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Miscellaneous Afghan CAL


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Thanks you guys!!!!!!!! I so love having someone to share my obsession with. My non-crocheting friends just don't GET it (except my best friend whose Relay For Life events I'm making these for)



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I apologize ladies. I'm sick again. The antibiotic seemed to be helping initially but yesterday I started feeling sick again. Will be starting a new antibiotic tomorrow.

I'll see if I can get caught up with the thread.

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My Flying Afghan is finished!! :yay It's 66" square -- that's a queen-size sheet it's laid out on. There are clickable pictures (including close-ups) on my blog.




Beautiful! I definitely want to see the close ups. I'll get this updated in the first post.




I am a beginner crocheter and have just started my first project - a ripple afghan. I'm just a few rwos into it.


This site is wonderful, and I'm finding this crocheting to be incredibly relaxing and addictive!




Welcome! I'll get your name added to the list. :clap



BarbaraJean - can I add another afghan to this CAL:? I started it during lunch time yesterday. It is the called "Cancer Ribbon Filet Square Afghan" :pink Thanks


Absolutely! :cheer


Please, if I have missed any updates, PM me.

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I apologize ladies. I'm sick again. The antibiotic seemed to be helping initially but yesterday I started feeling sick again. Will be starting a new antibiotic tomorrow.

I'll see if I can get caught up with the thread.


Oh Barbara Jean. I so hope the new AB works for you! :hug



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Oh Barbara Jean. I so hope the new AB works for you! :hug





Me too! You'd think a $75 for 5 pills that it would work for me, huh? I asked for something cheaper this time. :yes

Do you see any updates I need to add to the thread, Joyce. I hate to miss anybody.

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Me too! You'd think a $75 for 5 pills that it would work for me, huh? I asked for something cheaper this time. :yes

Do you see any updates I need to add to the thread, Joyce. I hate to miss anybody.


OH don't get me started on doctors and pills. I'm sorry the pricey ABs didn't work. After I read your post I went and checked and didn't see anything you're missing but I wondered what some of our participants are working on, I don't think that's because you've missed anything. You're doing great. I admire you for that feeling how you must be.



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BarbaraJean - I'm so sorry that you are still feeling bad :fever

I hope the new meds start working. Keep taking care of yourself.

Thanks for adding my other afghan to the list.


Joyce, you are working those squares up so FAST and your squares look great !!! :tup

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The last time I was sick the Zpack didn't do much for me either. I really hope you feel better soon. There's not much worse than being sick!


Everyones projects are coming out BEAUTIFULLY!!!


Now that the hectic last few weeks are done I hope to get back intot he swing of things here at the 'ville.

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Thanks for the warm welcome! :)


The picture doesn't quite capture the color right, though it's close. :) They call the yarn "orchid", though it's a cross between a blue and a purple, with flecks of different colors in it.







This is my first project. :) I don't have much more of this color left, and I'm hoping it's still in the stores.. Haven't decided if I want to make it multi colored or one solid color.

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Krystal, that's what I've been thinking already! *laugh*


Especially since this was bought at the end of last year. Probably not a shot in heck that it would still be available.


I'm horrible at colors to, so I'm not even sure of what color scheme I would use, if i need to go that way.

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I'm sorry You're not feeling well, Barbarajean. Hope the new pills work. Here are some hugs, also, in case you need them:hug :hug

It's been two weeks since I logged on! Part of that time the darn computer was down, or I was confused:think , or something.

Anyway, I finished the Summer Lace Afghan:cheer It's a bit small, but very pretty. Lacy enough that I can use it for a table cover. BarbaraJean, when you're feeling better, could you add "finished" to this one in the posting?


I've got the yarn to start a baby afghan called Baby's Bed of Roses. It's done with double crochet and front post clusters, and the picture looks great. Hope my finished product does, too. :lol


If it's okay I'll keep checking in here as I work on this one. Marci

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I'm sorry You're not feeling well, Barbarajean. Hope the new pills work. Here are some hugs, also, in case you need them:hug :hug

It's been two weeks since I logged on! Part of that time the darn computer was down, or I was confused:think , or something.

Anyway, I finished the Summer Lace Afghan:cheer It's a bit small, but very pretty. Lacy enough that I can use it for a table cover. BarbaraJean, when you're feeling better, could you add "finished" to this one in the posting?


I've got the yarn to start a baby afghan called Baby's Bed of Roses. It's done with double crochet and front post clusters, and the picture looks great. Hope my finished product does, too. :lol


If it's okay I'll keep checking in here as I work on this one. Marci



Thank you! Hugs are always good! bighug.gif

I'll make the updates right now! :yay

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Sunabee - I think that RHSS cornmeal would look pretty with that, (it's a nice dull yellow) and maybe even a darker blue or purple, too (depending on which color your blue really is closer to.)


BarbaraJean - it's not going to cure you, but it certainly won't hurt, but make sure you drink A LOT of water to help you flush all that gunk through and out of your system....

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BarbaraJean - it's not going to cure you, but it certainly won't hurt, but make sure you drink A LOT of water to help you flush all that gunk through and out of your system....


I'm trying but what I really want is coffee. :P

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This is a Maggie Weldon pattern I got in a kit at Annie's Attic for a most excellent $ale. :hook


Well. I thought it was going a lot better until I took all the strips out to take this pic... LOL! All but 2 are the wrong length! :eek And I DID use a counter the whole way through. So I have some "edit" work to do as I finish up the last strip, #7.... I have decided that this is definitely one pitfall of a) having the afghan made in seperate strips, and b) working on it on-the-go so much. :blush


Well, here it is so far.



Yeah... a bit uneven, there. :lol



But, so much of it is done! At least those will be quick fixes.

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Mermaiden: Oh no! It is so frustrating when something like that happens. But I must say it is really pretty so far - I like the pattern. I hope you can fix the length problem okay.

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