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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi everyone. Its cleaning and laundry for me this afternoon too.


We picked up our new to us camper this morning and we are quite pleased with our purchase. Not sure when we will get to use it though.

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Hi, House mates!


Cindy, congrats on getting the camper. Even though you have no immediate plans it's nie to know you have it already:yes

...kinda like the power washer Phil wants to buy so he can eventually get the crud off the house. We get lots of humidity here, so the siding needs a good cleaning, esp at the back of the house. Men and their toys.....;)


Jules, enjoy Cam's visit!

And none of us were mad at you for disappearing from CV...just missing you a lot.:hug

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Well, we went out looking at furniture this morning.

I think I've convinced Phil to update some things around the house. We don't go away anywhere (by choice) so our home is special to us, and I want to look at nice things. Like little things: kitchen table...new bar stools for the counter...and maybe a new reclining couch set - in leather. I get tired of cleaning dog stuff or food spills...and the man cave, which is where it'll go, gets used a lot. Some of that stuff is very old....



Well, off to work on joining some more squares for my Friendship ghan:hook



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So what types of places do you guys camp, private campgrounds or public ? I grew up going camping. I think my mom said I was a baby the first time I sent, and we camped all through my years at home.

In the summer, we'd buy a season's pass and stay at a local private park during summer break,coming home once a week to get the mail,do laundry and mow the yard .

We went swimming, fishing ,etc ... cooked out on the fire all the time ,and they had a "meeting room" type place off the store where they'd have dinners, parties, etc for the campers. It was lots of fun .


We tried taking our kids ,but waited too late to take them -- they were all in the "tween years " when we took them and they HATED it . complained nonstop about the bugs, the sleeping quarters, the dirt , the boredom, etc .


We finally gave up and stopped going. It was easier than listening to them gripe .


NOW , we actually need a trailer -- we had one back then but sold it . We did get a tent maybe a few years ago ,and went several times by ourselves, but the last couple times, it poured rain and didnt go well ,so we kinda gave up on it . We are a little too old and rickety to sleep in a tent now,so we'd need a trailer. We have talked of getting one, but that's as far as it gets.


Hope you enjoy it -- I always loved going . Brings back lots of good times .

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Oooh Jude !

New furniture ! I know what you mean-- you really do need an update once in awhile, even is it's nothing big, just anything to add some new color or new life to the place .


Let us know what you decide on and what colors you choose .

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Hi, gang! I'm back from running around. First I went to the bank and put money in and took money out. :lol Then to breakfast at a little hole in the wall place. Yum!!! Then to a thrift shop where I got an assortment of goodies. Next was HL for some quilt things. Then Good Will where I found a nice jacket and a pair of comfy shoes. Then to lunch at Golden Corral. Then filled up the gas tank on the car. Ouch! And last went to CVS Pharmacy and got some things, mostly for John and Kim. Also dropped off some prescriptions there. Now I'm home and ready to relax.


Julie - My mom turned 85 on the 20th. She lives right next door to my brother, Gary. His body shop is slightly behind her trailer and his daughter and her family live a little farther away of the opposite side of mom from Gary's house. Mom has one of the medic alert buttons that she wears around her neck so they can call Gary if she needs help and can't get to the phone. If they can't reach him the paramedics come.


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Hello everyone,


My dad put my air conditioners in and we covered my bike just in time for the rain ;) Then we sat a couple minutes and went out for an early dinner. Went to Home Depot and got stuff to pot my herbs I got a couple weeks ago...they really needed to be done, and I know nothing about planting :lol Now I'm all set :) Just sitting around for the rest of the night relaxing so will work on my octagons ;)


I hope everyone had a great day!!

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It sounds like we've all been busy!


The furniture place we went to this morning is having a sale through Memorial Day, so we'll think about what we want, if we should get it all at once, etc... The saleslady we spoke with was very nice and non-pushy, so we took her business card...:)


Back to the Friendship ghan....

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That's good - it sounds like your mom has plenty of people close if she needs help, plus the medic-alert ,so she will be able to get help quickly if ever needed .


It sounds like you had an enjoyable day today . I like days like that when you can stop here and there, whatever strikes your fancy . And I LOVE the little hole in the wall type diners--- they are becoming rare anymore .




Marisa- I'm glad your family came to spend time and help you get a couple things done. Have a nice evening !




Jude- sounds like your shopping trip was productive. At least you saw some items that may be future picks .Now you have some time to think them over and see which ones you may want at a later date .

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Julie, we haven't camped in several years, but I grew up camping. When we were first married, camping was pretty much the only type of vacation we could afford, and we went in a tent, which was totally new to me. Later we bought a pop up camper and took our dks camping. We started them camping when they were babies. We live close to Lake Michigan and there are a lot of really nice state parks along the lake. Lake Michigan has gorgeous beaches. This camper is the height of luxury to me...it has a bathroom with a shower), stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, and air conditioning.


I'm still not feeling all the way well, so I'm going to say good night and go to bed.

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Working on pink & white RR using Bernat Softee Baby. Should be done by Photo Friday. Spent some time @ DD while she worked in garden. I cant plant and stuff but I did repair the tomato cages. That is a sit-down job that I can handle. Everything up and growing except the carrots. Not sure what happened to them, but she replanted. Looks like we will be canning/freezing/drying veggies again this fall.

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HI everyone!

Got out of work at 6:15, then met DH for dinner out- nothing fancy- just a diner- but hey, it beat coming home and having to cook!!!!


Marisa- sounds like you had a nice day- and Yay for the AC's being in and the motorcycle back home with you- and yes, it is now raining here.


Julie- glad that Cam came for a visit today! And I like HDC's- that is what I did with my flannel'ghan- Good luck with the "new" ripple ghan!


Linda- Glad to hear that your mother is ok! I love going to "hole in the wall" places to eat- they often have the best food!!


Judy- New furniture is always fun! When my DD got married and bought her house, she asked for my couch and loveseat I had in my family room which was about 5 years old- DH agreed it was ok to give it to them and I got to buy a new couch and I opted to buy a chair and a half with an ottomon- my favorite place in the house- it is where I watch tv, crochet and use my laptop!


Cindy- How fun to get a trailer. My brother bought a trailer about 4 years ago- they keep it a campground that is open from April-October- It's like a home away from home for my sister-in-law since she is a teacher and has summers off! My niece is now too old to go (not cool- and wants to be with her friends) My nephew is graduating from HS in June but he will work at the campground this summer. I try and get up there every summer for a long weekend- It is in the Berkshire Mountains in CT- and is a lovely spot!


Sheila- hope your cleaning today went well. Do you want to come clean my house? It will need it by the time I can get to it----next weekend! LOL


Tab- Good night- and sweet dreams


I'm going to try and crochet for about a half hour b/4 calling it a night - I have to be back at work tomorrow at 8!

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I ended up staying up to watch the "Subway Series" (Yankees vs Mets)- the Yankees lost tonight, but won last night- so series is tied. I made another potholder as I watched the game.


At least now I don't feel like all I've been doing is working:lol


Night all!:hug

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Good evening Ladies,


Sounds like the housemates have had a busy weekend with lots of shopping, crocheting and fun activities going on. I had a lazy day. Since we are retired we usually do our shopping during the week, we know the weekends are usually busy with working people shopping. I did get some crocheting done. Working on my patchwork star round ripple. It is slow going, lots of color changes and mostly worked in fpdc and fptc. I have 18 rows of 56 done.


My plant seeds have sprouted, all except the chives. Don't know what happened to them. I have parsley, several kinds of basil (italian, lemon, Thai and opal), also some thyme. The corn (1st sister) is up, but it needs to be 4" high before I can plant the beans (2nd sister) so it will be a few more days. The flowers are cosmos, poppies, sunflowers and an assortment of wild flowers.


We always enjoyed camping too. Sometimes our work schedules didn't allow for us to get away so we would invite the grandkids over and pitch a tent in the back yard. The house was off limits except for the bathroom. The rest of the time had to be spent outside or in the tent. We always enjoyed it, think the kids did too.


Well, I am off to do some more hooking. Will check in tomorrow. Good nite all.

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Good morning everyone!


Getting ready to go to work but wanted to stop in for a quick hello and to wish everyone a nice day.


It's a gray cloudy, rainy day here now, so that makes it a bit easier to head into work.


Cya later!

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Good morning housemates :coffee


It was pouring when I woke up, but has subsided for now. Not sure what today's agenda holds, but my parents will probably want to head out by lunchtime so will leave most of the day for myself. I need to do some laundry and a little bit of cleaning.


I hope everyone has a great sunday!!!!

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Good morning everyone. It looks like it will be a nice day here, but its supposed to be hot, and its already quite humid. We may have to turn the A/C on.


Wanda, sounds like you have quite a garden going. Looking forward to seeing your round ripple.


Joanne, have a good day at work..almost to the count down stretch!


Diane, my grandsons would consider you a cool grandma!


No big plans for today, church, naps, maybe a walk if its not too hot. And hopefully some crafting time.

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Good Morning House mates!

Like Joanne said, it's a dreary looking day here in New Jersey, but that's okay -


Cindy, I hope you feel well today and that you get to enjoy a relaxing day.:hug


I ended up staying up to watch the "Subway Series" (Yankees vs Mets)- the Yankees lost tonight, but won last night- so series is tied. I made another potholder as I watched the game.


At least now I don't feel like all I've been doing is working:lol


Night all!:hug

Yay for quick projects!Hubby was redoing the living room a bit, and I no longer have the floor lamp I always used...not sure how that's going to work out.

Poor Yankees...but I guess the Mets needed a boost of confidence....;)

Good evening Ladies,


Sounds like the housemates have had a busy weekend with lots of shopping, crocheting and fun activities going on. I had a lazy day. Since we are retired we usually do our shopping during the week, we know the weekends are usually busy with working people shopping. I did get some crocheting done. Working on my patchwork star round ripple. It is slow going, lots of color changes and mostly worked in fpdc and fptc. I have 18 rows of 56 done. Looking forward to seeing the RR!


My plant seeds have sprouted, all except the chives. Don't know what happened to them.

We have them growing wild in our lawn in the Spring!:D

I have parsley, several kinds of basil (italian, lemon, Thai and opal), also some thyme. The corn (1st sister) is up, but it needs to be 4" high before I can plant the beans (2nd sister) so it will be a few more days. The flowers are cosmos, poppies, sunflowers and an assortment of wild flowers.

Sounds liek it's going to be a wonderful garden!! I love wild flowers.:c9 The state plants something like that on the Parkway medians....

Good morning everyone!


Getting ready to go to work but wanted to stop in for a quick hello and to wish everyone a nice day.


It's a gray cloudy, rainy day here now, so that makes it a bit easier to head into work.


Cya later!

Have a great day! Almost time for a day off:hug


Good morning housemates :coffee


It was pouring when I woke up, but has subsided for now. Not sure what today's agenda holds, but my parents will probably want to head out by lunchtime so will leave most of the day for myself. I need to do some laundry and a little bit of cleaning.


I hope everyone has a great sunday!!!!

Have a good day.:hug

Judy- New furniture is always fun! When my DD got married and bought her house, she asked for my couch and loveseat I had in my family room which was about 5 years old- DH agreed it was ok to give it to them and I got to buy a new couch and I opted to buy a chair and a half with an ottomon- my favorite place in the house- it is where I watch tv, crochet and use my laptop!

I was trying to steer Phil in that direction, but with our big TV and fireplace taking up so much room, I'm not sure it'll work.

I'm still campaigning!:lol

Working on pink & white RR using Bernat Softee Baby. Should be done by Photo Friday. Spent some time @ DD while she worked in garden. I cant plant and stuff but I did repair the tomato cages. That is a sit-down job that I can handle. Everything up and growing except the carrots. Not sure what happened to them, but she replanted. Looks like we will be canning/freezing/drying veggies again this fall.
The RR sounds pretty!! Does DD have rabbits or groundhogs? Carrots are yummy for critters like that.
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Good Morning. I went to bed early and stayed in bed late. :D Now I am up, showerd, and dressed for church. :yes It is already hot outside so I may just stay in after church. The past 2 days my ankles have swelled while walking....first day I thought it was because of my flip flops, but yesterday I wore my good walking sneakers and still swelled. UGHH!!


I have been working on my monkey cocoon and am half way through the main sac part. :hook


I hope you all have a great day!! BBL. :manyheart

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