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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Goodmorning all.

Julie hope you get to feeling better!

Tam hope that your neck gets to feeling better!

Hope today holds something better then yesterday!:lol atleast it's suppose to be little cooler not 110 :lol

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Hi Housemates,


Sorry to be MIA but you know how it is....sometimes life just happens. It's been about a week since I have been on the computer so it will take awhile to catch up with you all. I have managed to get some crocheting done. Finished a couple of afghans and Julie, I have 2 V squares finished.


Today was an exciting one for us. We have been glued to the computer listening to the MLB draft for the last 2 days. Happy to say our nephew was drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays. I don't watch or follow much baseball, but I am a big fan of my nephew. Now they get down to the $ talk. Hope he makes a good deal.


I know it's not Friday but I'm not sure how regularly I will be able to be in the house so I will post pics now.


Here is afghan #15


Ooh pretty. Is that border easy to do? It looks amazing. :clap

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Morning Sheila-- wow, it gets hot out there doesnt it ? WHEW. That'd take some getting used to .Have you always lived there ?



Tam- you poor thing, what did you do to your neck ? I'm sorry, you probably posted aways back and I missed it while away . I hope they can get it feeling better -those make you so TIRED don't they ? Anything with the neck or back .


And thanks for your square amount-it is noted .


I'd love to have you join the Ripple Gang - ANYTHING with ripples will count .



Morning Joy & Linda-- hope your visit is going well ! Have a good day out there. Whats the weather like in your direction ?

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Back again,


For afghan #16, I tried Annie's Attic 6-12-24 point star afghan. Frogged it 3 times, just would not lay flat. Then went to the 6-12-24 afghan pattern here at the 'ville, Aggie May's pattern. Had much better luck. So here is #16. It is similar in color to #15, just swapped lavender and white, and they are both RR's, but they are different.


Getting late, so I'm going to bed. Will try to check in tomorrow a.m.


Nite all.



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Sherri -

wow you are just about ready to wrap up that knitted sampler-ghan . Good for you !!!


Mine sadly, is sitting in a bag way back at the back of the closet gathering dust ....


I like to knit, but seem to get caught up in so many crochet projects, I neglect the knitting . I'll pull it out again someday when some of these other ideas get whittled down.


There were times mine sat in the closet too. :yes But I've promised a friend I'd send her my book so I have motivation to get 'er done.

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Hey folks ,


I would like to know if we could get a Ripple -along started in here ?


I know Mary has started one, and there may be some others of you that have .


I'll have my bright yarns coming this week I hope,plus I have the dreaded never ending brown one to do. I had to totally restart it because it wasn't nearly wide enough,so I have a LONG ways to go on it .


I'd like to have some ripple partners,so if you have an urge to start a new project or if you have a partly done ripple laying around,maybe you'd like to join in !


Will be back in a bit-- couple things needing done today -


I have a knitted ripple that is about 75% complete. I hate working on it, so now I just do 4 rows (one stripe color) every time I finish a project. I figure by the time I make it through all of my wips/ufos it will be finished. :lol

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How is everying this morning?

I'm doin' pretty good. Havent been able to start any major work on my neck yet... still have my pinched nerve and am in alot of pain.. but as soon as thats taken care of... its on to getting the curve back that I've apparently lost.

Michael is still hangin' tough. Levels are still high.. so cant start any wiening until that changes.

I've got a few dishcloths I need to work on today.

Baseball games got rained out last night.... darn it! But lets hope for tonight.


Julie... I would love to join the Ripple Gang!!! Now... can these be round ripples? granny ripples.... and regular ripples?



I made only 1(one) varigated sc square



Okay... coffee cup empty...............bad!!!!

Be Back.............




That is such a neat color. :)

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Morning All. :)


I'll be knitting and knitting and knitting...today. But first up is coffee, breakfast, and penpal letter writing. I have a card to post and the mailman will be here around lunch time.


Have a great day!

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Tam- you poor thing, what did you do to your neck ? I'm sorry, you probably posted aways back and I missed it while away . I hope they can get it feeling better -those make you so TIRED don't they ? Anything with the neck or back .


Well... I woke one morning a couple weeks ago with a stiff sore neck. This went on for a week .. and one of the dads of a ball player on my sons team happens to be a chriropractor... he looked at my neck and told me to come visit him at his office. He took xrays and discovered that I indeed had a pinched nerve but the big discovery was that I have lost all the curve in my neck. A normal person has a 45* angle ... I have NONE. So.......... after we get the nerve to release and the pain gone... he will start to work on gettig as much of my curve back as he can. :whew

Gotta love getting old! :U



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Morning Jude

I'm ok, breathing ,on a scale of 1-10, 10 being worst, I'll have to give it a 7 this morning . Kinda heavy-feeling in my chest .It is raining here ,not real hard, but enough to make everything soppy ..


Tomorrow is my 2 hour appointment with the Immunologist . Hope I like him ! But most of all, I hope he figures this stuff out .


How is your back now , is it still bothering you ?

the humidity can do a job on you when you have breathing problems...take it easy! I hope you click with this doctor....

My back is good and bad...I have to try and remember not to sit too long at one time...

Hey folks ,


I would like to know if we could get a Ripple -along started in here ?


I'd like to have some ripple partners,so if you have an urge to start a new project or if you have a partly done ripple laying around,maybe you'd like to join in !

I'll think about it;)...could be a good way to make baby ghans for charity....

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Good morning everyone...Julie Kay...please take care and if your breathing hasn't improved, please go to the doctor. My dad was having serious breathing issues last week and ended up in hospital. He's out now and doing fine, but he has Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disease (COPD) and is now on oxygen.


And I agree with Judianne, humidity can really work you over breathing-wise.



I'm going to try to zip through my morning routine and then crochet for an hour or two (got to finish this Tree of Life ghan) and then get on to a couple of important things this afternoon. Hub-E is off island today, he went down to McChord AFB (or as it is now known: Joint Base McChord-Fort Lewis or JBMFL) to sign up to volunteer at the USO there and also to run some errands.


So best be going for now...


Will check in later.

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Judy~I did not make up the pattern it came out of a book you gave me. :D The pattern is called medallions and it is so simple just a bunch of v-stitches in a round. :yes Thanks for the book. :manyheart


Update: Doa went for his US this a.m. and I will keep you all updated on any results as we get them. His pain meds. make him loopy but take no pain away. We know it is a cyst or atleast that is what they tell us, but they do not know why it hurts so bad....trying to find if it is attched to nerves, spine or if he has any spine damage, etc.


Thank you again for all the caring thoughts and concern. :ghug Somedays I just get tired of all of this stuff......I think this means we are getting old. :eek



Joanne~Your card #2 went out this a.m.



It is cold and rainy here today so I am going to work on my ghan. :cheer


Julie~I am in on the ripple ghan because I have Jadens RR and my southern ripple to finish. :yes


Oh, and I received my chopstick hook that I won on a fellow villers blog contest. It is very cool looking. :yes:clap


Okay, enough rambling on from one thing to the next. I will check back in between motifs. :hook

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Good Morning, everyone. :)


Everyone's squares are so pretty! Good luck to the winner and I can't wait to see what they all look like together. :hook


Linda ~ It sounds like you're having a wonderful visit. :manyheartHi to Joy and Ayden!


Diane ~ Wow! Two more stunning afghans...just beautiful! :clap


Tam ~ Oh no! I hope you're neck is feeling much better soon. :hug Are you able to crochet?


Judy ~ Your "Suki" ghan is precious. You are the Queen of the Graph Ghans! :yes


Tabby ~ Hi! I love your afghan! I hope today goes okay for you all. Please let us know how Doa is doing. :hug


Julie ~ So glad you had a great time at the Reunion! Good for you for treating yourself to lots of yarn. :yarn


I'm still rippling along when I have a chance! It goes pretty fast and I love the fact that I don't have to look at a pattern. :lol


As usual, I'm behind again. I'm learning to check in when I can and not go into withdrawal when I can't. ;) Lots of things going on with MIL and my parents the last few weeks, so I've been doing lots of driving. Luke is just fine and growing so quickly! I'll go over Friday, so DD can relax and have a day out. I think she's truly exhausted...but before long, he'll be sleeping longer at night. :c9

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Not done :rofl



Mary~Hi. How are you? I bet Luke is getting big, so precious....I love watching babies learn new things like finding their hands, so much fun. :manyheart



Julie~How are ya? I see in a previous post that your breathing is kinda crappy today, but I hope you are making it through okay. I hope the immunologist provides you with better answers. Hang in there. :hug

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Sherri --got you down for the square count and your knitted ripple would certainly fit in with the ripple gang,so jump on it whenever you want to.Maybe we can motivate you to keep going on it .



Tam-yep,getting old is one broken part right after another .Not fun at all .



Jude- I'm glad your back is easing up a little at least. I hope it gives you a break soon so you can feel good again .


And baby ripples would be perfect for the ripple-along .



Thanks for the advice. I've been on this with doctors for several monthss now. I am actually taking one drug thats for COPD . Not doing much good, but I take it along with 4 others .

I go tomorrow to an immunologist to see if he has any luck figuring this mess out .



Tab- got your square listed, thanks !


And I hope Doa is ok soon ! If you guys are getting old then I'm ANTIQUE.

Glad to have you along with the ripple .


I'd like to see what the chopstick hook looks like -- is it really skinny ?



Hi there Mary

Good to see you . I know life can get hectic sometimes cant it ?

I got you some more folks to ripple along with anyhow -- that'll help keep you company .

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Thanks Mary!! Yep... I am still crocheting and knitting ... :U nothin' will stop me! LOL


LOL... Julie!! yep.. one piece falling apart at a time!







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Judy~I did not make up the pattern it came out of a book you gave me. :D The pattern is called medallions and it is so simple just a bunch of v-stitches in a round. :yes Thanks for the book. :manyheart

I'm so glad you're able to use it! It really does look great!

Update: Doa went for his US this a.m. and I will keep you all updated on any results as we get them. His pain meds. make him loopy but take no pain away. We know it is a cyst or atleast that is what they tell us, but they do not know why it hurts so bad....trying to find if it is attched to nerves, spine or if he has any spine damage, etc.

I'm hoping it's something that can be easily taken care of:hug:manyheart

Thank you again for all the caring thoughts and concern. :ghug Somedays I just get tired of all of this stuff......I think this means we are getting old. :eek

If you and Doa are old...not sure what that makes me and Diane:lol:lol:lol:lol

Oh, and I received my chopstick hook that I won on a fellow villers blog contest. It is very cool looking. :yes:clap

Have fun with the new hook!:cheer


Judy ~ Your "Suki" ghan is precious. You are the Queen of the Graph Ghans! :yes

Awwww....thanks :blush

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Well, Phil is in a mood...a good one...:yes

He does the vacuuming and looked at the floor in the entry hall today...and we were in Home Depot before you could blink. We picked out a new floor and the installer is coming to measure tomorrow.:D

The floor and wallpaper in the hall were here when we moved in 36 years ago, so I would say it's about time.

He has other WIM, too:D:D:D:D

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It sounds like if you guys keep going, you'll soon have a whole new-looking house !


We usually TRY to do one thing a year to our house to keep it fixed up,but we have had so many Dr bills the past couple years, the poor house is getting ignored.


Maybe NEXT year ...

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Well, Phil is in a mood...a good one...:yes

He does the vacuuming and looked at the floor in the entry hall today...and we were in Home Depot before you could blink. We picked out a new floor and the installer is coming to measure tomorrow.:D

The floor and wallpaper in the hall were here when we moved in 36 years ago, so I would say it's about time.

He has other WIM, too:D:D:D:D


Woo Hoo!


I'm gonna have to take a pic of the wall paper that is in the upstairs bathroom...it's a hoot.


Morning routine is done, laundry's going, Hub-E checked in from JBMFL and then we were cut off...I'm taking a break and then will crochet until 1:00 and then go uptown, run some errands and see if I can get into the laundromat and wash up about 10 big pillows (bed pillows) that I will repurpose when I go to recover my sofa (restuff the back cushions in particular...)


It's been raining off and on and Serenghetti could care less, she still wants to be outside.


Oh and I pulled out a bunch of musical dvds...so starting with the oldest and working to the latest, I started off with Oklahoma and now The King and I is playing then Sound of Music, then West Side Story, then Woodstock, Jesus Christ Superstar, then I'll Be There (with Craig Ferguson and Charlotte Church and then I think the last one is Johnny Depp's Sweeney Todd...I'm my own TCM channel today...

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