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He finally popped the question!

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I think I would have popped a blood vessel from the extreme joy of hearing that come out of his mouth. DH is a lefty with hands the size of small steaks....crochet is not his future. Wood? ok. Crochet? no.

My nephew wants to learn. I don't know why, but I'm willing to teach.


btw...i just read crochet dudes blog. hilarious.

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I am so happy to read that your DH actually asked you to teach him how to become a hooker!!!! That is totally cool! In fact, just today I had a 3rd grade boy come and ask me to teach him how to crochet! I just so happened to have a F hook and I told him that it might be better if he used a bigger hook but he said he was willing to learn no matter what the hook size. So I took a deep breath, sat down next to him and showed him how I wrap the yarn around my fingers and how I hold the hook and started a chain. I handed it over to him and off he went. After a couple of false starts he actually got the hang of it. He told me that his sister crochets but she won't teach him because she thinks he wouldn't stick with it. Now he is talking about going to the LYS and getting his own hook and yarn and a book to really get the hang of it..... I am just so proud of him too!


Looking forward to seeing what your DH works up....

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Ive asked my bf if i could teach him but he keeps saying no, even though he used to know how to crochet and knit but cant remember. One thing about him is that he never complains about me and my yarn. In fact he just said to me last night that this payday we can go out and he "can buy me LOTS and LOT if yarn"- his words :D


good for the two of you :yay. Now youll have an excuse to buy more yarn

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DH is a lefty with hands the size of small steaks....crochet is not his future. Wood? ok. Crochet? no.


No excuses, my husband has very large hands too. There are large size hooks and bulky yarns out there. Just tell him that it might be too difficult for him to ever learn and he will try it just to prove you wrong!

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