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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Okay, I need some help already. LOL!!! I've have about 3/4 of one square put together, but my corners are coming out really sloppy.




You can really see it in the picture. What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it. I would love to have the crisp looking points like Skysmom has!!!:D Any input would be appreciated. This thing just looks messy!!


By they way, my name is Alicia. I don't think I've introduced myself.

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Alicia, have you tugged the corners after you make them so they have a good shape to them?

The other thing, I tug the yarn I'm weaving with very snuggly when I'm working into the corners - and sometmes have to go back over it to eliminate gaps, etc - till I'm (mostly) satisfied with it.


Let's see what Cara or Mary have to say when they come on later....

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Okay, I need some help already. LOL!!! I've have about 3/4 of one square put together, but my corners are coming out really sloppy.




You can really see it in the picture. What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it. I would love to have the crisp looking points like Skysmom has!!!:D Any input would be appreciated. This thing just looks messy!!


By they way, my name is Alicia. I don't think I've introduced myself.


I would tug corners too. and when joining them I pull my whip stitching very tightly at the four corners especially. Does that make sense to you?


This may be stupid but does anyone thing blocking would help her? Just so the corners are more square instead of rounded???


Im kinda tired sorry!

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Erin, I let the washing machine do my blocking:D

As you mentioned, stitching the corners - and not being afraid to do it really snug - works the best, IMO.


HAve to dash!

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Happy Anniversary Cara and BD!!



Hi, Alicia :hi Welcome to the group! I think you are off to a great start with your saltines. Goodness, you already have a bunch made and joined :faint I agree with Erin and Judy in saying that a stiff tug on each saltine, once you have finished it off, will help the corners. Do not be afraid to really tie those corners together when you are joining, as that will make for a crisper design. So glad you found us, and do not hesitate to ask questions. We have all been in your shoes, some of us more recently than others...but we are happy to meet you.


Hi, Judy. Hope you are doing well :hug


Everyone left the house at 7:15 this morning, and I am pretty sure the littlest DD will make it through the day in school. She had a "normal" day around the house, yesterday, played outside, ate okay, and though she may be a little tired, I do not see any remnants of the bug that flattened her out on Saturday :whewWe have a strong thunderstorm passing through the area, so I think I am going to turn off the computer and word on the ruffled jacket I am making for myself for Christmas. Talk to you all, later :)

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Okay, I think I figured it out :yay. After listening to the suggestions, I've come to realize that I'm just not pulling everything tight enough. I was ss everything, but it seems that whip stitching everything with a needle makes it come together a little easier. It also seems easier to control.


I'm going to try and start everything fresh and see if I can get better results. I don't know if I'll get to it today or not, but I'm definitely not giving up on this yet.

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I'm going to try and start everything fresh and see if I can get better results. I don't know if I'll get to it today or not, but I'm definitely not giving up on this yet.


THAT's the spirit :cheer Good luck.

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Okay, I think I figured it out :yay. After listening to the suggestions, I've come to realize that I'm just not pulling everything tight enough. I was ss everything, but it seems that whip stitching everything with a needle makes it come together a little easier. It also seems easier to control.


I'm going to try and start everything fresh and see if I can get better results. I don't know if I'll get to it today or not, but I'm definitely not giving up on this yet.


Glad we were able to help you out, hope try 2 works out better. My Geo took some playing with to get it right also!


Hi everyone! :hi


I'm back from vacation. I hope to catch up with you all soon. :hug


YAH! Hope you were able to relax and enjoy it.


Josh went back to work this am after his 4 day weekend, but at least is only a 3 day week for him. It was kinda a rough weekend with Alexander cutting those 4 teeth, seems like hes just not liking it at all. :blush

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Okay, I think I figured it out :yay. After listening to the suggestions, I've come to realize that I'm just not pulling everything tight enough. I was ss everything, but it seems that whip stitching everything with a needle makes it come together a little easier. It also seems easier to control.


I'm going to try and start everything fresh and see if I can get better results. I don't know if I'll get to it today or not, but I'm definitely not giving up on this yet.

Didn't realize you were ss everything! That doesn't work as well as whipstitching, as you've learned. Sorry you had to learn the hard way, though:hug

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Okay, I need some help already. LOL!!! I've have about 3/4 of one square put together, but my corners are coming out really sloppy.




You can really see it in the picture. What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it. I would love to have the crisp looking points like Skysmom has!!!:D Any input would be appreciated. This thing just looks messy!!


By they way, my name is Alicia. I don't think I've introduced myself.


First off...oh goodie we have your name! We love keeping it friendly cozy here :c9 Now....corners....it looks like you've got the ever frustrating "hole" at the corners. The very bestest way to fix that is to go through the place where the four squares meet with a little "X" stitch to tighten up the joins. :yes But it is looking mahvelous so far :hook

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Alicia, have you tugged the corners after you make them so they have a good shape to them?

The other thing, I tug the yarn I'm weaving with very snuggly when I'm working into the corners - and sometmes have to go back over it to eliminate gaps, etc - till I'm (mostly) satisfied with it.


Let's see what Cara or Mary have to say when they come on later....


Very good point as well :yes Sometimes you have to "pop" those corners. Just grab the four corners (with a little practice you can do all four at once) and give 'em a tug. That squares them up real well. Also, what kind of yarn are you using? Looks like it might be a softer yarn (Simply Soft, Vanna's, etc) which can really wreck havoc with the definition at times. But popping those corners will make even a softer yarn behave better :yes

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Good Morning! :)


I think my design count is up to 15 snowflakes now give or take one or two.


Rosie and I spent to afternoon sewing together. Her machine was set up on one end of the dining room table and mine was on the other end. She did the quilting on fabric that will become cosmetic bags as Christmas gifts and I worked on Kim's quilt for her chair for this winter. The top of it is now complete except for two border rows. Then on to cutting out the backing and batting and putting it together. I didn't want that one to get away from me and not be ready for use when it gets cold around here. We were both pleased with our progress. I think I'll put on a movie and crochet now. :hook

Wow! I love seeing your snowflakes, but am not sure if I could even work with thread anymore. :blush What a wonderful afternoon you had yesterday. Does Rosie crochet or knit, too?


Okay, I think I figured it out :yay. After listening to the suggestions, I've come to realize that I'm just not pulling everything tight enough. I was ss everything, but it seems that whip stitching everything with a needle makes it come together a little easier. It also seems easier to control.



I'm going to try and start everything fresh and see if I can get better results. I don't know if I'll get to it today or not, but I'm definitely not giving up on this yet.

Welcome, Alicia! It sounds like you've got it now.:yes Yours looks better than my first attempt, but I do whipstitch everything now and like the way it turns out. We're glad you're here.:manyheart


Hi everyone! :hi


I'm back from vacation. I hope to catch up with you all soon. :hug

Hi Nicole. We've missed you and hope you've enjoyed your time off. :)

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Erin, I let the washing machine do my blocking:D

As you mentioned, stitching the corners - and not being afraid to do it really snug - works the best, IMO.


HAve to dash!


Yep, yep :yes That's the beauty of washable yarn :D The washing machine will block those puppies real good. I'm thinking a "X" at the corners will solve the problem though :yes

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Okay, I think I figured it out :yay. After listening to the suggestions, I've come to realize that I'm just not pulling everything tight enough. I was ss everything, but it seems that whip stitching everything with a needle makes it come together a little easier. It also seems easier to control.


I'm going to try and start everything fresh and see if I can get better results. I don't know if I'll get to it today or not, but I'm definitely not giving up on this yet.


Excellent! :yay Yep the whip stitching may be tedious to some but it really helps with the definition :yes Glad you are having more success :hug

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Hi, Dusti and Nicole....all is well here. Just trying to remember it's Tuesday and not Monday:lol


You and me both! :rofl I looked at my tall case clock late last night and could not for the life of me figure out why the weights were almost to the bottom! I was thinking that it had a day left before rewinding it. Then it dawned on me that it was Monday which is clock winding day around here. And with my clock fetish, trust me, winding day can take a while :lol Time changes are a serious chore around here :lol

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Good morning ladies :flower


Thank you so very much for all the anniversary wishes :manyheart It's 14 years today and it feels like yesterday :c9 Took me two tries but I ended up with the perfect hubby this time :manyheart


Nicole - Welcome home! :hug Did you have a lovely vacation?


Dusti - I'm so glad DD is feeling better :hug


How is everyone this glorious day? :D I feel great! I woke up to BDs alarm instead of my later one. I almost went back to bed but decided against it and I think that was a good idea :yes


I'm just so happy to be feeling better today. This long weekend was awful :lol I felt wrung out and hung up to dry :lol But today is much better! I got a fabulous night's sleep even if it was short and I feel like I'm finally on the mend :D


I'm supposed to be working on the site today but we're having ISP issues :rolleyes They broke the site :eek The site itself works fine but I can't upload anything at all. So updates will be later in the week. I have to type up directions for about 3 patterns and work out the LC charts anyway :lol


I think I'm in a sewing mood today :scrachin I have collected lots of fabrics to make a quilt for the new niece, Hailey. I think if my back cooperates I'm going to get the fabrics out and decide on a design. My first attempt at fabric quilting (almost 25 years ago now) was a disaster! I'm hoping time and research has taught me a thing or two :lol


Have a fabulous day y'all :2hug

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How is everyone this glorious day? :D I feel great! I woke up to BDs alarm instead of my later one. I almost went back to bed but decided against it and I think that was a good idea :yes


I'm just so happy to be feeling better today. This long weekend was awful :lol I felt wrung out and hung up to dry :lol But today is much better! I got a fabulous night's sleep even if it was short and I feel like I'm finally on the mend :D


I think I'm in a sewing mood today :scrachin I have collected lots of fabrics to make a quilt for the new niece, Hailey. I think if my back cooperates I'm going to get the fabrics out and decide on a design. My first attempt at fabric quilting (almost 25 years ago now) was a disaster! I'm hoping time and research has taught me a thing or two :lol

I'm so glad you're feeling better!!

I have some cutsie fat quarters and thos long strips - all sitting here waiting for me, too...I'm fairly good with a machine....but then there's always the "crazy quilt" method, which might be less strain on my brain

WHEN get started...other things on my plaate first.Lots of them.

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I'm so glad you're feeling better!!

I have some cutsie fat quarters and thos long strips - all sitting here waiting for me, too...I'm fairly good with a machine....but then there's always the "crazy quilt" method, which might be less strain on my brain

WHEN get started...other things on my plaate first.Lots of them.


I bought two BIG rolls of something called Sweet Sixteens several months ago at the quilt shop on clearance. $20 each which I thought was a great price. They're all sort of daisy themed which will match the goodies they have in the nursery :yes

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Okay, I think I figured it out :yay. After listening to the suggestions, I've come to realize that I'm just not pulling everything tight enough. I was ss everything, but it seems that whip stitching everything with a needle makes it come together a little easier. It also seems easier to control.


I'm going to try and start everything fresh and see if I can get better results. I don't know if I'll get to it today or not, but I'm definitely not giving up on this yet.

Definitely don't give up yet. It just takes a bit of practice at first to find what works for you. I use a chain 2 in my corners and that seems to make mine behave better. And pulling them square as I finish each saltine. And putting an X in the stitching in the corners is a big help, too.

Thank you so very much for all the anniversary wishes :manyheart It's 14 years today and it feels like yesterday :c9 Took me two tries but I ended up with the perfect hubby this time :manyheart


How is everyone this glorious day? :D I feel great! I woke up to BDs alarm instead of my later one. I almost went back to bed but decided against it and I think that was a good idea :yes


I'm just so happy to be feeling better today. This long weekend was awful :lol I felt wrung out and hung up to dry :lol But today is much better! I got a fabulous night's sleep even if it was short and I feel like I'm finally on the mend :D


I think I'm in a sewing mood today :scrachin I have collected lots of fabrics to make a quilt for the new niece, Hailey. I think if my back cooperates I'm going to get the fabrics out and decide on a design. My first attempt at fabric quilting (almost 25 years ago now) was a disaster! I'm hoping time and research has taught me a thing or two :lol

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great day, Cara & BD. Glad to here that you are feeling better, Cara.


I've been hiding tails so far today. I made a casserole for our lunch. I used mixed veggies, tuna, onion, garlic, noodles, cream of mushroom soup and assorted spices. Now it's back to hiding tails and then more of the border on Kim's quilt. The quilt should end up being about 60" by 60". A good size for Kim to cuddle up in when it's cold in the house.


Welcome back from vacation, Nicole. Did you have a good time? Do anything special?


Glad to hear that your daughter is feeling better, Dusti. Kids get sick so fast, but most of the time they get better quickly too.

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