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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Well, we have been without wheels for a week now. DD has been our taxi a couple of times but I hate to bother her. Shop said it was a broken rocker arm. I hope that is all because it should be covered under warrenty. Had new motor put in about 2 years ago. Wish I could afford to just trade it off. Never will really trust it again. Anyhow.......


Finally got the 63 sampler afghan done and just in time. I think it is going to be a graduation gift for DBF's niece in Alabama.


That afghan is just beautiful. What a wonderful gift!


(and sorry about the car)

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Hey ladies

Since some of us know each other REALLY well,and others we might not know quite as well, I thought maybe we could try a little questionnaire so we get to know each other better . Please take a couple minutes to complete this survey -- maybe we will get to know each other a little better .


1-Favorite thing to crochet -baby blankets

2-Do you like to read,and if so, what types of books ? yes, mysteries, but not the ones full of violence

3-What other crafts do you enjoy ? where to start....sewing, knitting, embroidery, cross stitch, quilting, card making, jewelry making, gardening, and anything else that keeps me from having time to clean house.

4-How many siblings do you have ? 2 bothers, 1 sister (she's a size 4, even after having 6 kids, eats like a lumberjack, and I still love her!)

5-How many different states have you lived in ? I am Canadian, and the only state I've ever lived in is Michigan

6-What is your current state famous for ? poor economy at the moment

7-Favorite vacation spot ? Smokey Mountains

8-Do you collect anything ( not counting YARN ) ? snowmen, crochet patterns, 1940's and 50's Better Hoems and Gardens magazines

9-Favorite meal ? grilled chicken, big salad

10-Favorite TV show OR movie ? rarely watch tv or a movie


here are my answers

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Good morning Housemates! It's partly cloudy and partly sunny here today. What am I doing today? I'm not sure yet. What I SHOULD do is work on the quilt for mom. I'm more in the mood to work on my shawl. Maybe I'll rotate back and forth between them. I've been mostly cleaning and straightening this week, so don't have a lot to show, but I did take a picture of the start of my shawl so that will be my posting for Photo Friday.


That is going to be a beautiful shawl. I really like those colors.




Hello Housemates :clap


It's been a week since I posted. Sorry to be MIA but I went into a weird funk. Had myself a nice little pity party and then a real good talking to. Put on my big girl (really big girl, aka parachute panties :rofl) and told myself to get over it. Spent late last night reading a weeks worth of posts from y'all and realized that I was not the only one who had a MDMD (Mother's Day Melt Down) :hug and compared to some of the problems others here are going thru, mine are insignificant. I missed you all :manyheart


Here are the photos from last week.


Round ripple baby afghan in JoAnn's Sensation Boucle yarn


Scarf knitted in feather and fan, Herrshcners Mohair yarn.


I will post this week's picture next. :hook


Beautiful work. That round ripple is just gorgeous.

Sorry you had a bad week. Hope things are better now.

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Hello again,


The picture for this week is the completed Citrus Grove Nightmare. Put on your sunglasses it is bright! :yes


(Notice my tumbleweeds in the background) :D


Diane, that is not a nightmare by any means. I really like it.

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And now: Huge hugs to you ladies! :hug :hug :hug I just went down to get the paper and mail and found a box for me from Julie. I am bowled over by the afghan, cards and gifts. I shed tears of happiness. The afghan is absolutely beautiful. I've helped make these for others, but never been the recipient before. It is awesome to have such good friends. I will treasure it always and I feel so loved. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :hug :hug :hug I'll take a picture in a bit. Right now I'm just going to wrap up in it and enjoy it. :manyheart


Awww.......I'm so glad you were surprised!

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Cindy, so you're a Canadien...EH?:lol;)


Mary, it seems like we all love to make our ghans, don't we??



I'm with you, I'm not much of a Sci-Fi reader mbut I love Lost in space ... my favorite show when I was a kid ,and I STILL like it . I DO like watching Star Trek...the original and TNG.


How did you like Missouri and how long did you live there ? Except for feeling land-locked (no ocean) we liked it. I loved it, though. The people were so nice.


And wow, that Puerto Rico vacation sounds like it would have been beautiful !!! The water is all those shades of blue, isn't it ?

It was gorgeous, and our room faced the ocean, which was a 2 minute walk from the hotel. We could see the water over the tops of the palm trees.:c9

Here is a picture of the lovely afghan you ladies made me. I'm still just blown away by it. Also a picture of the other goodies that were in the box. And all the lovely cards that came with it are so heart-warming.

[ATTACH]/ATTACH] [ATTACH]20583[/ATTACH] The bag is the perfect size for carrying around my current thread project(s). There is a Crochet Lite hook, a set of circular knitting needles, sew in labels, 2 balls of cotton yarn, a puzzle book, "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, and "Shutter Island" by Dennis Lehane.


Again, thank you all so much. :hug :hug :hug I feel so overwhelmed by your love and generousity.

Everything looks great!! Enjoy...and everytime you need a "lift" just look at the littel gifts and remember we're here.:hug:manyheart

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Before I finish reading up on everyone's day, I am going to answer Julie's questionnaire:

1-Favorite thing to crochet - afghan

2-Do you like to read,and if so, what types of books ? Love to read! I like mysteries, medical mysteries, Jodi Piccoult, Patricia Cromwell, Crocheting stories, Knitting stories

3-What other crafts do you enjoy ? Crocheting is my only craft

4-How many siblings do you have ? 3- 1 sister two brothers And I have 3 daughters!!= the joy of my life!!

5-How many different states have you lived in ? 2- Florida when I was a rebellious young girl- at 19 moved down with my BF -crazy move! Rest of my life has been in NJ (except for the first 3 years of my life were in the Bronx, NY where I was born)

6-What is your current state famous for ? TAXES!!! (and of course, The Jersey Shore!!

7-Favorite vacation spot ? The Jersey Shore

8-Do you collect anything ( not counting YARN ) ? I have a Hummel collection that my mother started for me and then I got tons of them when she passed- they remind me of her!

9-Favorite meal ? Anything I don't have to cook!:lol

10-Favorite TV show OR movie ? Law and Order, Law and Order SVU, Biggest Loser, DWTS, Grey's Anatomy, Parenthood, and the YANKEE games, Giants games, Devils games

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Wow, Cindy

I never knew you were from Canada ! What part of Canada did you live in ? ( I don't know much about it other than it has provinces instead of states, right ? )

And they have several good writers from Canada !!! (and I THINK actors too,although I'm not up much on movies and actors )





Joanne- it looks like you love to read lots of different types of books ! I do too.... not too wild about romances or sci-fi,but like all the others .


Don't feel too bad about making a wrong move when you were a teenager --we are probably all guilty of that !


It's funny that most of you picked afghans as favorite thing to make, and also that most of you like to read,a large number like mysteries.....

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Good morning Housemates! It's partly cloudy and partly sunny here today. What am I doing today? I'm not sure yet. What I SHOULD do is work on the quilt for mom. I'm more in the mood to work on my shawl. Maybe I'll rotate back and forth between them. I've been mostly cleaning and straightening this week, so don't have a lot to show, but I did take a picture of the start of my shawl so that will be my posting for Photo Friday.


For Julie's questionaire:

1) My favorite things to crochet are prayer shawls and preemie afghans followed by quiltghans and round ripples.

2) I love to read. First choice is science fantasy/fiction, then mysteries, historical fiction, historical romances, westerns, and some scary stuff.

3) Other crafts include quilting, counted cross-stitch, embroidery, sewing clothes and other things for the home.

4) I have two younger brothers. Gary is 2 1/2 years younger and Michael is 5 years younger.

5) I've lived in 3 different states. I grew up in Iowa. Spent most of my adult life in Minnesota and the last 7 1/2 years here in Georgia.

6) Georgia is known for its peaches and pecans, the Atlanta Falcons, the Atlanta Braves, the Atlanta Aquarium, our international airport, and having part of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

7) My favorite vacation spot is a cabin in the woods on a lake.

8) I collect dragons, oriental statues, and oriental paintings. I also have several special liquor sets, saki sets, and oriental tea sets.

9) My favorite meal would have to be Chinese food starting with hot & sour soup;house fried rice; a main dish with shrimp, scallops, chicken and veggies in a brown sauce; and almond ice cream and a fortune cookie.

10) My all time favorite movie has to be 'The Sound of Music'. Favorite TV shows include Survivor, H***'s Kitchen, Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, and Project Runway.


Hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend. :manyheart


Very pretty. :cheer


Hello Housemates :clap


It's been a week since I posted. Sorry to be MIA but I went into a weird funk. Had myself a nice little pity party and then a real good talking to. Put on my big girl (really big girl, aka parachute panties :rofl) and told myself to get over it. Spent late last night reading a weeks worth of posts from y'all and realized that I was not the only one who had a MDMD (Mother's Day Melt Down) :hug and compared to some of the problems others here are going thru, mine are insignificant. I missed you all :manyheart


Here are the photos from last week.


Round ripple baby afghan in JoAnn's Sensation Boucle yarn


Scarf knitted in feather and fan, Herrshcners Mohair yarn.


I will post this week's picture next. :hook


Beautiful! :cheer


Hello again,


The picture for this week is the completed Citrus Grove Nightmare. Put on your sunglasses it is bright! :yes


(Notice my tumbleweeds in the background) :D


Love, love, love it....:manyheart



How did you like Kansas ? What does it look like out there ? I picture fields of corn,and flat land .. I've never been there ,so just guessing .


I have a cousin who was stationed out there at the Air force base for several years. He recently retired and bought a houe out there. They love it .


Well, I only lived there for a month.....my experience stunk thanks to my drunken mother and her boyfriend......climbed out of windows preggo.....nice.


As far as how it looked I loved it....it was like pulling up to a movie.....small houses with rusted chevy trucks in the driveway. I would've loved living there if my mom lived here. :devil


Sheila- -

You certainly must have a houseful on Christmas don't you ?


I was reading your post wrong about your favorite food, I thought it said Chinese HOUSE MICE .


I was gonna say . GROSS !!!!!


And do you believe in ghosts since you like them shows ? I DO .


:rofl :rofl




Absolutely beautiful projects !!!


I'm sorry you also had a really crappy day this week . That's why I don't enjoy holidays -- makes normal ordinary problems that you try not to THINK about ,stick out like a sore thumb .


I think several of us may have some pretty sad family situations, so the best way to handle them is to move on .... we have to think of other things and not let them get us down . THEY WIN if we do that .


SO... I'm gonna keep you guys occupied so we don't have to dwell on things we have no control over and can't change .






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Sorry I have missing today, but it is spring clean up and boy did we have alot of junk. I think the boys have about 20 toys left. We figured if they don't play with them then get rid of them. :yes It is kinda sad because it means they are all growing beyond that age. :( Even Jaden had his few favorite toys (wrestlers & rings) and that is all he plays with.


Anywhoo, no worries.....no yarn went out. No way!! Just made room for more. :D:yarn:devil

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Hey Tab

Next time things get rough, me and you will go on a road trip in an old rusty truck and head for Kansas .

If it's so pretty , I wanna see it .


Does your mom still live there ? ( or was she the one crushed under Dorothy's house ?)


Sorry,couldn't resist.

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Anywhoo, no worries.....no yarn went out. No way!! Just made room for more. :D:yarn:devil

You'd better believe it!:yes:devil:cheer

DH needs me for something- I'll BBL to catch up on the rest of the posts and respond!!! Yankees in 1 hour Judy!!!

It's 7 PM now...time to plant myself in front of the TV!

Yup! And around here its not only Canadians that say "Eh", the Yoopers do too. (They are the Michiganders from the Upper Peninsula)

I love that! I watch Holmes on Homes (he's Canadian) and I love that EH:)

9-Favorite meal ? Anything I don't have to cook!:lol

We are sisters under the skin:lol:lol:lol
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Good Evening Ladies,


Got home from work not too long ago and had some fish with mac n cheese for dinner while I read through the posts. And just started pouring like crazy!!! I didn't even know it was supposed to rain today.


Julie - you're soo creative to keep coming up with little games to play :clap I think it's easy to lean on strangers here. Although we've come to be friends, we can all offer an objective opinion about situations since we're not directly involved with them :think


Tab - hopefully your day is calming down and you'll have time to relax :c9


Linda - your shawl is going to be gorgeous....I love the colors :yay Glad you like your gift!!!! :ghug Woohoo for packages :yay We are always here for you.


Mary - hope you were able to catch up today :cheer


Diane - sorry you've been having a hard time lately :( We're always here for you and can sit back and listen so you can clear your chest, or offer advice if needed :ghug WTG on your flowers and herbs. I love your blue rr :) And the citrus grove nightmare even turned out great :lol


OK, so here's my quiz.......


Oh boy, I hope I pass :think........



1-Favorite thing to crochet -I haven't been crocheting long enough to have a favorite item yet, but seem to be drawn to afghans and bags :D

2-Do you like to read,and if so, what types of books ? Yes, I enjoy reading all types of books - romance, thriller, drama, mystery. But, it has to grab me early!! My favorite author is Catherin Coulter

3-What other crafts do you enjoy ? I'm not very crafty :( However, I knit (slowly). I love puzzles, but don't know that they qualify (crosswords, sudoku, jigsaws, etc)

4-How many siblings do you have ? 1 older sister and 1 older brother.....yes, I'm the baby :eek

5-How many different states have you lived in ? 2...PA and NY (both upstate and long island)

6-What is your current state famous for ? PA is the Keystone State, not quite sure why :( So, it all depends what part of the state your in :eek The NE is the poconos (skiing and resorts, and where I was born and raised). The SE is where I am now in Philly, so there's alot of history with Ben Franklin and the Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross, Independence Hall and the Declaration of Independence....we have the Eagles, Phillies, Flyers, and 76ers.....cheesesteaks, soft pretzels, and water ice.....oooooo, and Will Smith :lol More centrally located is Hershey (self-explanitory). And the west side has Pittsburgh, known for it's steel production back in the day and more currently....Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins....Heinz ketchup :lol WOW! PA's been busy :eek:clap

7-Favorite vacation spot ? I'm not a big fan of the beach itself, but love to vacation there :think Weird I know! But, the environment is soo serene. I'm good just to hang out on the balcony overlooking the ocean and people watching :D Would love to go on a cruise, which I've never been yet.

8-Do you collect anything ( not counting YARN ) ? I am the 'bag lady'...always buying pocketbooks!!!! But don't really just collect things.

9-Favorite meal ? This is tough!!! I love halushki, eggs, and mac n cheese!! But NOT together. The one I could not give up is eggs....my breakfast of champions ;)

10-Favorite TV show OR movie ? I love House and most of the teeny bopper shows :lol they are just amusing, pointless, and require no train of thought!! :rofl Ooooo, and Fraggle Rock, you guys remember that show!!!! I bought the first season on DVD :yes And of course, sports :D But, I HATE to watch the news....it's sooo depressing!!!!! :eek


So there you have it....me in a nutshell :rofl


Phillies at 8 so need to go crawl into my PJ's and decide what to work on while I watch the game.

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I love that! I watch Holmes on Homes (he's Canadian) and I love that EH:)

We are sisters under the skin:lol:lol:lol

I thought the same thing when reading your answer about favorite meal!!:lol


And BTW I like Holmes on Homes too- can he come to my house?:)


Yankees winning- can they hold on?:yes

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Linda- I am so happy that you love the afghan!!! And Julie, thanks so much for putting this all together. I hope that whenever you look at or use the afghan that you will feel the love that went into it from each of us!!! You are a special lady- don't ever forget that!!!


Diane- Glad to see you back and all your photo friday pics are awesome- You are very talented- and I really like the way the Citrus Grove ghan came out!!!


Tab- WTG on purging the toys- isn't it a great feeling to have more room for yarn?:devil


Julie- I loved the idea of the questionnaire- it is a good way to learn things about our fellow house-mates- and in answer to your question- the BF I went down to Florida with I ended up marrying- he is the father of my daughters- and then I divorced after 18 years- I am now happily married for 8 1/2 years- will be 9 on 9/15. We got married 4 days after the infamous 9/11!


I can't possibly remember everything everyone said cause of course I'm sitting with the laptop on my lap- without pencil or paper- and I'm switching between the Yankees (winning) and Bruins/Flyers (tied)-


I really miss so much while I'm working all day - but it is so much fun to come home to my friends!!:hug


I'll see you all in the AM b/4 I go for my color the grays and haircut at 8!


Hugs to all of you- you all are very special and I love the comraderie we have here!

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