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death by crochet hook?

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Goodness - I hope Mrs. Delamotte heals up quickly.


I know this is going to sound terrible but I've always thought about "death by crochet hook" when I'm crocheting in the car (my husband is driving of course). God forbid there's an accident and I get stabbed with my hook. Well, if I have to go - that's the way I'd want it - "death by crochet hook".


Debi Y. :hook


Hmmm...was gonna take my crochet and work in the truck on the way to Austin today...now I don't know :rofl

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My hand hurts just thinking about this!! I'm probably one of those klutzes who would end up doing this to herself too :P I hope she heals quick! :hug


As far as airplanes, I've been taking my aluminum hooks (I don't use anything smaller than a D) on planes for almost 2 years now. No problems, I can even take my snips! (Actually, a TSA guy said I could have scisors with up to 4" blades!! :eek) That's in the US, and I've had no problems with Canada or Mexico either. I haven't gone outside of North America though....

ya we have flown every spring for the last 7 years and I have never ever had one issue and I always bring my crochet hooks and knitting needles in my carry on. I have not noticed a difference that that pre or post 911.

maybe its just because we have always been to the same airports?:think


oh wait I take that back. dh is reminding me he did not allow me to take them along when we took our cruise 7 years ago.


so last 6 airplanes trips

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My hand hurts just thinking about this!! I'm probably one of those klutzes who would end up doing this to herself too :P I hope she heals quick! :hug


As far as airplanes, I've been taking my aluminum hooks (I don't use anything smaller than a D) on planes for almost 2 years now. No problems, I can even take my snips! (Actually, a TSA guy said I could have scisors with up to 4" blades!! :eek) That's in the US, and I've had no problems with Canada or Mexico either. I haven't gone outside of North America though....



You can take scissors that have a 4" blade?:eek I couldnt even take my hand lotion or hand sanitizer.:think


I have never stabbed myself with a crochet hook, but i was reaching up for a bag i had filled with a knitting project i was working on. I didnt realize that one of the needles had broken through the plastic and the tip went in between my ring and pinky fingers(only about a cm)...left a hole and hurt alot. Hope Mrs. Delamotte is okay :hug:manyheart

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I can't believe the stuff that some people try and take on planes!


While travelling through Egypt I'd often have a giggle at the people trying to take scissors and things through. This was right after 9/11 and everyone was super sensitive to it, especially those in the middle east. They were terrified of being accused of letting something through. The tiniest most harmless things were taken off people for that reason alone. At one point they wanted my MP3 player because they didn't know what it was and thought it was explosive.


I feel so badly for your elderly friend though. It must have been very painful. I've sat on a pair of scissor points before, and that was no only embarrassing, but very painful.

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I saw Mrs D in the supermarket today and asked her how she was going. She showed me the entry and exit wounds. It went in under her pinkie in the fleshy part at the top/side of her hand, and out again slightly off centre of her palm on the thumb side. So it really travelled through a lot more area that just through the top of her hand and her palm :no Poor thing. She says she's fine, but she keeps forgetting it and goes to open a jar or something and soon remembers it is there. The mark near her pinkie is about hmm.. 4mm, but the one in her palm about 1cm. It looked quite black. I wonder if that is from the metal? Cos it didn't look black in a bad way. And her hand is soooo bruised :( Least she is ok, and she was smiling and laughing about it.

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She says she's fine, but she keeps forgetting it and goes to open a jar or something and soon remembers it is there.


Least she is ok, and she was smiling and laughing about it.


Glad to hear she is healing and doing well. I'm glad she can laugh now about it. I understant the remembering part........been there done that type of thing. You just know how frustrating that is!:)

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When I was 18 years old, I was in the convent preparing to be a nun. (long story--not a nun anymore) and was anxiously waiting for news that I had a new baby sister or brother. We were at recreation and most were crocheting something or other. An older nun came in and told me that I had a new baby sister. I jumped up, shouted "Horray!" and clapped my hands. You guessed it. :eek The crochet hook went right into my palm. Well, I went to infirmary and listened for almost an hour while two nurses discussed how to get the hook out. :think At one point, they had almost decided that they would have to push it straight through my hand. :no But finally it came out and I had great story to tell whenever my sister's birthday came up.

Rita K.


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