to have a selection of crocheted thread bookmarks for spur-of-the-moment gifts. Finish sewing the dresses for grands. Etc.


Feel free to kick me if I start something else.

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Well... this afternoon I went to the Wal-Mart in the next town south and got 6 skeins :clap of the blue Peaches & Creme I need for the bathroom rug. Of course, I had to check out the fabric while I was there. :D NO, I DIDN'T BUY ANY!!! But I sure was tempted, though.

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Hi Love your work what stitch are you doing this in afghan or sc? I am getting information together to try and do a graphghan.

It's been a while for me too. I made a list and promised myself I would stick to it. Well life doesn't allow for that does it. A couple of people on my list had to get scratched...So I thought well good I have less to do. NOT! Well I have a few things done...WIPs....


Here is the 1st pic of my DHs graphghan


th_P1000255.jpg I have gotten alittle more done. Right now all the gold is done. I have maybe 20-25 more rows and the border.

th_P1000543.jpgThis was not planned. I liked ~ I made. It came out smaller than planned, so I am going to give to my DD.


th_P1000148.jpgHere is a purse for DD. I was going to make a little coin purse for it but I think I will make matching hair things, jewelry or something like that.


I have a monkey to finish for DS but I keep forgetting the tan I need for the face. And I found a pattern for another dragon for him. I am going to make it the same color as the one he has already.


So far this is my update. Hope everyone else is coming along fine.

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Hello Love your agfhans. They will be loved where did you get the pattern? Great job.

Here they are guys and girls. I got a new laptop and it will support my camera. sooooo here are the two afghans that I finished for my two sisters and now all i have left is the afghan for my mom which is going to be six and a half feet long!




Here is a close up




Here is the second one, it took me so long cause the stitches were so time consuming




and here is a close up of that one



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