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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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:yay Way to go, Cara! :yay

I'm awake, have had my shower and meds, but that's about it so far. I have to run to the bank and drugstore this morning and maybe get a haircut. We'll see how time goes.

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Here are the updated scores. Please let me know if you see mistakes, or if any other changes need to be made. :hook


Cara (Misa) Another quilt ghan completed this week!

Shay (Shaylen) 1617

Denise (denisethorpe) 1616

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Cathy (crashcat07) 1354

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 1353

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Wendy (Aussie) ***1298

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Heather (hseger) 1256

Mary (Skysmom) *** 1225

Kristy (alchemyfyr) 1094

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***1060

Val (Priszm) 1008

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 755

Judy (judianne) 666

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Dusti (rii698) *** 617

Erin (EMedley) 567

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Selanda (crocrazy) 448

Donna (sewnsew) *** 387

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Tammy (TammyG) 268

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Jessica (jessicagil) 176

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Cherri (Cherri) 156

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Tam (teakaycee) 152

Nina (thedragon1186) 150

Julie (JulieKay) 119

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Nicole (nicolep) 94

Renee (renegade) 70

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

*** 2000 Squares Winner

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Mary, thanks for keeping the list - looks like we're all in a lull for now... I want to get back to them, but there won't be any big projects in my future for a while.



Have a good day, everyone!

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I am between stuff right now and thinking of making a ghan....not sure which pattern to use, I hate to put these together and prefer to do it as it go.....any ideas on an easy one to start with? Also was thinking of doing it in thread instead of yarn...what do you think??

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I am between stuff right now and thinking of making a ghan....not sure which pattern to use, I hate to put these together and prefer to do it as it go.....any ideas on an easy one to start with? Also was thinking of doing it in thread instead of yarn...what do you think??


Thrad instead of yarn...only if you have LOTS of time you want to fill:lol


The easiest pattern to start with is the baby gingham, according to everyone who has joined. And they're not join as you go, but if you know how to finish squares at the corner and leave long tails on each small square instead of finishing them off it minimizes the amount of weaving you have to do. Also - don't wait too long before joining them together or you'll get discouraged.


Hope I was able to help....

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Hi, Vonnie! :hi Welcome to the group. :welcome I did the Purple Pinwheels first, because it had some of the bi-color squares, but was mostly solids. But, of course, I didn't use the colors that Cara used. That's typical of most of us. We use the colors that we like on most of the patterns.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Vonnie - Welcome!! :hug I always suggest that folks start out with the pretty gingham :yes It's all solid color squares and baby size so it gives you a feel for them. I tend to work a row or a section at a time. Makes them breeze right along. Much better than the making all the squares first them joining them like I did the first time :lol


I slept late today with it being Saturday. Bad idea though. I always get achy when I sleep late. Think I'll get up at the regular time tomorrow :yes


I need to get a photo of that LC once I wake up a bit more. Today I'm hoping to start a toy soldier doll and Cherri's gingerbread boy quilt :hook Yes, I think I'll have two projects going at once :eek:lol

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Today Josh got to sleep in til 10:30, which I fully intend to do tomorrow, even if it means taking a sleeping pill or something. We switch off who gets up with the baby. This weekend is Josh's for the Fri/Sun. He doesn't work Fridays. Anywho...theeeeeen we went to the bank and got Alex's savings all set up, that feels good to finally have outta the way. His piggy bank is officially empty.

Then I went to the Trade Center here in town. Its basically a big indoor/outdoors flea market. Lots of the stuff in there is cheapo crap from China or whatever, but then they have like a pet shop, tattoo place, jewlery, ect. People can rent spaces for cheaaaaaap and sell their junk too. They do however have a nice selection of wedding/flower/crafting things. It was all 50% off this weekend, and probably will be again later. I was allowed to go(thanks hubs) and I got a bunch of yarn dirt cheap, lots of ribbon, some beads, and tool. I didn't even spend $20 and had a huge bag. :hook So I was pleased with my purchase and left. I drove by the parking lot where the Sat Flea Market is held, so I can check that out next weekend, 4 day weekend for that matter. I stopped at Taco Bell for a late lunch. I haven't been eating a ton lately because the pills Im on give me heartburn and loss of appetite but TB sounded good. Not sure why but I went in for the food, probably because they always mess my plain jane order up when I don't. Turns out a secret shopper was behind me in line, on the way out he held the door for me and asked if I wanted his food. I was like :eek are you serious? hes like yeah im a SS and I can't eat the food, so your welcome to it, I have a trunk full of stuff. I was like OK :D Hubby got a free taco and I got nachos and a water. Pretty cool day so far :lol

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Erin - Sounds like you've had a great day! :clap How funny is that for the SS to get sent to a place where he can't eat the food. I have to stay out of TB though. I have a serious TB addiction :lol Thank goodness they now put their border sauce in a bottle. :lol

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Mary, thanks for keeping the list - looks like we're all in a lull for now... I want to get back to them, but there won't be any big projects in my future for a while.



Have a good day, everyone!

You are welcome! How about a small, tiny little cuddle ghan? :devil:lol


I am between stuff right now and thinking of making a ghan....not sure which pattern to use, I hate to put these together and prefer to do it as it go.....any ideas on an easy one to start with? Also was thinking of doing it in thread instead of yarn...what do you think??

Hi Vonnie! I've made two of Cara's gingham pattern and they are so cute! 'Hope you join in. :hook


Good morning ladies :flower


Vonnie - Welcome!! :hug I always suggest that folks start out with the pretty gingham :yes It's all solid color squares and baby size so it gives you a feel for them. I tend to work a row or a section at a time. Makes them breeze right along. Much better than the making all the squares first them joining them like I did the first time :lol


I slept late today with it being Saturday. Bad idea though. I always get achy when I sleep late. Think I'll get up at the regular time tomorrow :yes


I need to get a photo of that LC once I wake up a bit more. Today I'm hoping to start a toy soldier doll and Cherri's gingerbread boy quilt :hook Yes, I think I'll have two projects going at once :eek:lol

The doll and the gingerbread quilt will be fun - is there a gingerbread girl, too? I hope the achyness (is that a word?:blush) is better. :manyheart


Erin ~ What a fun shopping trip! I love flea markets and bazaars unless they're outside in the summer. :lol


Cara, I hope this cool front has made it to Waco! It's sunny, dry and 82 right now. I've been outside a lot and am enjoying every minute of it, 'cause we know it won't last. Gracie starts back to puppy school this afternoon...we missed the last 3 weeks of the first class because of having her spayed. So, we're starting over and maybe she won't be the class clown this time. ;):D DH is out of town until Thursday, so it's just the two of us.

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I need to get a photo of that LC once I wake up a bit more. Today I'm hoping to start a toy soldier doll and Cherri's gingerbread boy quilt :hook Yes, I think I'll have two projects going at once :eek:lol

TWO projects going at once! :eek I have at least half a dozen! :lol :lol :lol


Erin, it sounds like you've had a wonderful day so far. I love flea markets, garage sales, and antique malls. You can find great buys if you've got lots of time to browse them.


I went back to the quilt shop where I bought the fancy turquoise material I used in the border of the quilt center hoping that they still had it. I want to use it in the outside border too, and one yard just wasn't going to be nearly enough to do the job. They had it! :woo And they had more of the turquoise butterfly fabric, too. So I got more of both of them. Now I've got enough to really play with in the part of the quilt that goes around the center. Again it was a case of not knowing how I was going to use them when I initially bought them. This quilt has definitely taken on a life of its own. :)

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Mary - there can ALWAYS be a cuddle ghan in the near future:lol

So true! We need more hours in the day or need to figure out how to go without sleep. :D


Linda & Cara

Got your squares, just one more for me to make then I gotta join them all and send it off. Then it will be the MIL ghan. =)

That is great, Erin! :cheer


I went back to the quilt shop where I bought the fancy turquoise material I used in the border of the quilt center hoping that they still had it. I want to use it in the outside border too, and one yard just wasn't going to be nearly enough to do the job. They had it! :woo And they had more of the turquoise butterfly fabric, too. So I got more of both of them. Now I've got enough to really play with in the part of the quilt that goes around the center. Again it was a case of not knowing how I was going to use them when I initially bought them. This quilt has definitely taken on a life of its own. :)

Wonderful news that they still had your fabric! It's such a gorgeous quilt and now you can finish it like you want to. :yes


I crocheted some last night and I only have 8 more squares to make for the baby Irish Chain. I need to join two blocks (5 x 5) and then join the blocks together. :hook


Have a good day, everyone. :manyheart

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I crocheted some last night and I only have 8 more squares to make for the baby Irish Chain. I need to join two blocks (5 x 5) and then join the blocks together. :hook

Mary, do you have link to the pattern you're using for that?

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Wonderful news that they still had your fabric! It's such a gorgeous quilt and now you can finish it like you want to. :yes


I crocheted some last night and I only have 8 more squares to make for the baby Irish Chain. I need to join two blocks (5 x 5) and then join the blocks together. :hook

I was tickled pink that they still had it.


Wow, you are making great progress on the baby Irish Chain. Don't forget to take pictures for us.

Hi Judy! I'm just using a double irish chain quilt pattern. Here is a graph I have saved...not sure where I got it though. :think:)

I just save the graph, too. Thank you.

Ooooo. That's a great site. I just bookmarked it in my quilting and my crochet section of bookmarks. That ought to make sure I don't lose it. I can see me doing it both in crochet and and quilted versions. And I'm starting to have patterns that are going both ways. Can you tell I'm having lots of fun? :devil

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Howdy ladies :hi


Okay, so I was going to get up earlier today. Yep, I sure was :yes So what did I do? That's right. I slept even later :rofl:blush


But anyway we've been up for a while and have the chores done. BD's making lunch :eek And I finally photographed the LC. Not the greatest photo but it'll do the trick :D


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Howdy ladies :hi


Okay, so I was going to get up earlier today. Yep, I sure was :yes So what did I do? That's right. I slept even later :rofl:blush


But anyway we've been up for a while and have the chores done. BD's making lunch :eek And I finally photographed the LC. Not the greatest photo but it'll do the trick :D


It's stunning, Cara! Beautiful work. :clap


I'm reporting 34 solids ~ Now it's time to finish joining. :hook

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