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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good morning!

That is awesome news about your nephew Diane! And he sounds like a very smart young man to think about the "bigger picture" outside of baseball!!! I'm so excited for him- and hope it all works out!!! Now I can say I know the aunt of a professional baseball player!!!


Marisa- Fireworks must have been fun--and loud- but sounds like you have the best front row seat- right from the back of your car- perfect!!!


LeAnna- You have been getting lots done- sometimes cleaning and such does get in the way of crafting time! I know that my plans for this weekend did not involve so much working around here and so little yarn time!! But, it is what it is.


Cindy- We also have an above ground pool- 15X30 oval- fairly large size- and yes, it is a lot of work. We didn't even open it last year cause it rained all of June and we had some plans over the summer it didn't seem worth it. But we had to open it this year to make sure it was ok- not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I would like to take it down- DH says he wants to leave it- because of where it is and the way the deck is cut out around one end and then stairs leading up to a small deck that butts along the edge of the pool...oh well...we had listed our house- no serious offers- took it off for now and hoping the market improves in a year or so- and then will list again- we want to go to an adult community- where they have a pool, gym, activities, etc and we don't have to do the maintenance! All in good time.


Boy, did I just ramble on and now I have to scoot!


Hope EVERYONE has a wonderful Monday!!! I'm working till 6 tonight so won't be back in the House till later than usual!

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Joanne- Yep, I know what you mean by a mindless pattern. These days ,it's easier to do something like the granny,because once you get the pattern started,it's just repeating the same thing over and over,so no hard brain power needed.

My kind of pattern !




Marisa- I ave been trying to do what the new Dr ordered,but gave in and am taking the pills he cancelled out. The rash was so bad by Sat . morning, that it actually felt like I had a rash inside my body too.. inside my mouth, down my throat ,everyplace. Very uncomfortable ,plus my breathing was harder when I lowered the breathing meds in half ,so I'm a little bit more discouraged that there went more money down the drain for a Dr who isn't gonna help any more than the last one .


SO, I am back to taking the previous meds,and hoping like heck that the bloodwork he ordered will show up something they are all missing .


This gets ridiculous after awhile, because going to so many dr's and none can find the cause, you begin to think it's all your imagination. I KNOW I can't breathe right ,know I have a rash that comes and goes . My doggone BP is on the rise again too, so I need to get that addressed also . I KNEW it would go back up. It was EXTREMELY high before -- I was taking 4 pills a day for it and it was running up in the 220/140 range for a long time til they got it under control .

Suddenly it just went back down ( not low enough to be safe, but low enough that they dropped the pills to one daily . It has been running about 150/100 the past few weeks, so I think they'll have to figure out what to do with it . Most of the channel bloskers they tried also blocked my breathing, so there's only one pill that works that doesnt bother my breathing, but it is causing kidney malfunctions.


It is NO FUN getting old and having your body parts all go haywire .

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Hey Julie- That BP is something that you can't ignore- 150/100- its the 100 that worries me. I had to go on BP meds too- mine was running about 190/100 when I went to the DR and he started me on 20 mg and upped it to 40 mg. It's now been running 120/80 --


Do they know what the rash is from? Is it like an eczema or psoriasis? DH has psoriasis and I noticed he has more patches of it right now. When do you get the bloodwork back? Maybe it's time for Cleveland? Just a thought----ok ---off the soapbox.


Gotta run---:hug:hug:hug

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I hope you weren't getting sick yesterday. Maybe just tired and run down -- you have had a busy few weeks lately so maybe you just needed some rest .



Cindy -

Have a good work week !




Yea, it is slow to get to here on the Kindle -- takes much longer that it does on my computer, but it IS do-able ,so that was neat .




Marisa- it sounds like your town has nice fireworks. Our town hasn't done them since probably 1980 ... not enough money in their system to do it . They could possibly lights off a pack of friecrackers nad give us each one sprkler, but that'd be about it .



Joy- I'm glad you are enjoying the penpals -I am too !




Linda- glad you made it home safe and sound. It will be good for you to be back to catch up on the days you missed .I bet Kim was excited to see you back .




so very sorry for your loss. I hope today isn't too horrible for you .It is good of you to remember the little babe each year . I have never had that experience, so not sure how I'd handle it, but probably not as well as you .

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--good to see you again ! The peach yarn sounds pretty . I know what you mean about the colors. If I start something that I think doesn't look right in those colors, I lose interest in it ,so then start over with something different .I've done that a lot .



LeAnna- I hope you are soon done with all the work in your house so you can enjoy a little of the summer weather . We have kids here that bust up the mailboxes too, of people out in the country. Guess they get some type of thrill busting up someone's property . I always hope that someday when they are grown, that some kid does the same to their property, so they know what it's like to have to replace items that someone broke purposely .



Diane- great news on your nephew ! Definitely someone to be proud of !



Joanne -

The BP has been an ongoing problem for the past couple years -- it was really out of control for quite awhile ,then they found a 2-drug combo I was taking and it finally leveled off ,but then the one drug was causing kidney problems. I had to see a kidney specialist,who dropped the pills down to one a day -- sadly this is the only BP pill they can find that doesnt bother my breathing, but it does cause kidney problems so they are trying to keep the dose low enough so that further kidney damage doest happen, but high enough to keep my bp down . It worked for a few months, but now I think it's starting back up the ladder .


As for the rash,it has also gone right along with my breathing -- no one seems to have a clue about it --but it is not there EVERY day ,it comes and goes at will. It is usually most noticeable in the mornings, and as the day goes on, it fades . It doesnt itch, it's just THERE . It looks like little tiny cookie-sprinkles ,mainly on my arms but sometimes my face or neck . If I take a benadryl, it all congregates in one red hive- like area, like it is mad that you took the benadryl, so it is gathering forces to fight .


I dont know -- it's all just odd . My Dr has said all along she thinks this is some type of Immune disorder ,but no one else seems to be able to spot it ...


I dont know, it's just a big mess and very hard not to sink into a really depressive FUNK over the whole thing .

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Good Morning Housemates :coffee


I woke hungry so ate my bfast after my shower while I read through your posts :D Now, I feel better....I usually wait until I get to work to eat, so now I'll be ready for lunch early too :lol


Julie - I recommend calling the Dr. you just saw to report what's going on. He took you off all the meds and I'm sure was planning to introduce the ones you NEED back into the mix. Just a suggestion. You do not want to end up on dialysis for kidney failure!! Just remember that the Dr. doesn't know something's going on unless you tell him and if you're that discouraged by him after this, then you need to get your tuckas to the Cleveland Clinic!!! As for the blood pressure, I have an inkling that might start to come down if you had an answer :yes Not doubting there's an issue with it, but I bet it wouldn't be nearly as bad if you weren't dealing with the stress of all the health issues to begin with. OK, I'm done now ;) I'm going to put your summer card in the mail today :clap


LeAnna - Sorry you had to get a new mailbox due to some punks that got bored one night with nothing better to do :eek:(


Diane - Great news about your nephew!!!! :yay:cheer And you're right, I'm glad he thought about the big picture. Too many of these young boys don't think about their education when they get these offers and then if it doesn't work out or gets an injury keeping them from returning to the game, they have nothing to follow back on :( Good for him to have a good head on his shoulders :yes


Joanne - The pool definitely is a lot of work...we had one growing up and we had to help take care of it with my parents ;) Then as we got older and weren't around as much, there was just no reason to keep it for the little bit of time we would be around :(


I hope everyone has a great monday, see you all later

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Good morning, Housemates! I woke up at 8:30 this morning which is early for here and on time for when I was in Iowa. :lol :lol :lol I've got everything unpacked now and I'm about ready for breakfast. It's sunny and dry here. I've got a bunch of errands to run today.


Lissa - The first card was waiting for me when I got home last night. Very cute! :hug


Hi everyone!! I'm doing a quick check in. I'm in for a rough day tomorrow I think. It's Calypso's 3rd birthday. We have a cake for her (we do it every year) and stuff to take to the cemetery. I also have three balloons going to the cemetery. Hard to believe she'd be 3 years old. In the afternoon I have a job interview and then we're going to stop by the Children's Hospital and donate blankets.


I'm going to make some more little tree Spirits soon too.


Had a very very long weekend. I'm just ready to get onto tomorrow and get it over with. I need a break

:hug:ghug:hug My thoughts and prayers are with you today, Lissa. Good luck with the job interview.

Update on my nephew. He did formally sign a contract with the Toronto Blue Jays. He was in NH, playing ball in an invitational league then yesterday he flew home to Calif., packed his bags again, said his good byes and left this a.m. for Florida. They are doing a 3 day evaluation to determine whether he goes to A or B training camp. Then he will be alternating between Miami and Albany. Says he will be back home in Sept. Besides the money aspect of the contract he wanted a provisional guarantee about his education. He was ready to start Jr. year in college but will not continue now because of this contract. Now here's the deal and it sounds pretty good to me. Toronto has set up a trust fund for his education. If the ball stuff doesn't work out, he has 2 years after he stops playing ball for them to return to school and they will pay for it. After 2 years, the funds revert back to the team. I am so glad he thought about the bigger picture and not just the $ in front of him now.

Good for him! That is a great idea!

Joanne- Yep, I know what you mean by a mindless pattern. These days ,it's easier to do something like the granny,because once you get the pattern started,it's just repeating the same thing over and over,so no hard brain power needed.

My kind of pattern !



Marisa- I ave been trying to do what the new Dr ordered,but gave in and am taking the pills he cancelled out. The rash was so bad by Sat . morning, that it actually felt like I had a rash inside my body too.. inside my mouth, down my throat ,everyplace. Very uncomfortable ,plus my breathing was harder when I lowered the breathing meds in half ,so I'm a little bit more discouraged that there went more money down the drain for a Dr who isn't gonna help any more than the last one .


SO, I am back to taking the previous meds,and hoping like heck that the bloodwork he ordered will show up something they are all missing .


This gets ridiculous after awhile, because going to so many dr's and none can find the cause, you begin to think it's all your imagination. I KNOW I can't breathe right ,know I have a rash that comes and goes . My doggone BP is on the rise again too, so I need to get that addressed also . I KNEW it would go back up. It was EXTREMELY high before -- I was taking 4 pills a day for it and it was running up in the 220/140 range for a long time til they got it under control .

Suddenly it just went back down ( not low enough to be safe, but low enough that they dropped the pills to one daily . It has been running about 150/100 the past few weeks, so I think they'll have to figure out what to do with it . Most of the channel blockers they tried also blocked my breathing, so there's only one pill that works that doesn't bother my breathing, but it is causing kidney malfunctions.


It is NO FUN getting old and having your body parts all go haywire .

Anything that's nice and repetitive works for me.


Take care, Julie. And do let the doctor know what's happening. You never know just what will make the light-bulb go on. It can seem insignificant at the time, but it might be the most important thing of all.


See you all later. Have a great day. :hug

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Hi there Linda

You will probably have a busy day today getting things all put away and back into the swing of things after being off .

Sam had a rough time last week going back to work,after having a long weekend off. He is getting pretty burnt out on his job, but he's been with the same place for 34 years, so I'm sure it gets old . It's just hard when he's off then has to go back .



Thanks for the advice -- yea,I'll probably go in to talk to my Dr about this latest Dr's advice and to see who she thinks I should go with . She knows about all the symptoms,as do the other Dr's,but they dont seem to be able to put it all together .

I also have NO Vit. D -- it's not LOW, it's GONE .


The only answer they've all given me is because of where we live -- we have very few SUNNY days here in our area . It's cloudy,raining ,or snowing for a big part of the year,so it's hard to soak up sunlight when we have none .


Oh well, I'm just gonna have to wait til another day to deal with all this . I'm not in the mood to to talk to another DR today ... Need a little break before going back .


Don't work too hard getting everything organized today !

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Just stopping by to say good morning. I'll be back later to read all the posts. I have some AM errands to run and after that I will be at home crocheting. See you all later. :hug

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Hey gang -here's another list of questions for you :

1-Name 2 things you think you are good at .

2-Name 2 that you are not good at .

3-What is the funniest prank you may have played on someone ( OR that someone played on you ) ?

4-Is there something you would absolutely refuse to do ?

5-Have you ever won a trophy or blue ribbon ?

6-Have you ever been told you look like someone famous ?

7-If you coulld change one thing about yourself what would it be ? ( this can be on the outside or inside )

8-What is one item that you should really throw away but you just can't ?

9-Would you ever use an online dating service to meet someone ?

10-What song title most describes your life right now ?

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1-Name 2 things you think you are good at .


Talking , giving advice ( I think so,anyhow )


2-Name 2 that you are not good at .


Patience , Dieting


3-What is the funniest prank you may have played on someone ( OR that someone played on you ) ?


In high school,me and a friend would go in the girls bathroom and soak wet paper towels with cold water and toss them over the bathroom doors, just to hear each girl scream or yell when she was sitting in the restroom and a wet soppy towel landed on her .


4-Is there something you would absolutely refuse to do ?


Strip nekkid for money .


5-Have you ever won a trophy or blue ribbon ?


Both, in spelling bees .


6-Have you ever been told you look like someone famous ?


Linda Ronstant (?sp?)


7-If you coulld change one thing about yourself what would it be ? ( this can be on the outside or inside )


I'd be more kind and not immediately get angry until I had time to think things through .


8-What is one item that you should really throw away but you just can't ?


A picture of my high school boyfriend .


9-Would you ever use an online dating service to meet someone ?


Nope-- too scared of getting hooked up with an UNSAVORY character .


10-What song title most describes your life right now ?


Sorry seems to be the hardest word . (Elton John song)

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I'm HOME!!!!! I wasn't really ready to leave, but it's good to be home too. My flight was delayed by half an hour leaving and arriving. We had to sit on the tarmac for 25 minutes before our gate opened up. There was a large group of people going to Texas who missed their connecting flight. They were being reassured that they'd get scheduled on the next flight there at no extra charge, because Delta does not hold flights for delayed connector flights. I sat next to a very nice lady from Florida and we chatted the whole way here. She'd been visiting family just outside of Cedar Rapids. Just as the plane was getting ready to start boarding the sky got black and then it poured buckets of rain. However, by the time we were ready to leave it had pretty much quit. I took the Marta train from the airport to the end of the connector and then Rosie picked me up and brought me the rest of the way home. We yakked nonstop. Of course. Tabby - I'm so glad to hear that Darius is feeling better. I like the first one much better than the sequels. Tammy - That is great news! You are all in my daily prayers. Julie - I'm with you on the "Back to the Future" series, but I don't think I could ever see enough of the "Mash" reruns. I loved that show when it was on and still do to this day. Have a good night. I'm heading downstairs to give Sarge some loving.

Welcome home hon!!!

thank you so much for your continued prayers!!!


Thanks ladies. I'm having a hard time getting to sleep. I may go make some warm milk and try and catch some zs :hug:hug



Just a quick check in to see how everyone is...i had to rip out my ripple...just didn't like the colors so im going to do mine all in one color...i ordered 5 Caron one ponders from Knitting warehouse in the color peach(new color for me)....so when it gets here i will get started again.


Tammy...so glad to hear that he is getting better....does this mean that Taco night it close again..:yay

I have I think about 10 rows not on my ripple. I like it so far.

Oh... you got it... taco... nacho... whatever Michael wants............ :U







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For all of you that are thinking about getting a Kindle or similar device but wishing that it would lit up for better reading in dim light, you might want to look into an iPod Touch. You can download the Kindle Reader software for free and read all of the same books that are available for the Kindle. There are also several other free readers available for it that allow you to read other ebook formats.

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I found a shawl pattern that's rather simple for a first timer and I've started in on that. I'm going to make some more little tree Spirits soon too.


I'd love to see a pattern for those tree spirits if you're inclined to share. I love anime and Princess Mononoke is one of my favorites. I know someone that would really enjoy receiving their very own tree spirit.

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Hey gang -here's another list of questions for you :

1-Name 2 things you think you are good at . crocheting & talking

2-Name 2 that you are not good at . dieting & sticking up for myself

3-What is the funniest prank you may have played on someone ( OR that someone played on you ) ? ? :think

4-Is there something you would absolutely refuse to do ? talk to my sister

5-Have you ever won a trophy or blue ribbon ? blue ribbons for a quilt ghan

6-Have you ever been told you look like someone famous ? nope

7-If you coulld change one thing about yourself what would it be ? ( this can be on the outside or inside ) the way I view myself

8-What is one item that you should really throw away but you just can't ? my mousey

9-Would you ever use an online dating service to meet someone ? nope, one headache is enough thank you :devil

10-What song title most describes your life right now ? Some things Never Change by Tim McGraw




Howdy Cheeria-- catch you later !!!


Hey Tab- I'm working on my granny with my new yarn. The brown thing is buried for now .


How about you ?


I can't wait to see your granny in those perdy colors. :cheer I am currently working on nothing today. :lol maybe just my aggravation level. :yes

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Not trying to butt in BUT.....I wish I had an Ipod touch, but they are not as big as the readers. Here's a pic. of an Ipod touch vs a touch phone, pretty much the same size. Sorry for answering but I have no life. :lol:P


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Hey gang -here's another list of questions for you :

1-Name 2 things you think you are good at .Crocheting, research

2-Name 2 that you are not good at . Baking, keeping my mouth shut.

3-What is the funniest prank you may have played on someone ( OR that someone played on you ) ? April Fool's Day, late 60's, at work. Back in the day when women wore dresses and men wore suits to work. Mostly women but about a dozen men. The men hung their suit jackets in a central hall, we women, set up an assembly line from the hall to the bathroom. Sent suit coats down the line. In the bathroom, we reached into the coat sleeves about half way down, pulled up the lining and stitched it shut. Sent coats back up the line to be hung up again. Waited 'til 5 p.m. to watch the men try to put their suit coats on. The could only get arms halfway in the sleeves, the rest of the sleeve just flapped in the breeze. They looked like a bunch of penquins, all standing around looking at each other with this quizical look just flapping their stubby little arms. :rofl

4-Is there something you would absolutely refuse to do ? Break the law

5-Have you ever won a trophy or blue ribbon ? High school for typing and shorthand speed.

6-Have you ever been told you look like someone famous ?no

7-If you coulld change one thing about yourself what would it be ? ( this can be on the outside or inside )not hold a grudge. Sometimes I just can't let it go.

8-What is one item that you should really throw away but you just can't ?some of my craft stuff.

9-Would you ever use an online dating service to meet someone ?no

10-What song title most describes your life right now ?Home, home on the range.


O.K. Julie, this was fun!

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