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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Mary! :hi How's life? Have things calmed down with the folks a bit? :hug Is Gracie keeping you on the run? Wait. That was a dumb question. Of course, she is :rofl


Just one more note on men and label reading. John couldn't remember what I like in Chinese food so got me Kung Pou Chicken. I said I'd never had it because it's always marked hot and spicy and the few times I've sampled any it was really, really hot. He swore this was NOT marked hot and spicy. It wasn't nearly as hot as most that I've tasted, but definitely had some kick to it. He was still saying it wasn't marked that way and pulled out the menu to prove it. Guess what? It was marked hot and spicy. :rofl :rofl :rofl He got quiet and said, "Sorry about that." It wasn't too bad. But that was funny.

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Is that like stopping and asking for directions? :lol



Just one more note on men and label reading. John couldn't remember what I like in Chinese food so got me Kung Pou Chicken. I said I'd never had it because it's always marked hot and spicy and the few times I've sampled any it was really, really hot. He swore this was NOT marked hot and spicy. It wasn't nearly as hot as most that I've tasted, but definitely had some kick to it. He was still saying it wasn't marked that way and pulled out the menu to prove it. Guess what? It was marked hot and spicy. :rofl :rofl :rofl He got quiet and said, "Sorry about that." It wasn't too bad. But that was funny.

:lol It's a hoot when stuff like that happens!
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Hi Mary! :hi How's life? Have things calmed down with the folks a bit? :hug Is Gracie keeping you on the run? Wait. That was a dumb question. Of course, she is :rofl

:lol Yep, Gracie is always busy. Actually, she seems like she's a little more laid back lately...that will never last. ;) My cousin and her husband have been visiting with the parents, bless their hearts. :lol My sister and I have had a break from the several phone calls a day.



Just one more note on men and label reading. John couldn't remember what I like in Chinese food so got me Kung Pou Chicken. I said I'd never had it because it's always marked hot and spicy and the few times I've sampled any it was really, really hot. He swore this was NOT marked hot and spicy. It wasn't nearly as hot as most that I've tasted, but definitely had some kick to it. He was still saying it wasn't marked that way and pulled out the menu to prove it. Guess what? It was marked hot and spicy. :rofl :rofl :rofl He got quiet and said, "Sorry about that." It wasn't too bad. But that was funny.

Great story! I'd better not get started on the guy stories...DH has given me hundreds of similar things to laugh at over the years. :D


No crocheting today. I had a dental appt. and a couple of errands...no fun when it's 103*.

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Great story! I'd better not get started on the guy stories...DH has given me hundreds of similar things to laugh at over the years. :D


No crocheting today. I had a dental appt. and a couple of errands...no fun when it's 103*.

103*! Ouch!


The funny thing with the food was that I didn't care as long as it wasn't too hot to eat. He was just so darn sure that it wasn't hot and was bound and determined to prove he was right and I was wrong. It's definitely a guy thing. Although I've run across a few women that are that way too.


Kim and I have to take her to get some blood work done, but that's all the running around we have to do. It shouldn't take long.

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WELL.... I got lucky this time around with the sunburn. Josh checked on my last night, I was in my benadryl induced coma, and then again this morning, and my face is fine. Still a tad puffy and sore but NOTHING like it was yesterday or in 2005. I'm still on benadryl and Tylenol every few hours and the cold compresses every 3 hours for 30 minutes. I'm just lucky I knew what to do, cause I would have hated a med center/doctor visit and steroid treatments. Whew... I need to be more careful cause apparently Ive got an allergy to the sun. Plus no one wants skin cancer!! Josh stayed home with me yesterday which was good because I was able to lay down to help with the swelling. Things are kinda tough around here because his remaining grandma is on her death bed, no idea when that will progress but shes apparently stubborn. There is a funeral in our near future. I hate to say it but I don't want to go. I don't know the woman, neither does Josh really, but we will for his mother basically. Im going to probably stay away from it with the baby as much as possible because Id rather not get worked up about it. Ugh.Does that make me a bad daughter in law??? Sigh..

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Erin, every family is different. Your MIL might not mind if you don't show up. I loved my MIL - and would, and did - do anything for her.

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Just one more note on men and label reading. John couldn't remember what I like in Chinese food so got me Kung Pou Chicken. I said I'd never had it because it's always marked hot and spicy and the few times I've sampled any it was really, really hot. He swore this was NOT marked hot and spicy. It wasn't nearly as hot as most that I've tasted, but definitely had some kick to it. He was still saying it wasn't marked that way and pulled out the menu to prove it. Guess what? It was marked hot and spicy. :rofl :rofl :rofl He got quiet and said, "Sorry about that." It wasn't too bad. But that was funny.


:rofl :rofl


:lol Yep, Gracie is always busy. Actually, she seems like she's a little more laid back lately...that will never last. ;) My cousin and her husband have been visiting with the parents, bless their hearts. :lol My sister and I have had a break from the several phone calls a day.


Oh that's wonderful that you're getting a little break :hug


WELL.... I got lucky this time around with the sunburn. Josh checked on my last night, I was in my benadryl induced coma, and then again this morning, and my face is fine. Still a tad puffy and sore but NOTHING like it was yesterday or in 2005. I'm still on benadryl and Tylenol every few hours and the cold compresses every 3 hours for 30 minutes. I'm just lucky I knew what to do, cause I would have hated a med center/doctor visit and steroid treatments. Whew... I need to be more careful cause apparently Ive got an allergy to the sun. Plus no one wants skin cancer!! Josh stayed home with me yesterday which was good because I was able to lay down to help with the swelling. Things are kinda tough around here because his remaining grandma is on her death bed, no idea when that will progress but shes apparently stubborn. There is a funeral in our near future. I hate to say it but I don't want to go. I don't know the woman, neither does Josh really, but we will for his mother basically. Im going to probably stay away from it with the baby as much as possible because Id rather not get worked up about it. Ugh.Does that make me a bad daughter in law??? Sigh..


Glad you're feeling better :hug And the funeral? Eh, that's just one of those things that fall under "one of those family things" that sometimes you have to do :P


Good morning ladies :flower


I only made 22 saltines yesterday :lol But I did start sewing the thing together :dance It's about half assembled right now but I'll be slowing down on it I can tell. My hands are just a BIT sore today :lol Always seems to be feast or famine with me. No nice daily lunches :lol


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Lets just say the Hubbys mother didnt raise him after the age of 6 Id say, his Step mother did. So its a really weird relationship. He hasn't seen his g-ma in years on years. Doesn't change the fact that shes his g-ma. Shes also been very ill for years with her dementia and its just coming up on her time to pass. I do love my MIL a lot, but its weird because the hubby isn't exactly close to her, but she thinks its different, I dunno its so odd. I think because I come from a family that's always been "whole" and not "separated" its weird for me. They also haven't drank in 10+ years and have started to again, so its like being 21 again. I don't blame her though, it doesn't matter how prepared you are for a death in the family.

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I did not know my father until I was 12 almost 13. I have had 1 run in with my grandmother. She is a nut job I tell you. Anyhow I would go to her funeral if my dad asked. It's just the proper thing to do. I would bring my kids however so I would have an excuse not to stay too long. :lol

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I did not know my father until I was 12 almost 13. I have had 1 run in with my grandmother. She is a nut job I tell you. Anyhow I would go to her funeral if my dad asked. It's just the proper thing to do. I would bring my kids however so I would have an excuse not to stay too long. :lol



Yeah Josh already laid the law and said we were going and thats fine, its just gonna be a long drive to and from. My mil is fairly emotional, and so am I so thats half the reason I don't want to get involved because I didn't know the lady I dont want to cry ya know? Guess I would be hurting for my family more than anything. Its life. Id want him to do the same for me.


STILL havent talked to my friend, just in online passing "hi bye" type stuff. Shes VERY confused right now, probably because shes been spending time with him and hes been on his best behavior. :eek Only need 20 more squares for the comfortghan. Working on one right now! Im fairly excited about it :D

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STILL havent talked to my friend, just in online passing "hi bye" type stuff. Shes VERY confused right now, probably because shes been spending time with him and hes been on his best behavior. :eek Only need 20 more squares for the comfortghan. Working on one right now! Im fairly excited about it :D
They always are until they get their hooks back in.
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They always are until they get their hooks back in.

yeah i know its not pretty, and apparently he is rather forceful at times with his 8 month old. Im about to call her and flip, but I will just keep my cool by making a square i guess. Men...

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Good Evening, Ladies. :) I've been good today and cleaned out some drawers and the pantry. 105* today, so stayed in most of the day. :( Gracie doesn't mind the heat, but then she likes everything. :lol


Erin ~ I agree that you should probably go to the funeral. DH and I have both requested no funerals...DD is fine with that. :) She has promised to call all our friends and have a get together so they can talk about us. ;) I hope your friend is okay and is being careful. :hug


Question! I know it's a little early to start baby things, but I'm thinking of making two Little Stars or RRs in DD and SIL's college colors. (U. of Texas and TCU) They have season tickets every year and love their football. Is there any way to estimate how much yarn for say a 40" ghan? I always buy lots extra, but the only purple that works is Berella 4 and I'll have to order online.

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Question! I know it's a little early to start baby things, but I'm thinking of making two Little Stars or RRs in DD and SIL's college colors. (U. of Texas and TCU) They have season tickets every year and love their football. Is there any way to estimate how much yarn for say a 40" ghan? I always buy lots extra, but the only purple that works is Berella 4 and I'll have to order online.

You're doing the 6 point one? I just finished a 9 point one today and it's about that size and used almost 3 full sk of blues, with small amounts of white and yellow for contrast.

Here's the pic


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Mary, I have a hard time knowing where to measure the 9 point RR's - used to always do the 12 point ones before and they were easy to measure:lol

Anyway - this one is close to the size you want.

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Good Evening, Ladies. :) I've been good today and cleaned out some drawers and the pantry. 105* today, so stayed in most of the day. :( Gracie doesn't mind the heat, but then she likes everything. :lol


Erin ~ I agree that you should probably go to the funeral. DH and I have both requested no funerals...DD is fine with that. :) She has promised to call all our friends and have a get together so they can talk about us. ;) I hope your friend is okay and is being careful. :hug


Question! I know it's a little early to start baby things, but I'm thinking of making two Little Stars or RRs in DD and SIL's college colors. (U. of Texas and TCU) They have season tickets every year and love their football. Is there any way to estimate how much yarn for say a 40" ghan? I always buy lots extra, but the only purple that works is Berella 4 and I'll have to order online.


Gracie's so cute. It's nice to be young and still think summer is fun :lol My momma requested no funeral either. We all went to supper and told funny stories instead. It's was nice :yes And I can't answer anything about the yarn yardage :no I always end up buying double whatever the pattern says because I've run out way too many times :P


The main body of the LC is all finished being sewn together. Just the last 44 saltines to make 2-22 square strips for the top and bottom then the border :dance I'm so happy. I'm getting sick of this ghan :lol

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You're doing the 6 point one? I just finished a 9 point one today and it's about that size and used almost 3 full sk of blues, with small amounts of white and yellow for contrast.

Here's the pic

Thank you, Judy! I haven't decided how many points, but this will be a great help with an estimate. Your RR is gorgeous. :hook It's been about 3 years since I made a RR and I have no memory of how much yarn. :lol


Gracie's so cute. It's nice to be young and still think summer is fun :lol My momma requested no funeral either. We all went to supper and told funny stories instead. It's was nice :yes And I can't answer anything about the yarn yardage :no I always end up buying double whatever the pattern says because I've run out way too many times :P


The main body of the LC is all finished being sewn together. Just the last 44 saltines to make 2-22 square strips for the top and bottom then the border :dance I'm so happy. I'm getting sick of this ghan :lol

Yay, Cara! You're almost there...I hope your back is feeling lots better. :manyheart And I do the same thing when buying yarn. Gee, is that why we have so much stash? :D

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Mary, I always overbuy too --- which is why this RR was entirely made from stash:D


I've just started to keep track of how much I use per project...esp big projects.

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Mary, I always overbuy too --- which is why this RR was entirely made from stash:D


I've just started to keep track of how much I use per project...esp big projects.

That is a great idea, Judy. :yes I am going to start right now. Of course, Cara makes it easy for us with her patterns and gives us ounces needed. Thank you, Cara! :manyheart


Has anyone heard from Julie or Tabby? I've been thinking about them lately and hope they are okay.


Gracie has been stealing Zoe's toys and putting them in her crate. :lol I got them out before I put her in for the night and Zoe is happy to see her mice again. :lol

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That is a great idea, Judy. :yes I am going to start right now. Of course, Cara makes it easy for us with her patterns and gives us ounces needed. Thank you, Cara! :manyheart


Has anyone heard from Julie or Tabby? I've been thinking about them lately and hope they are okay.


Gracie has been stealing Zoe's toys and putting them in her crate. :lol I got them out before I put her in for the night and Zoe is happy to see her mice again. :lol


Aww thanks. :manyheart I try to be as helpful as possible :yes Nope haven't heard a thing from Julie or Tabby :no I was thinking about Julie just the other day too. Zoe's getting a taste of being on the receiving end of a thief eh? Kinda payback for all those saltines she's swiped and dunked :lol

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spoke too soon!!! I WAS feeling a ton better yesterday, til late evening when my nose bridge and eyes started to swell...awesome...now my eyes are all swelled. Looks like a trip to the doctor for me, cause Im not gonna play around with my home remedies anymore =( What a week...

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That is a great idea, Judy. :yes I am going to start right now. Of course, Cara makes it easy for us with her patterns and gives us ounces needed. Thank you, Cara! :manyheart


Has anyone heard from Julie or Tabby? I've been thinking about them lately and hope they are okay.


Gracie has been stealing Zoe's toys and putting them in her crate. :lol I got them out before I put her in for the night and Zoe is happy to see her mice again. :lol

Yup - Cara has it down to a science! I am SOOOOOO Not a straightline thinker:P


Julie had been absorbed in requalifying for her nursing license...and till I dropped out of facebook some weeks back I always saw Tabby there....


And poor Zoe....turn about is fair play, I guess:lol

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spoke too soon!!! I WAS feeling a ton better yesterday, til late evening when my nose bridge and eyes started to swell...awesome...now my eyes are all swelled. Looks like a trip to the doctor for me, cause Im not gonna play around with my home remedies anymore =( What a week...

Sounds like allergies:think

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