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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I'll start taking pics of the upstairs next week, if for no other reason than to motivate me to keep on going...


Thanks for the support...much needed over here.

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We had a really good time at reunion .The weather could have co-operated a little more on Saturday, but we just went into town and bought a bunch of tarps and strung them up on the building so we'd stay dry and be able to cook out . They had severe storms that day and flash flood warnings, but we did ok .

Here's my cousin Chris and wife Tyra --grilling out in the rain .


To be continued in next message . :yes

I used to grill out in all weather, too, Julie.

The weather got wicked for awhile ,but it didnt ruin the fun. Here's a photo of the sky that evening .


We had fun despite the weather. They got in some swimming earlier in the day,then the kids lit their sparklers ,played volleyball,and did some dancing .I'll see if we have a photo of that next .

The sky is gorgeous in that picture, Julie. Sounds like you had lots of fun.

Cam won one of the door prizes ,a complete fishing set .He went fishing with Pap as soon as we got back to the motel .

Good for Cam. What a great activity for him and his Pap.

So, to sum it up,it was a good weekend away. I'm glad I got to go. The breathing did fairly well. I had 2 episodes that were a little scarey, but after going inside for a bit and taking my extra breathing meds, it seemed to behave .


We didnt have as huge a crowd as we usually do, I'd guess about 75 on Sunday,but due to the weather being kinda bad, it could have turned many off on coming .


I made my yearly stop in the hardware store ,which has an entire crafts section. they sell EVERY COLOR of RH yarn made ,so I literally picked up a wheelbarrow on display in the store and FILLED IT with yarn .

( To the tune of 143 bucks )

Sam didnt blink an eye, he said You Deserve It ,so no feeling guilty about it !

I'm glad he's so nice about it . * Little does he know ,after me staring at Lucy 24's colorful yarn ripple, I went hog wild and ordered yarn from England in all the pretty colors she used ( 60 bucks more ,including shipping )


SO.... I dropped 200 bucks on yarn .


THEN my cousin gave me 3 yarn kits that had been her mom's ( who passed away about 5 years ago). She doesnt know how to crochet or knit and really isn't interested in learning ,so she gave them to me,saying her mom would have wanted me to have them since I will use them.

2 were for the butt-ugliest stuffed animals I have ever seen,so I am making them into rr babyghans instead.

The other is for a granny square lapghan . I will make all of them,then donate them to reunion raffles next year in honor of her mom .

Kinda like a gift from the grave,so to speak .


Anyhow, we had a good time ,no mishaps ,and back home safely with enough yarn to last me a L O N G time .


Hope all is well in here --will try to get used to the boards again and catching up with you all to see what I missed .

What a wonderful time and what a marvelous haul on the yarn.

Here is my square. And here is the ghan I am currently working on until I can get more purple for Jaden's RR.

Those are lovely, Tabby.

Hi everyone! I need to go back and catch up but I wanted to share I finished a new square that looks like it may be about to become an afghan for the NICU lol


Today R got a RED Stripe in TKD! :cheer Red Stripe is for Focus and her Blue Stripe is for Teamwork. I'm also attaching a photo of her and her new friend R. So ti's R & R LOL

Lovely pictures Lissa.


Hi, everyone. I slept in this morning. I think the time change finally caught up with me. We had lunch with some of the people from her church and ran some errands. I've been reading Ayden his bedtime stories the last two nights. One night the stories were from a book I had given him for Christmas 4 1/2 years ago. It's one of his favorites.


Mom should have received her quilt yesterday. We'll see her on Friday. I've been working on my shawl off and on. I've got about 5 rows left to go on the back panel.


It's great to have you back, Julie. I'm glad things went well.


That carrot cake sure sounds good. I'd need at least two pieces. One for me and one for Kim. That's one of her favorites. If I didn't get her one of her own, she'd eat mine. :lol :lol :lol


All for now.

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I see it was a very busy day in here :clap


And, it is super late here....I somehow got a burst of energy at bedtime, which is now waring off :whew


Tab - I love the pattern your square made and the afghan is going to be gorgeous!!! :yes


Julie - I picked up your week 2 card today and have it all ready to go out in the mail tomorrow. I'll let my mailman at work take it, he gets so upset when we don't have anything going out....like a kid who just had his lollipop taken away :(


LeAnna - just continue taking everything one step at a time. You're doing great so far :clap:cheer


Cindy - I'll also spend on someone else in a heart beat, but sit back and debate for days about buying myself something :think Have fun camping out with the boys tomorrow :yay


Lissa - :yay for R's red stripe!!!!!!


Hi Judy, Marlene, Tam, Sherri, Cheeria, Joanne, and Linda.


Hope all is well and I'll see y'all in the morning :D

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Hi Housemates,


Sorry to be MIA but you know how it is....sometimes life just happens. It's been about a week since I have been on the computer so it will take awhile to catch up with you all. I have managed to get some crocheting done. Finished a couple of afghans and Julie, I have 2 V squares finished.


Today was an exciting one for us. We have been glued to the computer listening to the MLB draft for the last 2 days. Happy to say our nephew was drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays. I don't watch or follow much baseball, but I am a big fan of my nephew. Now they get down to the $ talk. Hope he makes a good deal.


I know it's not Friday but I'm not sure how regularly I will be able to be in the house so I will post pics now.


Here is afghan #15




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Back again,


For afghan #16, I tried Annie's Attic 6-12-24 point star afghan. Frogged it 3 times, just would not lay flat. Then went to the 6-12-24 afghan pattern here at the 'ville, Aggie May's pattern. Had much better luck. So here is #16. It is similar in color to #15, just swapped lavender and white, and they are both RR's, but they are different.


Getting late, so I'm going to bed. Will try to check in tomorrow a.m.


Nite all.



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Good Morning Housemates :coffee


WOW Diane, they are both stunning!!! Beautiful work!!! :clap:yay On the border, how did you alternate each stitch in color? I really like the effect of that.


Have a great hump day everyone.

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yep, I know what you mean about your husband and his stuff -- Sam is like that too. He has a lot of STUFF . SO, I keep that in the back of my mind for ammo in case I need to point it out someday. Just one item of his stuff would outcost all the yarn I've bought in 5 years .

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Thanks, it's good to be back ~


And I LOVE the second photo of your wee little girl,looking like karate kid.. It is so cute ! She could probably flip over a full grown man, or at least she looks like she'd like to try !!!


**Forgot to say your blue and white square is pretty too !

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Marlene -

Yea, I've been telling old pap to take Cam fishing. He LOVED it. I figured he'd get mpatient if he just stands there without catching anything, but he likes it for awhile. He's not the type who would sit for hours for a fish to bite, but as long as he catches one, he's so excited he wants to try again .

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Sherri -

wow you are just about ready to wrap up that knitted sampler-ghan . Good for you !!!


Mine sadly, is sitting in a bag way back at the back of the closet gathering dust ....


I like to knit, but seem to get caught up in so many crochet projects, I neglect the knitting . I'll pull it out again someday when some of these other ideas get whittled down.

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It sounds like you are enjoying yourself a lot ! I'm glad, because you deserve a vacation .

I bet you are treasuring those moments with your grandson .. NEVER a waste of time to spend time with kids-- they will remember it forever .


I can still remember my grandpa picking me up and rocking me in his old squeaky rocking chair .


I was really young when he died ,but remember him rocking me ,smelling like tobacco ( I think he CHEWED tobacco),his big hands with the wrinkles on them ..he never talked much, but he'd laugh so hard because he bought me bubble gum when I went down,and I called it Buggle Bum .


Anyhow, I think I was 6 when he died . I still remember the times when he'd hold me .... my older cousin told me that I was his favorite, but I doubt it-- he had a LOT of grandkids ,and I'm no more special than any of the others .


We lived 2 hours away so they didnt get to see us as often as some of the others ,so maybe that was it .

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Hey guys-

Tomorrow is the day I will draw for the V squares winner . Would you please put your square totals in here today in BIG print so I note them, then I will update my list all day of how many squares each person made ,so I will know how many times to put your name in the drawing .

Thanks very much !:)

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Good morning everyone.


Diane, both of your afghans are absolutely gorgeous!


I finished the shrug that DD was making herself last night. She ran out of time and wanted to take it along on her vacation. She left around 6:30 this morning and they hope to make it to New York City this evening. One of her friends has a sister that lives there and they are going to stay with her for a couple of days.


I did about half the camping packing last night and then it started to pour, so I will have to finish this morning. We aren't going to leave until close to lunch time, so I have plenty of time.

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Julie - First I must YELL at you :eek I believe I saw 2 posts from you between yesterday and this morning that said you are not that special!!!!!!!! I DON'T want to hear that kind of chatter from you young lady :no You are every bit of special!!!!! :yay


Now, you need to tell yourself that several times a day.....Dr's orders!!!! :lol




And I have 3 v squares :hook

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Good Morning, House mates!!





Today was an exciting one for us. We have been glued to the computer listening to the MLB draft for the last 2 days. Happy to say our nephew was drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays. I don't watch or follow much baseball, but I am a big fan of my nephew. Now they get down to the $ talk. Hope he makes a good deal.

AWESOME!!! I wish him lots of luck! What position does he play? How old is he?

Can you tell I'm a Baseball fan?:D

I know it's not Friday but I'm not sure how regularly I will be able to be in the house so I will post pics now.


Here is afghan #15


Back again,


For afghan #16, I tried Annie's Attic 6-12-24 point star afghan. Frogged it 3 times, just would not lay flat. Then went to the 6-12-24 afghan pattern here at the 'ville, Aggie May's pattern. Had much better luck. So here is #16. It is similar in color to #15, just swapped lavender and white, and they are both RR's, but they are different.


Getting late, so I'm going to bed. Will try to check in tomorrow a.m.


Nite all.

Oh, I'm amazed at your perseverance! It's gorgeous!:clap I would have reverted to a regular RR:lol

WOW Diane, they are both stunning!!! Beautiful work!!! :clap:yay On the border, how did you alternate each stitch in color? I really like the effect of that.

My question, too:yes I love that look.

Sherri -

wow you are just about ready to wrap up that knitted sampler-ghan . Good for you !!!


Mine sadly, is sitting in a bag way back at the back of the closet gathering dust ....


I like to knit, but seem to get caught up in so many crochet projects, I neglect the knitting . I'll pull it out again someday when some of these other ideas get whittled down.


Here is my square. And here is the ghan I am currently working on until I can get more purple for Jaden's RR.

I love the way the pattern came out! And di you make up that pattern for the ghan?


Good luck with Doa:hug:manyheart


Hi everyone! I need to go back and catch up but I wanted to share I finished a new square that looks like it may be about to become an afghan for the NICU lol


Today R got a RED Stripe in TKD! :cheer Red Stripe is for Focus and her Blue Stripe is for Teamwork. I'm also attaching a photo of her and her new friend R. So ti's R & R LOL

Very pretty square! And R&R look so cute:c9

Hi everyone...yeah, we're making progress, but no matter how much progress we make, the next day when I go upstairs I get overwhelmed again and scream...and then I try to get busy...although not today (the getting busy part) because had a class and all...


Loving the pics and all...

You can do it! :cheerGo, LeAnna, Go!:cheer

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Morning to Cindy,Jude, and Marisa ! :hug


Thanks for the updates on the square counts. I got all of them written down,and also Diane's 2 -- thanks Jude, for reminding me !!


And thanks Marisa for the scolding....:lol




And I KNEW I forgot to mention a post ,and how could I forget ?


Diane- those RR's are stunning ~~ You are REALLY good at choosing good color combos !

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Jules, how are you doing this morning? Is the weather better? We had another day of 70 degree temps yesterday and a good night for sleeping. Today is supposed to get a wee bit warmer and some rain.

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Morning Jude

I'm ok, breathing ,on a scale of 1-10, 10 being worst, I'll have to give it a 7 this morning . Kinda heavy-feeling in my chest .It is raining here ,not real hard, but enough to make everything soppy ..


Tomorrow is my 2 hour appointment with the Immunologist . Hope I like him ! But most of all, I hope he figures this stuff out .


How is your back now , is it still bothering you ?

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Hey gang-

Got an email from Joanne -- she wasn't able to get into here this morning for some reason,but she wanted me to post a good morning and happy hump day to you all,and said she'd try again later on to get in .

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Hey folks ,


I would like to know if we could get a Ripple -along started in here ?


I know Mary has started one, and there may be some others of you that have .


I'll have my bright yarns coming this week I hope,plus I have the dreaded never ending brown one to do. I had to totally restart it because it wasn't nearly wide enough,so I have a LONG ways to go on it .


I'd like to have some ripple partners,so if you have an urge to start a new project or if you have a partly done ripple laying around,maybe you'd like to join in !


Will be back in a bit-- couple things needing done today -

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How is everying this morning?

I'm doin' pretty good. Havent been able to start any major work on my neck yet... still have my pinched nerve and am in alot of pain.. but as soon as thats taken care of... its on to getting the curve back that I've apparently lost.

Michael is still hangin' tough. Levels are still high.. so cant start any wiening until that changes.

I've got a few dishcloths I need to work on today.

Baseball games got rained out last night.... darn it! But lets hope for tonight.


Julie... I would love to join the Ripple Gang!!! Now... can these be round ripples? granny ripples.... and regular ripples?



I made only 1(one) varigated sc square



Okay... coffee cup empty...............bad!!!!

Be Back.............




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