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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Marisa- You are not watching Flyers/Bruins? It is tied 3-3 in the 3rd period- what a stressful game!! LOL


What is halushki? I never heard of it!


Oh, and I love HOUSE too- seems like we have a lot in common with the sports thing- just that we root for different teams- - My brother lives in PA- about 20 mi north of PHilly- he is an Eagles, Phillies and most of all Villanova BB fan! He has season tix to the Villanova BB games- it is his alma-mater!


Cindy- looks like you and Marisa have a lot in common with the purse collection thing!!! Me, I like collecting shoes!!:lol:lol


Night all!

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Marisa- You are not watching Flyers/Bruins? It is tied 3-3 in the 3rd period- what a stressful game!! LOL


What is halushki? I never heard of it!


Oh, and I love HOUSE too- seems like we have a lot in common with the sports thing- just that we root for different teams- - My brother lives in PA- about 20 mi north of PHilly- he is an Eagles, Phillies and most of all Villanova BB fan! He has season tix to the Villanova BB games- it is his alma-mater!


Cindy- looks like you and Marisa have a lot in common with the purse collection thing!!! Me, I like collecting shoes!!:lol:lol


Night all!



I wish I was watching the Flyers game, but I don't get Versus so I can't :angry I searched through my tv guide 100 times and couldn't find it on another channel, which they usually do with the local stations. :angry


Halushki is a Polish dish and it's what you probably know as cabbage and noodles? Only it's not made with noodle traditionally, it's with potato dumplings :) So yummy, but so not good for you as it's loaded with butter! :eek I often root for Villanova since it's the closest, but have never been to a nova game.

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Hi there house mates sure is a lot of posts this evening to read. It was a very nice day today so I sat outside with grandson and he decided to spill the bubbles suds into the dirt then to put it in his bucket and make mud pies. Yucky Boy can a toddler get dirty fast. The air knocked him out so at nap time he went right to sleep and I went into the kitchen to start on the chili for dinner tonight. I also had a chance to work on my knitted baby blanket and picked a new crochet shawl to crochet. I'm also thinking about starting a filet project also but I haven't made up my mind on that yet. Answers To Julie questionaire:


1-Favorite thing to crochet

Shawls, small lapghan dishcloths, filet crochet, a bag here and there


2-Do you like to read,and if so, what types of books ?

I'm a reader, romance, Jane Austen's classics, suspense, mystery, books about weaving on various looms


3-What other crafts do you enjoy ?

Knitting, loom knitting, weaving on the inkle loom, weavette and other small hand held looms, jewelery, stamped cross stitch


4-How many siblings do you have ?

3 brothers, 1 sister


5-How many different states have you lived in ?

2 New York and New Jersey, sent some time in Conn also


6-What is your current state famous for ?

The Garden State - growth ( of what - tomatoes - LOL)


7-Favorite vacation spot ?

Taking a cruise


8-Do you collect anything ( not counting YARN ) ?



9-Favorite meal ?

I have to think about that


10-Favorite TV show OR movie ?

Ghost whisper, Medium, V, Criminal Minds etc.....


I guess that is it for me. :lol:lol

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Woohoo....go Flyers


I had to keep checking the score online!! I can't believe they pulled it off and I gotta hand it to them, the Flyers are good to rally a comeback.

Not happy about that- but since I like you I am happy for you!!


At least my Yankees are winning 7-4!!!!


And the haluski sounds delish!!

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Hi Cherria-

Can't wait to see some pics of your knitted blanket! So you have to think about your favorite food? Don't forget to let us know--:lol:lol:lol:lol


Oh, and Julie- How come your favorite food wasn't CAKE?????:lol

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Julie - it was fun answering the questionaire and reading everyone answer


Linda - I am so happy you like the afghan may it give you many hugs when you need it.


Iwani - your 63 sampler afghan is not only colorful but so pretty. Probably in the fall I'll work on mines.


Diane -I love how the blues in your RR go together so nicely. You did a great job on the feather and fan scraf I always wanted to try to knit that pattern but never got around to it. Your Citrus afghan look like it has been weaved on a weaving loom very pretty.


And to the house have a great night I'm in my PJ and I'm going to lay down and relax and watch some TV. Talk to you all tomorrow. :hug

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Okay ladies, wish me luck over the weekend...I'm going on a Yarn Crawl...8 shops to visit around the south Puget Sound area...gonna hit 6 of them on Saturday and maybe the last two on Sunday...have a passport and everything...


I'll give ya details later...


Have a good weekend.

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1-Favorite thing to crochet

Wearables, filet crochet, bags and purses. Also love to work with crochet cables...


2-Do you like to read,and if so, what types of books ?

I just got done reading "The Telling" by Beverly Lewis and will absolutely need to get more of her books. I love the Cat Who books by Lillian Jackson Braun, but love non fiction books and biographies and autobiographies...


3-What other crafts do you enjoy ?

sewing, knitting, rubber stamping to name a few


4-How many siblings do you have ?

I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers and 2 aunts that see themselves as my older sisters...


5-How many different states have you lived in ?

I have lived in 2 states only: California and Washington State, but have also lived in one other country: Germany


6-What is your current state famous for ?

Wastington is known as the Evergreen state...it is know for the following: Weyerhauer logging, Boeing aircraft, the Space Needle, Microsoft, Amazon.com, Starbucks, Mt. St. Helens, apples, the town of Forks because of it being featured in the Twilight Saga books, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana, Heart, Quincy Jones, Hillary Swank were all from Washington State. Bing Crosby was born here, as was Sugar Ray Leonard. I could be wrong, but the first female governor (of any state) was elected in the state of Washington back in the 70's: Dixie Lee Ray. Former Governor Gary Locke is a current Secretary under the Obama Administration. TV shows set in Washington are Gray's Anatomy, Frazier, Dark Angel...Northern Exposure was set in Alaska, but filmed in Roselyn, Washington...Twin Peaks was set in Washington and some of the scenes were filmed in Washington...Twilight Saga was set in Washington, but filmed in Oregon and Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Our pro teams are baseball Mariners (where A-Rod played with the team for several years) football Seahawks, soccer, the Sounders and we do have a female basketball team and a lacross team...


I'm starting to run a blank, so I'll stop for now...


7-Favorite vacation spot ?

at this point in time, my own home on Vashon Island


8-Do you collect anything ( not counting YARN ) ?

we collect too many things...I collect animals, (all kinds of non living pieces of art) we also have a collection of beer steins (nice ones from Germany) some Barbies...and way too much yarn and craft stuff...dvds, cds and so on.


9-Favorite meal ?

Fried Chicken and mashed potatoes is one, and steak is another


10-Favorite TV show OR movie ?

West Wing

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Gotta ask -what is halushki ???


Sounds like something they yell at the sled dogs up in Alaska to make them run .



I also LOVE purses. Don't care if I have any clothes or shoes, just purses .



I agree about the beach.Something about just sitting there and watching and listening to the water-- makes every problem you have seem so small .

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I LOVE Criminal Minds -- my favorite on the show is the blonde who wears the funny jewelry and clothes-- the computer lady .

We rarely watch it when it's on because we don't stay up that late, but I get the CD's of them and watch it .


Have you gotten to go on a cruise before ?


Your grandbaby making mudcakes reminds me of when cam was little -- he was maybe about 2 ,and we had a downpour of rain one day when he was here. when it stopped, me and him took our shoes off and went out stomping in mud puddles.

We really had fun that day .

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Marisa-- you don;t have to answer again about halushki -- I saw that you answered later -- it sounds interesting -something I have never heard of before !


Joanne- CAKE would be my favorite dessert, no doubt, but for a MEAL, I thought I'd make a little more of a MEAT-TYPE choice .



LeAnna- you are having more fun ! Going on a yarn crawl ? That's a new one too. You'll have to come in sometime and tell us about your latest ventures .


And you could be a tour guide for your state ! You got lots of things listed your state is famous for ! Good job !!!

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Howdy all -


Just a quick good morning to you all . Today is Cam AND my mom;s birthday so I will cal each of them soon . I can call my mom anytime now- they wake up real early like I do.


Cam, I will let sleep for a couple hours yet. don't want to wake them on their day off .


We will be going to the park today for his party. Not sure how long I'll be able to stay-- yesterday that wind blowing the pollen around gave me a pretty difficult breathing day,so I don't know how long I'll be able to be out in it today,but will at least go for a bit ,to watch him open his gifts.


His mom invited a truckload of kids, so it should be pretty ACTIVE with them all in one place !!!


Anyhow, on the crochet front- I am still working on the blooming brown ripple.. GEEZ LOUISE, I doubt I will EVER use brown again at this point. You work on it for HOURS and it is only an inch further along .


BUT... I'll keep at it and get it done ..


Please see next post about a NEW IDEA I HAVE .:D

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Hey ladies

How about if we play this new game : How Observant Are You ? :sher

Keep track of my posts all weekend long . Be very ALERT ,and take note of each post ,because there will be something (or more than one thing ) in each post I make that will possibly be odd ... different ... etc.

Just put a notepad beside your computer and see how many things you might spot that are unusual, different ,etc in my posts.

THEN on Sunday night, I will post a questionnaire in here . First one to PM me with the right answers is the winner !

What will you win ? The satisfaction of saying you won .:lol

Best prize I can give you right now ...

So,be alert . There were already some things in THIS post.

Did you NOTE THEM ?

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Good morning!:cake:birthday to Cam and Julie's Mom!


Got up late this morning (well, late for Me- probably early for the rest of the world:lol)


Anxiously awaiting posting of Julie's new idea!


LeAnna- A yarn crawl to 8 yarn shops sounds like lots of fun. Can't wait to hear all about it- enjoy!!!


OH, I see Julie just posted the new idea- let me go check it out!

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Ok, I think I noted the things in Julie's post that were different- but of course, once again no notepad near me. But I will make it a point to go get a notepad next time I sign on and keep it right here next to me!!


I'd better get hopping and get ready for my hair appointment! I'll BBL


Make it a wonderful Saturday!!!

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Good Morning JoAnn -


Hope you get your new hairdo looking spiffy this morning ! Get your pencil and paper out because each post this weekend, I will have items in them that will need to be taken note off, or you'll never remember them all.

Good luck ... you may just be the most observint in the group ,only time will tell !!!


*Thanks for wishing the Happy birthdays to my mom and Cam ~~

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We'll see about how observant I am ----and you are so right- without paper/pencil, my memory isn't worth much these days!! LOL


Gotta scoot or I'll end up being late- and I always insist on the first appt of the day so I don't have to wait around!!!



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Cindy- looks like you and Marisa have a lot in common with the purse collection thing!!! Me, I like collecting shoes!!:lol:lol


Night all!

Joanne, when I was in high school I worked in a shoe store and I had a big thing for shoes then. I still have quite a number of shoes, but it's nothing compared to my purses. I use all the purses, but I pretty much always rotate between the same 4 or 5 pairs of shoes. I probably should get rid of the rest of them.

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Good morning everyone. It looks like it will be a nice day here. I have to do some housework today, even though I'd rather be crocheting or gardening.


We are going to dinner with friends tonight and then they are coming here for dessert.


I haven't had any coffee yet, so I only remember half of what I read this morning.


Julie, happy birthday to Cam and your mom. Hope you can spend a little time at Cam's party without discomfort.


I forget who mentioned the "cat who" books, but I like them too. I'm busy listening to them in audip book form. The only one I really didn't like was the last one of the series. (The Cat Who had 60 Whiskers.)


Well, time to go back to Julie's posts and see if I can figure out the challenge.

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Good morning Cindy -

How are you today ?

Did you complete the pink afghan you were working on yet ?

I looked at your blog and saw the recipe for crockpot spaghetti sauce. It sure looked good !


I have a crockpot, but rarely use it . I don't know WHY, because they are handy gadgets, but I just don't .


I don't guess I need a crockpot for spaghettios ,but you could probably use it for them if you wanted to .

Hope you enjoy your day !

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