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vintage humor

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A bit of pattern humor. these are auntntic from that time. these were in some of the patterns my mother gave me.





OH! I want the pants on the girl on the far left and the sweater on the girl in the middle!!!!!! If those patterns are on the Groovey Crochet website, and someone knows the link, could you please, please with a cherry on top, post the link here??? :D

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Wow. I saw some people wearing those :think pants? I didn't know they were coming around for the second time. What year was that magazine? I might have been alive, but a little, little girl.



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I actually had one of those granny sqaure-type vests that I LOVED. My grandmother made it for me and I wore it proudly in Middle School.


During that same childhood I saw similar hats with aluminum beer cans in place of the granny squares.

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ok thats too funny you mention the beer can hat, because on my dads side of the family, its tradition we watch the old family movies. and when we were watching them this year...theres a part where my Dad played with the editing and in the original frame grandpa put that hat on the dog, ... and my Aunt who made that hatjust kept saying over and over I made that hat. they are so easy to crochet lol lmbo

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the ripple outfit I would make the pants longer though. I like my pants to be flared and long enough to cover my shoes. I was not around during that time(didn't come til '87) but I love pants that are flared. My mom said I would've loved to have been around during her time b/c flared is just another name for bellbottoms, either way I still like them and I like that ripple utfit.

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Wow a major blast from the past! :lol The real scary part is that a lot of the clothing from back then is coming around again. New fabrics and a more modern spin but it is still the same stuff. Wide leg bell bottoms, vests, goucho pants and caris! :lol

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Oh, FAR OUT!!! :spin


However, I personally think that if I've worn a particular "fashion" (using the term generously in this case) once and it comes back in again ... I'm now too old for it. :yes


I just cringe when I look at those and remember the granny square vests, the floppy hats, and those tops that look like you wrapped yourself in an afghan you found in the dog's bed. Wore them all and man oh man was I groovy! :lol:2blush

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I'd be interested in making some of those patterns for my sister, and maybe for myself...She'll wear anything, but I would only give it to her if it looked good!

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Oh Wow! What a blast!! I remember those. I had a granny square vest back in the '70s. And I absolutely loved bell-bottom jeans.

The worst thing is that I owned and proudly wore a pair of plaid knickers. Thought I looked really good..

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Oh Wow! What a blast!! I remember those. I had a granny square vest back in the '70s. And I absolutely loved bell-bottom jeans.

The worst thing is that I owned and proudly wore a pair of plaid knickers. Thought I looked really good..

rotflmbo yes I have a pattern that mom used ALOT for granny square sweaters for my sister and I hahahaha

and sigh the pictures of us to prove we actually wore them lol lol lol:blush

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Okay you guys...laugh all you want but we were on the cutting edge of fashion in our day! I remember making and wearing some of those granny square tank tops!:blush



Thank you Roli. I was just going to set these young whipper snappers straight. Hey we were in the groove and thought we looked real cool.

Boy am I going to have fun when they call the 90's vintage.:rofl

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And for those of you youngsters who are snickering at how ridiculous those 1970's fashions look, I will just remind you that your turn is coming. :D


I, personally, would love to see (say, 15 years from now) the faces of the children of today's teens, when they look at old photo albums (digital, of course) showing his dad wearing baggy pants hanging off their rear end with the boxers showing. Can you imagine how completely absurd that will seem? :lol

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I love booklets like these - I have that granny square vest in several of my booklets - but I got say - if done very carefully I think the ripple half pants could work!!! Im hoping I can fluke it or one similar at our opp shops.

I only got the daggy end of the seventies not the groovy begining so i never got to wear these delights -



I never understood the rear end look either., But my kids will have a ball with some very memorable 80's, early 90's of my teen ages!

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The baggy pants seem absurd already:rofl

And what will they do when they see all the peircings?:rofl

Or have to live with faded, wrinkled tattood grandmas? :rofl

Maybe those 70's fashions weren't so bad after all! At least they didn't look like they landed face first in a tackle-box! :rofl

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