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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Another list of questions for you :

1-Name 2 things you think you are good at. Reading aloud & Cooking

2-Name 2 that you are not good at. Housework & Keeping things neat.

3-What is the funniest prank you may have played on someone ( OR that someone played on you )? I haven't played that many pranks on people. The funniest prank I've ever heard of was when a co-worker put a garage sale sign in front of her best friends house on April Fool's Day.

4-Is there something you would absolutely refuse to do? Abuse a child or animal.

5-Have you ever won a trophy or blue ribbon? Yes, for a textile painting I did of the 4 Seasons.

6-Have you ever been told you look like someone famous? Not me.

7-If you coulld change one thing about yourself what would it be? ( this can be on the outside or inside ) I'd get rid of my arthritis and the damage the meds for it have done to my kidneys.

8-What is one item that you should really throw away but you just can't? Some of the things my pack-rat nature has saved over the years.

9-Would you ever use an online dating service to meet someone? Maybe. I've signed onto a couple, but I've never gotten up the nerve to answer anyone.

10-What song title most describes your life right now? :think I don't know. Maybe "I'm back in the saddle again. Doing the best that I can."

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Late nite crew here....:kettle


Update on my nephew. He did formally sign a contract with the Toronto Blue Jays. He was in NH, playing ball in an invitational league then yesterday he flew home to Calif., packed his bags again, said his good byes and left this a.m. for Florida. They are doing a 3 day evaluation to determine whether he goes to A or B training camp. Then he will be alternating between Miami and Albany. Says he will be back home in Sept. Besides the money aspect of the contract he wanted a provisional guarantee about his education. He was ready to start Jr. year in college but will not continue now because of this contract. Now here's the deal and it sounds pretty good to me. Toronto has set up a trust fund for his education. If the ball stuff doesn't work out, he has 2 years after he stops playing ball for them to return to school and they will pay for it. After 2 years, the funds revert back to the team. I am so glad he thought about the bigger picture and not just the $ in front of him now. :cheer


The water is hot, time for my tea. TTYL

Congrats! I love the education clause in the contract too!

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Busy house today!


Linda- Love the 4 generation picture- :manyheart Thank you for sharing it with us- What a beautiful family!!! And I LOVE that shirt: Mom's shirt said:

At my age:

I've seen it all,

I've heard it all,

I've done it all,

I just can't remember it all. LOVE IT!!!!!


Joy- I have an Ipod Touch too and had no idea you could download a reader to it! Dh got it for me for Christmas 2 years ago- mainly for my music- I really should look into all that it can do! Thanks for sharing that info!:hug


Judy- The main reason I chose the Nook over the Kindle was the book sharing feature- my DD also has one so we "lend" each other books. The other thing I liked about it was the touch screen to turn the pages. And I like to spend time @ B&N and you can read books for free when you are in a B&N- so if there is a book I really want to read, but don't want to pay for it- I can stop at B&N and read it for free- I pass right by B&N on the way home from work so it is convenient for me- Sometimes I stop there and read for a 1/2-1hr and then head home. DH has a Kindle and he likes his, too!


Cheeria- Hope you'll be on the mend soon- but it sounds like an afternoon of crocheting is just what the Dr ordered! Good luck at the MD appt tomorrow.

I'll be packing up your squares tomorrow night- I thought I had envelopes to put them in and I don't so I need to stop and pick some up after work tomorrow!


Diane- Loved your prank!!! :lol


Cindy- That is awesome that you read two books in a few days!


Marisa- Hope you had a good day today at work!


Tabitha- Card didn't get mailed today- Silly me left it at home on the counter. It is now on the front seat in my car so I don't forget it!!!


Lissa- thinking about you today!:hug


I know I didn't remember everything- I'm so bad about not having paper while I'm on my laptop!


I got home around 6:30 tonight- and then went out and added a little water to the pool- used the skimmer and the leaf catcher thingy to get a few more leaves that had fallen to the bottom out. Then I watered my flowers, tomato and basil plants and came inside and started laundry!


I can't believe it already 8:25 and I'm just sitting down! See why I picked "She works hard for her money" as the song that describes my life right now?:lol:lol


Hope everyone has a good night


Oh, Julie- forgot to thank you for posting the colors of the Stylecraft DK yarn- I copied it onto a word doc right away- otherwise I'd never find it again in these gazillion posts!:lol

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Good evening ladies,


I ran to the market after work and made a salad with leftover chicken.


I'll probably just keep reading books. I'm soo undecided with the whole e-reader thing. I still need to check out the nook. But, looking at the kindle, I'd probably want the bigger one because I'm into memory...it goes soo fast. So then, looking at the price....I'm getting in the range of the ipad (Julie, that's what you were talking about). My mom has one and it's basically a small computer and you can do anything online too since it has wireless connectivity. That's was I used when I checked in with y'all while away on my wine tour last month. But, then it puts me back at reading on the computer screen, which kills my eyes :( I do need a new ipod since I only have the shuffle and need to upgrade, but am not interested in the touch since it doesn't come with near the amount of memory of the classic. I don't need all the extras because my phone has all the extras. I don't have an iphone, but the windows phone. So, now I just have no clue and instead of spending the money, I'll just read the book. Although, I'm going to check out that nook since Joanne mentioned 'lending' books. Then I'd have to get my mom one too. We generally just rotate books between a few of us. LOL


Ok, I'm still in my work clothes and need to get into my pj's and take my eyes out so I can relax on the couch a bit. My dvr is getting backed up


But first I will answer questions...........

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Joy, I will be taking a look at those programs. Are you downloading them from the Apple site?


They are all available through the iTunes Store under App Store on your PC or App Store on your iPod Touch.


Joy- I have an Ipod Touch too and had no idea you could download a reader to it! Dh got it for me for Christmas 2 years ago- mainly for my music- I really should look into all that it can do! Thanks for sharing that info!:hug


There are a lot of free games available too. Great for killing time while waiting in line or waiting for an appointment.

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1-Name 2 things you think you are good at . cooking/baking and putting things together :)

2-Name 2 that you are not good at . singing and using my imagination

3-What is the funniest prank you may have played on someone ( OR that someone played on you ) ? Well my brother did this one and it was meant for me or my sister.....we were running around that day and kept doing things to each other and he taped the sprayer on the faucet so that when we turned it on we got sprayed!!! :eek He got my mom :rofl It was hysterical

4-Is there something you would absolutely refuse to do ? Anything that would put my chiropractic license in jeopardy

5-Have you ever won a trophy or blue ribbon ? Several for dancing ballet and several as a group with the marching band (I was on color guard)

6-Have you ever been told you look like someone famous ?Nope

7-If you coulld change one thing about yourself what would it be ? ( this can be on the outside or inside ) This is a tough question...I'm one of those people who like me for both the good and the bad and if I changed any one part of that, then I wouldn't really be me because it would be a domino effect in that one difference can change how I react to everything, which is where our character comes from. However, I guess I'd like to be more outgoing with strangers

8-What is one item that you should really throw away but you just can't ?I don't keep too much, but I do need to clean out my pocketbooks

9-Would you ever use an online dating service to meet someone ?Well, I've signed up and chatted with a few people, but when it comes to the meeting part....I become a chicken....I don't trust people very easily.

10-What song title most describes your life right now ? I don't know ?

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Joanne, let me know if you're ever looking to get rid of some of your records. My parents still have theirs, it's one of the big ones thats like a cabinet. She wanted to get rid of it, but I won't let her...I told her I want it when I (eventually) buy a house :lol along with the piano...she tries to get rid of that too :lol Good thing my dad's a packrat!!!!

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Joanne, let me know if you're ever looking to get rid of some of your records. My parents still have theirs, it's one of the big ones thats like a cabinet. She wanted to get rid of it, but I won't let her...I told her I want it when I (eventually) buy a house :lol along with the piano...she tries to get rid of that too :lol Good thing my dad's a packrat!!!!


If I ever do decide to get rid of them, I'll be sure to let you know- I'm guessing when we finally sell the house (which won't be for at least a year or two) since we took it off the market for now. We will be downsizing and I will definitely have to get rid of some things - and things that are just being stored "just because" will probably go!


Oh, on the questions- I would never do anything to jeopardize my nursing license- I guess that kind of goes along with never breaking the law!:lol


Have a good night all...think I'm going to read on my Nook!

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I forgot to ask, but I started my next afghan and it's a round stained glass looking one done in panels. The pic for the panel in the magazine is like a graph rather than the stitch diagram. So as I go across in the middle I have to start switching with the colors to get an arced piece of black so when it's all together each piece will connect to make a circle.


Keep in mind, I've never worked with something like this before where you have to switch between colors within the same row....I've only ever changed colors by rows or rounds. So, I'm having difficulty switching the colors and making it look smooth. I don't know what to do with my yarn that hanging off until I get to the next row to use it again :(


Any advice I'm sure would help a bunch!!!!!!! :think



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From the Apple website:

Based on the dimensions listed on Amazon for the Kindle, the iPod is approximately 1/4 the size of the smaller Kindle. The iPad is slightly bigger than the smaller Kindle, but smaller than the larger Kindle.


HOLY SMOKES -- these gadgets are getting me all mixed up now !!

Ipads and Ipods ..whew .

They need to name them something totally different so people who are S L O W like me don't get any S L O W E R ..


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Wow, this place was booming tonite while I slept in my chair !!! Too many posts to answer and I'm too tired to remember what to answer to whom ,so I'll just say goodnight and see you all in the morning !


MARISA -will pm Judy with your question -that sounds right up her alley as she doess those graph-type afghans a lot . She is VERY good at them .


I've never even tried one before so would be of no assistance !


See you all in the morning ~

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Lissa - The first card was waiting for me when I got home last night. Very cute! :hug


:hug:ghug:hug My thoughts and prayers are with you today, Lissa. Good luck with the job interview.


Thank you so so much Sweetheart! :hug


Hey gang -here's another list of questions for you :

1-Name 2 things you think you are good at .

2-Name 2 that you are not good at .

3-What is the funniest prank you may have played on someone ( OR that someone played on you ) ?

4-Is there something you would absolutely refuse to do ?

5-Have you ever won a trophy or blue ribbon ?

6-Have you ever been told you look like someone famous ?

7-If you coulld change one thing about yourself what would it be ? ( this can be on the outside or inside )

8-What is one item that you should really throw away but you just can't ?

9-Would you ever use an online dating service to meet someone ?

10-What song title most describes your life right now ?


1. Crocheting, quilting

2. knitting (I cannot knit in rounds to save my life) Spelling

3. I'm not a prank person. I don't think I've ever played one

4. Quite a few things actually

5. I've won ribbons for paintings and drawings while in Intermediate and highschool

6. Yes, a lot recently lol

7. hmmmmm I'd give myself more patience

8. It's kind of gross..... I still have Calypso's umbilical cord stump in a sterile jar a nurse gave me

9. yes

10. It's My Life by Bon Jovi


I'd love to see a pattern for those tree spirits if you're inclined to share. I love anime and Princess Mononoke is one of my favorites. I know someone that would really enjoy receiving their very own tree spirit.


SURE! I actually found it by googling! http://www.amiamour.com/2010/05/glow-in-the-dark-kodama-pattern/9 It's made for glow in the dark yarn but I just used RHSS yarn


Oh, my, Diane, that was a good one. I sort of feel sorry for Vince, but not really. :lol :lol :lol


I'm done running for today. I went to Michael's and bought some card stock and special papers and a cutter to cut them with, then I went to WalMart and got about $200 worth of groceries and two prescriptions for me. Brought all of that home and we got it put away. Went to the bank and paid the car insurance. Picked up more prescriptions at CVS and the doctor's office. Picked up 20 pounds of frozen boneless, skinless chicken tenders at Tyson's plant store. That's all the running around my knee is going to take today.


The sky is mostly cloudy now and it's grumbling off and on. I think the rain may have followed me here from Iowa. :D


I got your 2nd card today, Lissa. The girls' drawings are adorable. Your oldest is just 3 months younger than my grandson. He'll be starting 1st grade next fall, too.


We took a four generation picture while we were at my mom's house. This is Mom, me, Joy, and Ayden.


What a wonderful photo! I'm so glad you liked their drawings, my oldest was so excited that she spelled your name! LOL


We tend to buy more groceries at walmart then we planned to when we go LOL


Lisa - Happy birthday to Calypso sending you a hug and I pray that the day went well for you.


Thank you sweetie! Today was a rough day. And I had quite a few bad things happen today. But my friends on facebook without telling me. A whole bunch of them lit candles and sent me the photos just for my little angel's birthday :manyheart


I hope you all don't mind if I share a photo of my little girl's grave today? It was so pretty with her balloons and teddy bears


I'm working on my shawl again tonight. I really think it might come out ok :yay


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Thank you so so much Sweetheart! :hug


SURE! I actually found it by googling! http://www.amiamour.com/2010/05/glow-in-the-dark-kodama-pattern/9 It's made for glow in the dark yarn but I just used RHSS yarn


What a wonderful photo! I'm so glad you liked their drawings, my oldest was so excited that she spelled your name! LOL


Thank you sweetie! Today was a rough day. And I had quite a few bad things happen today. But my friends on facebook without telling me. A whole bunch of them lit candles and sent me the photos just for my little angel's birthday :manyheart


I hope you all don't mind if I share a photo of my little girl's grave today? It was so pretty with her balloons and teddy bears


I'm working on my shawl again tonight. I really think it might come out ok :yay

Thanks for the pattern info. I've saved it. :hug

The picture is lovely. :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning everyone!


I fell asleep while reading last night- about 15 minutes after I started! I feel well rested which is good!


Lissa- I can't wait to see your shawl! I'm glad you survived the day yesterday and Calypso's grave looks nice. Hugs to you as I'm sure this is a difficult time of year for you!


Linda- I think I forgot to welcome you home properly! WELCOME HOME! You sure did get a lot of things accomplished yesterday!


To everyone in the house- time for me to get moving and ready for another day at work- hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday and I'll cya on the flip side!

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Thank you for sharing the photo -- you can always tell when someone is truly missed if you visit their grave and see many items on the gravesite .It shows a lot of people cared for the person and misses them greatly . It's nice that you keep it decorated so muchm -it shows that your baby girl is missed and cared for a lot .

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Hi Joanne

It's 5:45 ,and your post is here to greet me, so all is right with the world ! We both tend to be first ones in here each day .

Have a great day at work,and we'll catch you around tonite sometime .

I feel the same way- when I see your post early in the AM- I feel all is right in my world too!!!:hug


have a great day!!!

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Marisa- i forgot to answer your post- I'm sorry I can't be of help- I saw the pattern in the crochet mag and thought to myself- oh- that is so pretty! But I think a little to difficult for me at this stage in my crocheting!


I'm sure Judy or some of our more experienced crocheters will be able to help you though. Have a good day at work today!!!

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One more post and I've really got to get ready for work!!! Don't want to, but have to!:lol


Just wanted to let you all know that it is really nice getting to know all of you!!!!



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Hey ladies --

Up and at'em ! Rise and shine and all that stuff ! Another day in our town ... no noise except the birds tweeting .

Wet and warm outside -- looks like another rainy day . HoHum............


On to crochet :


I am getting several rows and colors put on my granny --will try to have each color on it once by Friday,so you guys get to see all the colors in it at least once.


Well,that's it for now,folks-- will check in later ~

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Morning house mates just stopping by to say hi before I start my day. I have to get ready to go to the doctor but I'm feeling a little better. That seems to happen when it's time for me to see the doctor. :think I will probably go to AC Moore after my appointment to get a picture frame. I didn't have time yesterday to answer the questions but it look like fun and I will try to answer them today. Have a great day house family. :hug

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Good Morning Housemates :coffee


Lissa - Calypso's grave looks very nice and festive for her birthday, I'm sure you made her cry looking down on you :hug :hug


Joanne - I agree that it's nice getting to know everyone :yes I also was falling asleep reading after only 3-4 pages :lol So, got myself to a stopping point and gave in. Big game tonight!!!! :eek


Julie - Sounds like you are moving right along with your new afghan and all those colors :D:yay


Good morning everyone else. I'm going to be putting some chicken in the crockpot today, so I can't wait to smell my apt when I get home ;) It's the best when you walk in the door after work and it already smells wonderful :yes

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Good morning! I'm only the fourth one on this morning? Wow! That doesn't happen often. Spent time last night with Rosie showing her all the quilt fabric I bought and all the lovely pieces that my grandmother and mom did that mom had saved for me. Rosie had never seen things made with the size 30 thread and was awed by them. She recommended framing some of them and putting them on display. I might do it, too. At least for a couple of them.


How'd the interview go yesterday, Lissa?


Julie - Now that I'm home I can get going on the Ripple-Along Game. It's a penny per row, right?


I seem to have a lot of items awaiting their tails woven in and a bunch of other things partly done and just waiting to be finished at the moment. Wonder how that happened? :think


Kim's got a doctor's appointment this morning, so it's time to get busy. See you all later.

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Good Morning.


Joanne~I received your flag card yesterday & it is funny. Thanks!



My brother and his wife are at the hospital and the baby is on her way. :cheer And Doa has picked today to go to the hospital so I get to sit in the ER all day. I'll check in later when I get home.


Have a great day! :manyheart

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