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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Oh Gosh :eek


Maybe I am senile, I forgot to tell Judy, I love the SUKI ghan.


Mom just turned 95, maybe she'll make it to the jelly jar:yes

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Hello everyone...We have been so busy this week working on the upstairs...it's taking shape, but still such a long way to go.


I also am half done with the lavendar Tree of Life afghan...didn't work on it yesterday as we were off island for most of the day, but I made real progress on it this week.


On the ferry ride back home last night, WE SAW AN ORCA, as in whale! Way too awesome.


I hope you all have a great weekend. Mine's going to kick off with a trip to the dentist for the root canal. Prayers and fingers crossed that all goes well tomorrow...I want this thing done with by tomorrow afternoon, complete with crown.

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the "old man" look of the Shi-Tzu!:lol


Omgoodness..........that is so darn neat!

you did a fabulous job!!!






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Hi Ladies,


Linda, glad you were able to find a fix for your quilt.


Judy, glad you got a color you like. My youngest brother accuses me of coloring my hair. I tell him look at he grays you will see I don't color it. I use to color it red. But I don't mind the grays I have right now. I'm the oldest and my siblings who are graying have more than me. My auburn hair is getting darker. I wish it would turn redder. I was a red when when I was a young child.


Joanne, enjoy your 3 days off. You certainly deserve them.


Tab, can't wait to see your monkey.


Marisa, your granny ghan looks great.


Sherri, your blocks look great to. Nice knitting!


Mary, your ripple is pretty. I love seeing pics of little ones. He's a cutie!


Cheeria, your blocks are colorful they look nice.


CJ, can't wait to see your sweater.


Julie, I sorry you got some doctor that shouldn't haven't the title. I hope the doctor you go to next week will be able to help you.

Don't feel bad about venting to us. We all want to know how your doing. The good and the bad. I hope the things going on in the family ease up for you. Hang in there.


Hubby's brother and sil are coming up one day over the weekend. I have to call my sister and see what day she wants to plant a garden. It will either be sunday or monday. I told her if she waters I will weed and she said okay.

Hubby's sister asked us to come down to there place they live on a lake to, but he said no. We want to get are pontoon in. That's easy to do, but we had a problem with it last summer and when we put it up for the winter it wasn't running. So hopefully we can get it started.

They have a carnival in town, a car show and a parade so I would like to take Maya to the parade and carnival. The car show in the past hasn't been that big but for a village you can't expect it to be to big.

I haven't done any crocheting this week. Hopefully this weekend I will get some done. BBL, hope everyone has a nice day.

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Diane- that is a good sign if your mom is in her 90's !! Good GENES in your family !!




Cheerie-- love your variegated squares- they are very pretty I think !




LeAnna- someone told me once they had been in avery state and your area is the most beautiful . That'd be really cool to live in a place like that .




Marlene- thank you for caring -- you guys are all great .


What types of items does your sister like to grow ? Flowers or vegetables or both ?

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Thank you kindly, Miss Tab --

They'll maybe get me patched up. Home from my regular Dr today and things sound like we are maybe gonna get somewhere now . I hope .


:clap:clap:clap I sure hope so!


the "old man" look of the Shi-Tzu!:lol


I love Shi-Tzu's....so funny and cute looking......awesome ghan! :clap



You know I don't have to say much about you . You are like my own daughter --- so you have a special spot too .


Each of you guys does,everyone fills a GAP where I am lacking .







Tam- you little funny thing you .. How you are always so chipper is beyond me . Wish some of it would rub off on me, but I'm about as chipper as the old woman in the shoe ... only I dont have that many kids. I'm just OLD and TIRED .


:blush :blush :blush Awwwww.....shucks. :manyheart

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Here's what I have to show for this week. A baby blanket made using this pattern, and the beginning of the Maui shrug. The yarn for the baby blanket is all leftovers from other projects. The ivory yarn is left from a ripple blanket I made more than 5 years ago, the green yarn was from a cardigan and the pink yarn is left from last weeks baby blanket. I figure that if I work in rounds, I can call it finished when the yarn runs out.

The yarn for the shrug was free. Caron sent out samples of their "Country" yarn when it first came out, and for some reason I received two of them.



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Hi ladies


We did this once before in one of my groups and everyone had a good time with it .

The way it works is this -- you will be assigned a penpal ,and each week, I will post a THEME .

Your job will be to send your penpal a card with that theme,color, etc on it .

It's really fun shopping for cards, or if you are like me , I buy them a LOT even though I don't have anyone that NEEDS a card at the moment . I just like buying them , sending them and getting them .

SO .. if you are up for getting something FUN in your mail instead of bills, sign your John Hancock below and await further directions.


Maybe if I keep my brain a little busier, it'll be easier to deal with all this HOOEY going on .


All it'll cost you is a card and stamp --- not a big expense ...


We need a nice sized number to play along, so hoping to get a good turnout .:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail


PS- will ask Sam to take a photo of my 3 V squares which are done .I have the 4th started .:hook

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Here's what I have to show for this week. A baby blanket made using this pattern, and the beginning of the Maui shrug. The yarn for the baby blanket is all leftovers from other projects. The ivory yarn is left from a ripple blanket I made more than 5 years ago, the green yarn was from a cardigan and the pink yarn is left from last weeks baby blanket. I figure that if I work in rounds, I can call it finished when the yarn runs out.

The yarn for the shrug was free. Caron sent out samples of their "Country" yarn when it first came out, and for some reason I received two of them.


Those are just beautiful! I LOVE them both! Wow






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Julie~I guess my life experiences have helped me become a bit wise, but I don't know if that is a good thing. :think Think about it.....I hit every hurdle, bump, fork in the road......just doesn't seem quite worth the payback of a lil' wise. I want MORE!!! :lol Maybe the president should make a committee for that.....throw me a parade, bake me a huge chocolate cake, hand me one of those giant checks for a million bucks......now that would make it all worth it or atleast make me think so for a bit. ;):P


Or maybe it didn't make me wise just a wise :devil. :yes :yes :yes





Finished the monkey!! :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Wow, Cindy-- both items are really pretty . The afghan colors look like you bought them on purpose for the project, they go together well,and I love the color of the shrug-- it looks almost like a salmon color ..

Nice work !!!

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Here's what I have to show for this week. A baby blanket made using this pattern, and the beginning of the Maui shrug. The yarn for the baby blanket is all leftovers from other projects. The ivory yarn is left from a ripple blanket I made more than 5 years ago, the green yarn was from a cardigan and the pink yarn is left from last weeks baby blanket. I figure that if I work in rounds, I can call it finished when the yarn runs out.

The yarn for the shrug was free. Caron sent out samples of their "Country" yarn when it first came out, and for some reason I received two of them.


Both are beautiful! :clap Great job! :yes


Hi ladies


We did this once before in one of my groups and everyone had a good time with it .

The way it works is this -- you will be assigned a penpal ,and each week, I will post a THEME .

Your job will be to send your penpal a card with that theme,color, etc on it .

It's really fun shopping for cards, or if you are like me , I buy them a LOT even though I don't have anyone that NEEDS a card at the moment . I just like buying them , sending them and getting them .

SO .. if you are up for getting something FUN in your mail instead of bills, sign your John Hancock below and await further directions.


Maybe if I keep my brain a little busier, it'll be easier to deal with all this HOOEY going on .


All it'll cost you is a card and stamp --- not a big expense ...


We need a nice sized number to play along, so hoping to get a good turnout .:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail


PS- will ask Sam to take a photo of my 3 V squares which are done .I have the 4th started .:hook


John Hancock :D

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Hi ladies


We did this once before in one of my groups and everyone had a good time with it .

The way it works is this -- you will be assigned a penpal ,and each week, I will post a THEME .

Your job will be to send your penpal a card with that theme,color, etc on it .

It's really fun shopping for cards, or if you are like me , I buy them a LOT even though I don't have anyone that NEEDS a card at the moment . I just like buying them , sending them and getting them .

SO .. if you are up for getting something FUN in your mail instead of bills, sign your John Hancock below and await further directions.


Maybe if I keep my brain a little busier, it'll be easier to deal with all this HOOEY going on .


All it'll cost you is a card and stamp --- not a big expense ...


We need a nice sized number to play along, so hoping to get a good turnout .:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail


PS- will ask Sam to take a photo of my 3 V squares which are done .I have the 4th started .:hook


:hi.... I want a penpal!!!!







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I got your point in the last note-- sometimes, you need to be one of THOSE too, just to get through your day .




My Ex-DIL has had LOTS of bumps, forks, etc in her road too .She is about your age,but is also like you. She says it has made her a stronger person and able to deal with life better because she HAD to,and had no one else to depend on or help her through a lot of it .


SO .. if it makes you feel any better ,then you can look at it that way. I think you are much TOUGHER than me, and TOUGH is a quality I put high value on .



PS- SAVE ME A LITTLE SLIVER OF THAT CAKE ....one that will fit on a MEAT PLATTER will do for me .

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Thanks for the offer of the boots. I dont have any,so I may need them at some point !


***Your knitted blocks are gorgeous !!!


Your welcome and thanks. I am so glad to be done with the cables. :yes

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I got your point in the last note-- sometimes, you need to be one of THOSE too, just to get through your day .




My Ex-DIL has had LOTS of bumps, forks, etc in her road too .She is about your age,but is also like you. She says it has made her a stronger person and able to deal with life better because she HAD to,and had no one else to depend on or help her through a lot of it .


SO .. if it makes you feel any better ,then you can look at it that way. I think you are much TOUGHER than me, and TOUGH is a quality I put high value on .



PS- SAVE ME A LITTLE SLIVER OF THAT CAKE ....one that will fit on a MEAT PLATTER will do for me .


Thank you....and of course I will save you a big slab of cake. ;)


Tab- let's see that monkey when you get a chance .....



THANKS TAB & TAM for joining up for a pen pal-- will keep a running list here today so we see how many we get .


Soon....let me go find batteries now before I forget. BBS.

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Hi ladies


We did this once before in one of my groups and everyone had a good time with it .

The way it works is this -- you will be assigned a penpal ,and each week, I will post a THEME .

Your job will be to send your penpal a card with that theme,color, etc on it .

It's really fun shopping for cards, or if you are like me , I buy them a LOT even though I don't have anyone that NEEDS a card at the moment . I just like buying them , sending them and getting them .

SO .. if you are up for getting something FUN in your mail instead of bills, sign your John Hancock below and await further directions.


Maybe if I keep my brain a little busier, it'll be easier to deal with all this HOOEY going on .


All it'll cost you is a card and stamp --- not a big expense ...


We need a nice sized number to play along, so hoping to get a good turnout .:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail:gotmail:mail


PS- will ask Sam to take a photo of my 3 V squares which are done .I have the 4th started .:hook


I'm in.....

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Here's what I have to show for this week. A baby blanket made using this pattern, and the beginning of the Maui shrug. The yarn for the baby blanket is all leftovers from other projects. The ivory yarn is left from a ripple blanket I made more than 5 years ago, the green yarn was from a cardigan and the pink yarn is left from last weeks baby blanket. I figure that if I work in rounds, I can call it finished when the yarn runs out.

The yarn for the shrug was free. Caron sent out samples of their "Country" yarn when it first came out, and for some reason I received two of them.


I love the "leftovers" blanket, Cindy, and how are you liking working with the Caron Country?

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